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Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

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21 minutes ago, RaRu Des2122 said:



Heh, the water dispenser gives out a bottle but does not want to give it directly into your hands - it gets stuck on the ceiling :D And the status bar looks somehow very uninformative because words are not displayed on it at all.

RC2, GZDoom 4.11.3.

I have the same two problems as you.

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Posted (edited)
On 3/16/2024 at 6:59 AM, Broadsword Jim said:

Great work.. Btw I tried playing it with Fullscreen Statusbar Mod, but it doesn't work as it should.


4 hours ago, RaRu Des2122 said:

the status bar looks somehow very uninformative because words are not displayed on it at all.


4 hours ago, Broadsword Jim said:

I have the same two problems as you.


this pwad includes a widescreen-capable stbar lump, which the Fullscreen Statusbar mod does not support (both in split and unsplit modes)



Load this additional pwad (it contains a cropped STBAR lump) after the mapset and before the hud mod


Edited by liPillON : attachment

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Playing with a slightly old version of DSDA Doom and there was some weirdness with the status bar stats: it would refresh and correct itself when I would pull up the menu, but every time I would change weapon or take damage, it left weird partial numbers behind. No clue what would cause this.


Can't wait to play this, it's a novel idea for a community project. I expect it to be quite time-intensive!

Screenshot (513).png

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2 minutes ago, MtPain27 said:

Playing with a slightly old version of DSDA Doom and there was some weirdness with the status bar stats: it would refresh and correct itself when I would pull up the menu, but every time I would change weapon or take damage, it left weird partial numbers behind. No clue what would cause this.


Can't wait to play this, it's a novel idea for a community project. I expect it to be quite time-intensive!

Screenshot (513).png


I've spent what some might consider to be an unreasonable amount of time attempting to diagnose this issue, and I've yet to find a satisfactory explanation. Updating dsda fixed it for me. 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, MtPain27 said:

Playing with a slightly old version of DSDA Doom and there was some weirdness with the status bar stats: it would refresh and correct itself when I would pull up the menu, but every time I would change weapon or take damage, it left weird partial numbers behind. No clue what would cause this.

Could you specify what version?

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I still think "A Tale of Doom Cities" would have been a better title. Congrats on the release, was fun to see you work on this a little bit.

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23 minutes ago, Egg Boy said:

I still think "A Tale of Doom Cities" would have been a better title. Congrats on the release, was fun to see you work on this a little bit.

That can be the inevitable sequel in a few years' time!

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Posted (edited)

I've reached Map 4 but I can't help expressing my state of mind right now: these maps are immensely fun! 


They combine what I like most in wads: urban settings and exploration. And my God, these maps are huge. Monster count is crazy but manageable.  ^^


Map 03: I fell in love with this one. There're a lot of things I like. The doomcute feels good, especially the vehicles. Some structures are original but still feel like they rightly belong there, the cemetery and the Fort in particular. Also "Waffle Town" reminds me of "Doxylamine Moon" map from Sacrament: huge city, lots of details and even a similar sidequest to find a dozen of Skulls to unlock a secret. Kudos. 


Map 04: that's where I am. The first thing that struck me is how the beginning reminded me of a souped-up version of Doom City by late Shamus Young. Really the scale of "CBM City" gives me a pause. I like it very much. 

Edited by CrocMagnum

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15 hours ago, DeafPixel said:

Hey, congratulations on the release!
Played through episode 1 on UV (on RC1) and have some criticisms. Some of this could be due to fatigue from playing it in one sitting, but I still think its worth it to air my concerns.
It seems most visual bugs I encountered have already been mentioned by others, so ill focus on things that frustrated me gameplay-wise (I don't have any complaints with the visuals anyway)

1-I consistently missed the SSG on every map I played. In every case, they weren't particularly hidden, but the mere fact they were missable and not extremely obvious gave me a lot of easily avoidable trouble. Map02 had the SSG visible and in a central location from the start, and i think the other maps should have done this as well. (For Map01, you could either just force me to lower the platform with the SSG on it or make the SSG visible before you lower it.) I think this would be extremely easy to fix, and would improve the map experience a lot

2-Every map was non-linear to a fault. I don't know if this was an intentional design goal, but regardless, I would have appreciated more variety in objectives. So far, every single map has had the exact same structure: Wander around for keys so you can unlock the exit door which requires all 3/6 keys. Map03 and Map05 change this slightly by allowing you to skip some keys, but not enough to feel unique. I think that adding more colored doors and signposting for what direction to go in would help alleviate the monotony and give a better sense of flow. This is definitely harder than my first critique, but I think it would go a long way.

3-Related to my previous two points, i often ended up with lots of ammo for weapons I didn't have yet. I think that addressing point 2 would go a long way to solve this issue, as I also found it common to miss weapons such as the plasma gun or rocket launcher, even when there were multiple in a level. This is more personal, but im still mentioning it.

4-This is a minor nitpick, but I found the turret enemies (mainly on map05) extremely obnoxious. The revs and chaingunners don't provide much threat, but they have insane coverage and sightlines that mean they can easily chip away at your health. It feels like a chore to clean them up. Also, the chaingunners here are particularly obnoxious. It is extremely hard to see them, and extremely easy for them to get cheap hits on you.

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Thanks for the criticisms, these are things I will keep in mind when designing nonlinear maps in the future, maybe experiment more with the structure a little bit, and I find it important that the maps as a whole ensure that you will have a good time whatever route you take.

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Another update post. Secret map of E2 to secret exit in E3!


M32: Yeah, it's a meme map. Abused the hell out of rewind. I get it, you gotta have one in here.

M09: Not a huge fan of this one, I felt like it was too open (at least on HNTR) and a wee bit confusing, kinda giving off Eternal Doom vibes not really in a good way, silent teleporters are used but the manner in which they're used vary and can be a bit confusing. 

M10: Amazing, actually one of the best maps I've played in a long time. Perfect balance of exploration and action, rewarding travel, clear pathways and feels climatic to be the end of the episode. 

M11: More of a town than a city, and it is a flesh-cutter to get your arsenal but once that's settled it's not too bad. Nice opener.

M12: Another smaller map, this actually feels very traditional and right at home with some classical 90s megawads. No complaints here, nice and simple.

M13: Longest clear of the set BY FAR, took me nearly 49 minutes to get secret exit, I feel like the main "give" to that part of the map isn't telegraphed quite well enough, I had to wander around looking for a prior secret involving a raising floor that I just guessed would raise off years of Doom intuition upon hitting all 3 keyed switches. Amazing otherwise, up there with M10 as one of my favorites so far, everything about it just oozes atmosphere and the encounters are SUPER MEAN, especially that archvile ambush! Not to mention there's just Cybs roaming around like it's nothing in some of these traps. I can't help but be reminded of the later bit of Scythe 2 with this slaughter, but perhaps a bit souped up. 


Will keep playing and updating. I had a good night last night. 

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Oh, word? We in RC2? I’ll spoil myself by playing the first 5 maps then I wait for this to go on idgames. I was looking forward to this since the start of the year.

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Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, bioshockfan90 said:

M13: Longest clear of the set BY FAR, took me nearly 49 minutes to get secret exit, I feel like the main "give" to that part of the map isn't telegraphed quite well enough, I had to wander around looking for a prior secret involving a raising floor that I just guessed would raise off years of Doom intuition upon hitting all 3 keyed switches. Amazing otherwise, up there with M10 as one of my favorites so far, everything about it just oozes atmosphere and the encounters are SUPER MEAN, especially that archvile ambush! Not to mention there's just Cybs roaming around like it's nothing in some of these traps. I can't help but be reminded of the later bit of Scythe 2 with this slaughter, but perhaps a bit souped up. 


Will keep playing and updating. I had a good night last night. 

Thanks for the feedback! Probably the grandest thing I’ve made thus far. I’ll be sure to telegraph the intent of the secret exit a little more clearly in my next update.

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Back for more.


M33: No complaints here, just would like it if the switch animations worked and the RK switch was more easily conveyed. No problems here otherwise.

M14: Classical feeling coming from this, almost TNT-y in nature. No complaints, a bit on the simpler side but a nice breather before the finale of E3.

M15: I find it incredible that the mapper for this designed the Cyber turret in such a way that no matter where you are, he has line of sight on you. It made me curse, but it's a great closer and a series of miniature brutal setpieces. 

M16: I like this a lot, I haven't brought it up yet but the animated skies and the MIDIs have been great. My only complaint for lower difficulties would be more plasma ammo in the final arena with the teleporters, I had to rewind abuse to make it past the last barrage of Archies with only 1 BFG shot left. 

M17: Another legendary map in this set, this encapsulates what I love about this project is that you can make it feel like Doomguy's a foreigner and just stumbling upon these remnants of civilization overrun by the undead and evil. Truly a ziggurat feeling out of this map, there's so much you can do here and it's incredible how frenetic the gameplay conveys this sense of hopelessly running around turf that's not your own at first as you slowly gather weapons, make yourself familiar with the territory, and slowly feel confident enough to overturn the hierarchy. I have some balancing issues on HNTR though. I could go with maybe some more armor, tiny bit more shells (or shell boxes) and maybe a bit more plasma in the red key arena, but otherwise it's appropriately hard.

M18: Simplest map of the set so far, feels like a speedmap. But in a good way y'know like I need a break map every episode and this was just fun bullshitting around in, would be great for speedrunning and not too hard to max. Secret exit is fine to obtain, it's very simple and fits the map well.


More next time.

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Got a few visual and texture issues to deal with in MAP33, so also the missing flats are a known issue. It was a whole thing and it seems we still missed a few. I'll work that out later this week in a new update.

4 hours ago, bioshockfan90 said:

M33: No complaints here, just would like it if the switch animations worked and the RK switch was more easily conveyed. No problems here otherwise.

That's now two calls for progression at that point being easy to miss. I'll adjust that, as well.

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Among other monsters and objects that should appear on MAP02 during the passage, I saw mancubi and archviles but for some reason they die off-screen, not appearing in the playing zones in any form.


I wonder where exactly they were thinking of appearing of them?

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27 minutes ago, RaRu Des2122 said:



Among other monsters and objects that should appear on MAP02 during the passage, I saw mancubi and archviles but for some reason they die off-screen, not appearing in the playing zones in any form.


I wonder where exactly they were thinking of appearing of them?



There's an optional "extra hard mode" in map 02 hidden in a secret. If the player activates it, these monsters will appear in various places in the map.


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With people going through the wad and reaching the bigger maps, I just want to reiterate that if anyone happens to have performance issues, using DSDA is recommended for this wad. Additionally, if you have performance problems with Software Mode, it's recommended to switch over to OpenGL.


Have fun everyone :)

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Hey guys hey - the timing was right that I got to visit @LVENdead and play one of these cool maps


Hard emphasis on the one of this due to time constraints


Project looks cool - this map in particular was filled with eye candy to keep ya simulated - LVENdead you designed the heck out of this one - the city landscape really brings home the feel of being in a bright and colourful futuristic city - with lots to explore and fights to keep ya entertained - this was a legit thrill . That night club part if top notch I wish I could legit go there and lounge about 


Good times!



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Screenshots! Credit goes to the mappers in order - MAP13, MAP10, MAP17, MAP22. These have been the most visually outstanding and I wanted to do a little bit of screenshot-ography.

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Nice concept! I've been looking for mapsets that are both big and set in a more "realistic" environment and this just fits the bill perfectly. Although I have to ask one thing, is there a way to start the second map without being launched? I played this with Hideous Destructor and after spending an hour to complete the first map I then get launched off a window and splatter on the ground. It was really fun to play this with HD though, I hope that the other maps feature an interior for the buildings

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I am freaking loving this wad so far. Got to map 21 this morning, and so far, map 10 by @muumi is hands down my fav in this set of maps. Been doing it live on stream over on my Kick channel, so, if anyone wants to watch the VOD's of it, you are more than welcome to. 

P.S.: I need that map 19 so freaking bad.

P.S.S: Wouldn't it be awesome to see a sequel to this, but with a much more Eviternity 2-esque vibe to it, like have bosses at the end of each episode, while keeping the secret exit in each episode?

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2 hours ago, Karl515 said:

is there a way to start the second map without being launched?


No, there isn't. I didn't think this map would be played with fall damage enabled, whoops. So I'd recommend to just cheat by using "fly" in the console (assuming you're using GZ) or to just turn off fall damage.

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Hello, everyone! Another bump to announce that RC3 is now available in the OP. We squashed a lot of bugs and made a lot of balance changes thanks to all of the people in this thread and those who have been streaming/uploading videos. 

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Hey @myolden, I haven't touched this yet but I'm very interested in it. Could you please tell me when you think the wad will be ready for an idgames upload? Thanks.

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21 minutes ago, DreadWanderer said:

Hey @myolden, I haven't touched this yet but I'm very interested in it. Could you please tell me when you think the wad will be ready for an idgames upload? Thanks.


Right now we're waiting for the map 19 replacement, which should be done sometime in the next 2 weeks or so (possibly sooner). After that gets tested and implemented we'll move to an idgames release shortly after.

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