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Labyrinthus Early Access

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Posted (edited)

This is early access for my crappy WAD by the name of 'Labyrinthus' to show you at least a bit of my work. If it doesn't open for you, TOO BAD!

Post your thoughts via replying, and maybe I can keep note of it.

It doesn't have a 'TITLEPIC' nor an 'M_DOOM' graphic yet but I will work on that later.


Edited by Wantabe

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Hello! I try this WAD and you made 2 error (easy fix): the switch from Sector 111, linedefs 552 not work; you don't make an exit linedefs.  

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To be honest, there is no sentence nor word that can describe how thankful I am. The ENDOOM screen you gave me is probably the best ENDOOM screen I've seen yet. Once again, it is beyond appreciated that you'd do me such favour. With that being said, I can now add an M_DOOM screen along with a TITLEPIC screen. I do have megawads that have ENDOOM screens... but mine suck, so seeing stuff like this fills me so much joy and appreciation. If I said that all in real life I woulda had a stroke.

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