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4 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Hi! Is this an episode-length mapset?

There's 9 maps, a first playthrough should take roughly 30 minutes at a guess

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Posted (edited)

Enjoying it so far! But the blue dudes are beyond insane. So far, I've cheesed every one of them by getting them stuck on walls and backing away


to shoot them on their magenta frames.

I just don't have the reaction speed required, I doubt some others will either,


so it's especially punishing and annoying that they become regular enemies so soon.

At the VERY least, I seriously suggest either reducing their charge speed a bit, or


making the frames where you can damage them last slightly longer.

I'll revisit this later, but at the moment I gave up at the part where you have to fight 2 of them at once at the same time as a bunch of the weaker enemies.

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I finished it, it was very fun!


I like the universe and the artistic direction, as well as the music which is very cool.


But sometimes I found the difficulty a little too uneven. For example


in E2M2 (I think) where you have waves of enemies spawning, but the space is very tight and sometimes there are a lot of projectiles coming at you, and going further into the fight requires some luck, which frustrated me a little bit.


I also liked the parcour parts.


Good job!

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holy crap this is amazing. You, my friend are very talented but I will admit sometimes there was areas where I had zero time to react.







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Buckle your seatbelts boys, we're playing a yet another masterpiece by The Final Event

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Mostly seemed pretty good, although having what appears to be one weapon really got tiresome after a while. It's really the only serious complaint I have though.




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11 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

having what appears to be one weapon really got tiresome after a while

The next weapon is introduced in the second map, although I will concede that it could have been placed earlier into that map in retrospect

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Full playthru link below.


main takeaways:

-the reload not being manual was really quite annoying, but i understand if thats just part of your gameplay loop.

-the little green dudes are really uninspiring enemies. they arent terrible, but it feels like thats the only enemy for a while, and it would be nice to have some more variation there

-the healing mechanic makes fights way more trivial. maybe green dudes should give less health and big dudes should reward more. 


thats about it. the simple geometry in the maps is very effective. I played with a weird color palette for most of it but it looked cool anyway



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