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Mad Man Brads UAC REVENGE!!!1

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Posted (edited)

This new WAD ive been working on is here!!!!!

Run in Zandronum or GZDoom only!
Run in Hardware renderer
6 Map WAD.
Custom Sprites (sorta)
and custom MIDI's
The Level design is fine, but very simple.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wa9JKDQ
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/c3t1um30oke612i/MADBRAD_1.2.zip/file


Edited by MisterLivers : CHICKEN SANDWICH IS COOL

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The file is version 1.1 because there was a glitch with the secrets if anyone wants to know!

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Brown and gray bricks are the predominant textures used. Huge maps that play fine, but are not very pleasing to look at. Item placement just seems to be scattered about at random. Poor monster variety (Low tier monsters, up to Cacodemon) makes every combat encounter the same. And no way to use switches other than to shoot them, which got old by the third map where I quit because I was bored.






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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback, now i do guess the shooting switch mechanic got a little old after a while, i just wanted a theme throughout the whole WAD, now with the textures, i do agree with you a little, but i think you mean the big empty areas, which i think look a little weird. but thanks for the feedback!

Edit; i forgot to talk about the combat, you said it felt the same which i also kinda agree with i just dont know how to place monsters down, and i guess i cant put weapons , ammo and health down correctly , but anyway thanks again for the feedback

Edited by MisterLivers

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Hmm, try to mix up combat encounters with monster closets, walls opening up when you cross a linedef, or monsters teleporting into areas. That could really spice it up. The latter is surprisingly simple to do, there are plenty of guides for it. You can also try to lower floors and make monsters pop up ahead of the player, or use monster closets behind the player to box them in.


I do think the maps are fine, just some polish to combat encounters I think can improve them a ton :)

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i did make a monster closet in map04, but yes i will try to do that in my latest wad that im working on at this very moment, im thinking of making it a sequel to this one LOL

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Not too bad mostly but I did notice two things.


Putting shootable switches in obscure locations that are mandatory for progression. It's one thing for John Romero to do that in Sigil but these maps aren't exactly puzzling enough to earn that.


Second is that as you make larger maps, be aware of how empty they may end up feeling, especially as the detailing isn't extensive enough to match. You don't have to fill every square inch with enemies, but it's just good practice to limit space at least when layouts start to sprawl around. 


Nevertheless, 02 was quite solid and even 4 was to some degree.




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