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Worst official level?

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i've not played much classic doom (it's only 1, 2, tnt and plutonia) but i can confidently say that most of the master levels and tnt's campaign are up there

for the master levels it's because they're too complicated for their own good, meanwhile tnt is just boring. the levels are big and empty

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For DOOM 1, honestly, I really dislike Mt. Erebus. The level looks poor, the rooms and monster encounters are all haphazardly thrown together and the level's just really, annoyingly convoluted. Unholy Cathedral and Limbo are similarly poor, but at least the structure feels coherent in both.


For DOOM 2, a large portion of the levels just blend together for me. I get that I'm contradicting myself here, but I do have somewhat of a soft spot for Downtown & Industrial Zone. MAP12: The Factory, on the other hand, doesn't feel right. I struggle to see where the factory element comes into play, and the level's just a weird hodge-podge of monsters and null space.


For TNT: Evilution, I have to concur with everyone on MAP22: Habitat. Didn't really enjoy Administration Centre or Mill either, but they at least have their moments, and act like levels moreso than just...whatever Habitat is.


For The Plutonia Experiment, I really didn't have much fun with MAP15: The Twilight. You just spend too much of the level trying to avoid hitscan attacks in places where you're unable to effectively counterattack, and are forced into a handful of tiny corridors beyond the almost comedic definition of secrets included. The two hidden Archviles are an interesting gimmick, but make moving through the central hub a chore.


For what it's worth, I'm also slowly working through Maximum DOOM for reasons unknown to either the greatest minds in existence, the combined understanding of every possible deity, or myself, and ambush.wad really affirms the reputation it has. You have a bunch of close-quarter encounters with enemies that are both too numerous and too strong to deal with, especially considering that you don't even get a rocket launcher. Try fighting ~10 Barons of Hell with a chaingun!

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You know Master Levels has fallen below Habitat tier (likely due to certain popular youtubers slagging it) when even Maximum Doom gets a mention over it

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3 hours ago, Devalaous said:

You know Master Levels has fallen below Habitat tier (likely due to certain popular youtubers slagging it) when even Maximum Doom gets a mention over it

In hindsight, Chris Klie really didn't know what he was doing, his levels are, at best, boring, at worst, down right offensive to good taste, and it doesn't help that every wad is completely mangled in order, anyway. It's really best to avoid his work.


John Anderson, Jim Flynn and Sverre Kvernmo, on the other hand, at least tried to make something good, so I can at least recommend people try their work.

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I'd disagree there, Klie had a knack for devious tricks and traps in bitesize levels. BF Thud is full of small confounding levels, and he often thought outside the box, his extensive Master Level output showcased a lot of this. He certainly had more creativity and passion than Willits, who tended to get his sister to help out his 'better' levels, then not credit her for it. I used to dislike the Klie portion of the Master Levels, but these days I enjoy them as appetisers for the larger ones by the rest of the ML crew. The only misgiving I have is Garrison for 'that one key'

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Chris Klie's Master Levels are actually some of my favorites of the bunch. He was one of the first mappers to work within self-imposed constraints, as his PC at the time wasn't good enough to deal with bigger maps so he tended to make them smaller but more compactly interesting.


The only ML map I just outright hate is Jim Flynn's "Trapped on Titan." Even Kvernmo's "Bad Dream" is acceptable as a pure puzzle map.

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18 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

I'd disagree there, Klie had a knack for devious tricks and traps in bitesize levels.

Interesting, I never quite thought about his work like that. I played all 12 of his maps made for the Master Levels some time earlier this year and I wasn't really all that engaged in them, overall, there was always something that made me question his maps or set pieces or design.


I'm currently going through all the other Master Levels in my custom made WAD, and once I'm done with Cabal I'll play through Klie's content again, maybe my opinion will change knowing what you said, and having seen the other, perhaps more commemorated work.


24 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

He certainly had more creativity and passion than Willits, who tended to get his sister to help out his 'better' levels, then not credit her for it.

That's true, though I won't talk much about him or his work, much, I just credit Chasar for actually making his work more acceptable.


3 minutes ago, june gloom said:

Chris Klie's Master Levels are actually some of my favorites of the bunch. He was one of the first mappers to work within self-imposed constraints, as his PC at the time wasn't good enough to deal with bigger maps so he tended to make them smaller but more compactly interesting.

That is a fun tidbit of information, I may just take that into account in my next playthrough.


4 minutes ago, june gloom said:

The only ML map I just outright hate is Jim Flynn's "Trapped on Titan." Even Kvernmo's "Bad Dream" is acceptable as a pure puzzle map.

I'm liking almost all of Kvernmo's Cabal as of yet. And I did enjoy Flynn's Titan series, not he least of which because it is more of an experience, I hated most of the time that I spent on them... and yet, after I finished them, I felt much better, I felt I'd changed as a player, it was, as it were, a somewhat transformative experience, kinda like that game "Getting Over It", it is very frustrating, but finishing it gave a good sense of accomplishment


For reference, this is the custom Master Levels WAD that I put together and am currently playing. Being mostly derived by the work of @JPL, in his "Works of the Masters".





Also the improved musical selection.




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I will admit though that the worst Master Level is Klie's: Subspace is the weakest of the lot, and I would have rejected it and accepted The Fury in its place if I was in id's place.

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Subspace is a weird one, but I appreciate its clean aesthetic. I only wish it had more height variation.

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On 4/20/2024 at 4:39 PM, ᒐack102 said:

Still need to beat that level, I'm trying to be episode on UV, but I might switch to HMP to get there quicker.

Episode 4 really isn't a gem IMO, but I understand it's sort of a necessary thing to beat all the episodes. But seriously, if you thought E3M8 was underwhelming, E4M8 is just as underwhelming, if not more. E4M6 though... now there's a level you can set your watch to!

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The console exclusive E4 levels make up for Unto the Cruel and Unruly Evil being disappointments in my view. Threshold of Pain felt like a really good ending for the first part of Doom, and I was stunned when I found out it not only didn't exist at all on PC, but that Unto the Cruel was the actual finale, just missing a spiderdemon on console. E4M8's most fun at the beginning, and only if your a continuous player, The sheer amount of gibbing you can do there has always made me smile.

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Posted (edited)

(Edited) There are a very small amount of bad levels in doom, 1 but, (IMO) the worst level is "slough of despair". I HATE THIS funky LEVEL. Its genuine manure.

You just get out of another flippin' bad level and than, you get to this. I guess Sandy Peterson ate to many greens and decided to make the level shaped like a hand... and also make it A flippin' MAZE. sure you could say that other levels were also A LITTLE BIT maze like, a little bit. But this level, OH THIS freakin' LEVEL IS A REAL suckin' MAZE. In other doom levels, when there was a maze, it was usually a small section in the level, BUT IN THIS LEVEL. They don't care. They made the whole funken level a maze. GOsh! This level is the reason i never play Episode 3. 


Edited by iamtheultraidiot1 : I needed to remove some things.

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10 hours ago, Devalaous said:

You know Master Levels has fallen below Habitat tier (likely due to certain popular youtubers slagging it) when even Maximum Doom gets a mention over it

Admittedly, it's just because i haven't properly played through the Master Levels yet. I haven't finshed Plutonia either, but I feel a little more confident in commenting on that when 25 levels (plus Cyberden/Go 2 It) in than I do when having beaten nothing but Attack and Canyon.

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38 minutes ago, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,

I love this.

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53 minutes ago, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,

I signed in just to like this post. I rarely sign in.

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1 hour ago, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,

In the absence of a functioning screenshot I'm choosing to believe that this is actually about the Suburbs remake for the Quake 1 mod Your Path of Destruction.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,


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2 hours ago, Plerb said:

Funny bible

Funny did laugh

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Posted (edited)

I'd probably like E1M6 and E3M6 a lot more if it weren't for that damn repetitive music (I'm so sorry, @plums, “Kitchen Ace” sounds like the main chorus of Tim Maia's "Não Quero Dinheiro" playing on a loop). I don't know if the same goes for E1M9: the music is repetitive, but so is the map. E1M4 map smells and tastes like filler to me, sorry.



As far as Doom 2 is concerned, I don't have any maps that I hate. The problem, in my case, is that there are few maps to love. It is, as we would say here in Brazil, a "university restaurant food". It's OK, but there's something missing. It doesn't have the affection of grandma's food.

I'd have to play TNT and Plutonia again to remember which maps I don't like, but I can't think of any that I find horrible (except maybe the one with the giant corridors that I've forgotten the name of, from TNT).


EDIT: I don’t like E2M3. Not even nostalgia can save it.

Edited by The Royal We

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,

Also WTF.

Sandy doesn't do drugs.
I do.
Just kidding.


Is this a... what day is this?

Edited by The Royal We

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42 minutes ago, The Royal We said:

Is this a... what day is this?

420 Fool's.



My post was a parody of some of the more agressive rants towards some IWAD maps in this thread.


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4 hours ago, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,

Jesus fuck.

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On 4/22/2024 at 11:22 AM, Devalaous said:

I'd disagree there, Klie had a knack for devious tricks and traps in bitesize levels. BF Thud is full of small confounding levels, and he often thought outside the box, his extensive Master Level output showcased a lot of this. He certainly had more creativity and passion than Willits, who tended to get his sister to help out his 'better' levels, then not credit her for it. I used to dislike the Klie portion of the Master Levels, but these days I enjoy them as appetisers for the larger ones by the rest of the ML crew. The only misgiving I have is Garrison for 'that one key'

I'm glad to see there is some love for Klie's levels as I can appreciate his more experimental design tropes. They can be a little unorthodox at times, but there is some charm to them, and I do enjoy BF Thud, his Master Levels outtakes and the ones that made the cut. I feel nowadays he gets so much hate due to people taking everything MtPain27 says as the gospel and jumping on the bandwagon. I don't think Willits is a terrible mapper as I find his worst maps to be average at best while the only bad thing I can say about them is they have some rather questionable and annoying concepts. Jim Flynn's Master Levels submissions, getting past them being large and time consuming, I do enjoy both of them because I do like his architecture, attention to detail and texture selections, and while Sverre Kvernmo's maps are good for the most part, a couple of them get a hard pass for me, like Mephisto's Mausoleum which I find to be a roll of the dice in some parts, especially the ending, and as for The Express Elevator to Hell, the concept is okay, but this is another map where getting to the secret exit is luck based as it requires having the arch-viles to cooperate with you, which isn't always the case as they would try to light you on fire before you can get your position to be launched into the ledge to the secret exit which itself is very precise, and there's them resurrecting the enemies you killed, especially the baron.

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DOOM 2, The Chasm


Whenever I get to it, I'm always like "Okay, I'll leave it here for now, and continue at another time", but then I never return.

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Posted (edited)

One thing I've learned from the way people talk about certain stock maps -- and indeed the way they talk about pwads, both creating and playing them -- is that the community seems to have a fetish for nebulous concepts like "flow," continually preoccupied with, essentially, an arcade-style progression where you're never not moving and combat hits a certain regular tempo. (Combine this with the perpetual search for some alchemical formula of vanilla essence and you have much of where the community is at in the last decade or so.) I actually like Chasm -- as weird and idiosyncratic as it is -- in part because in a mapset that so often has emphasized player movement up to that point, Chasm pretty much forces you to stop and pay attention to your footing. But this is kind of anathema to what most people apparently play Doom for, and so the Chasm -- weird, ugly and admittedly kind of annoying if you're used to never having to watch where you step -- often gets held up as one of the worst stock levels, as if Gotcha! wasn't literally right there.

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On 4/22/2024 at 6:40 PM, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,

I feel like this is going to become infamous in the DOOM community

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