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Vogel im Käfig (Endoom mapping contest 2024 winner)

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Posted (edited)

This is a very beautiful, detailed and combat wad. I tested this map, so I ask each of you to go through the card and support our cute anime girl

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Is the name a reference to a song of the same name by hiroyuki sawano? (For attack on titan)


Looks hella cool btw

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1 minute ago, Yugiboy85 said:

Is the name a reference to a song of the same name by hiroyuki sawano? (For attack on titan)

Yes. It's a reference for AoT. If you'll play, be sure, you'll see more references ;)

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Nice. Well, ill be playing it when i come.back from weekend tomorrow 

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20 minutes ago, GermanPeter said:

Just wish I knew what the title translates to.

Title translates as "Bird in cage" from... German language :D

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Posted (edited)

Extremely detailed and realistic map, that felt a lot like a Shadow over Innsmouth or other horror-inspired towns.


The music and sound effects added greatly to the creepy atmosphere. Level architecture and texture work looks fantastic and really help

to nail the feel of a town overrun by evil.


Unfortunately, combat encounters often suffered where projectile-based monsters were used. Most of the time it was very easy to just cheese it

and hide behind the various trees, lamp posts, railings and whatnot. On the other hand this was also an issue when fighting hitscanners; you could get sniped from various directions without seeing where it came from. Add to that, my frames really tanking once I reached the town due to all the detailed environments.


I was confused about what to do towards the end, as the Cyberdemon bosses spawned in. I thought I should fight them at first, instead of running directly towards the exit. But once I figured out they were way too tanky, I worked it out.


All in all though, a very atmospheric and entertaining horror-themed map.


Only found one potential bug;




This gap in the railing is blocked by an invisible wall. Is it supposed to be like that?






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@Zesiir thanks for playing! Glad you're enjoyed my map.

Yes, about ending:



Cyberdemons in the end are not supossed to be killed, they are have 50000 hp and no counts in killcounter ;)


1 hour ago, Zesiir said:

Only found one potential bug;

Oh, really. Thanks for that. Fixed this, updated link in the first post

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Posted (edited)

I’m very proud of @ShiroiAkuma51 who is also known as Slavius [B0S]. He produced a truly fundamental work, thoroughfully creating it over the course of a month or even a month and a half. The level is so elaborative and stunning. Yes, there are few shortcomings, the gameplay is arguable, but nevertheless it's a real masterpiece.

Slavius [B0S] is now at the height of his creativity - he manages to release quite a lot of works, he participates in many community projects and contests and still he produces consistently high-grade results. Also he reaches top places in challeging with others. He is easily one of the strongest level designers right now. And not to mention the fact he's been creating levels for over ten years and still produces high quality ones. And yes, he is the champion of the Classic Group at the ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024. Nuff said!

So we're looking forward to uploaing the level to /idgames archive and reaching the well-deserved Cacoward-2024.

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The map is very realistic and nice. But I could not play it because of slowing down the PC. I have a Geforce GTX 1660 Super graphic card. Even then it was very hard to play.
Thank for the efforts making and sharing the map @ShiroiAkuma51

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, The_Eon_Star said:

The map is very realistic and nice. But I could not play it because of slowing down the PC. I have a Geforce GTX 1660 Super graphic card. Even then it was very hard to play.
Thank for the efforts making and sharing the map @ShiroiAkuma51


You may want to try limiting frame rate in GZDoom:


1. Run the level in GZDoom, and press the ` key to open the console. (The ` key is located above Tab on your keyboard).


2. Type vid_maxfps 60 and press Enter.  This will limit the game to 60 frames per second.


3. Press ` again to close the console.



If non-zero, vid_maxfps limits the frame rate to some arbitrary rate between 35 and 1000 FPS. Note that vid_maxfps 35 is not the same as cl_capfps 1: cl_capfps caps the frame rate by tying the video update directly to the game timer. With vid_maxfps 35, the video update and game timer are running on separate timers, and results will not be as good as with cl_capfps 1, which uses only one timer. You can use this in conjunction with vid_vsync to control whether or not the maximum frame rate is restricted to your monitor's refresh rate.


Alternatively, you can also set cl_capfps true in the console which might help your issue:



When true, the game is limited to 35 FPS, as it was originally in Doom. When false, the game frame rate will be as high as your machine is capable of (within the limits of vid_maxfps, if set). You can use this in conjunction with vid_vsync to control whether or not the maximum frame rate is restricted to your monitor's refresh rate.


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@The_Eon_Star Well, it's sad , that my map coudln't work properly on your PC. I'm sorry =(

What source port you used? I've got some issues with fps on my PC too on DSDA, but it worked very smooth on other tested source ports. Also testers never told me about some performance issues. Hope you'll be able to play =\

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Well done, Shiroi. It was great. I have to say that it was more than a map, it's like an adventure that ends like AAA game. Keep it up!

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Just finished it, that was super cool, amazingly creepy atmosphere and detailing. I think I only got noticeable frame drops in the red key area but other than that it was a very enjoyable experience, the ending setpiece was impressive and my favorite part was the hospital.



that Erika voiceclip in the starting forest caught me off guard haha


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Posted (edited)

@fefor Glad, that you're enjoyed itю Thanks for playing ^^



You found Erika! <Very good!> Great Detective proud of you :D


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Been playing it, I really love the atmosphere and detail, but the human sounds feel really repetitive and annoying and kind of takes away from the experience. I think using some different sounds or just sticking to the default zombie sounds would probably be better. 

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But they are sentient humans, not zombified, that's why they are speaking like this. But i can't argue - "found you!" voice line can be annoying :D But i don't think that i'll change that. Anyway, thanks for playing!

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Stellar mood piece with clever scripting and level design that makes it feel like you truly did just happen to miss a monster on your first pass through a room, or that all the noise you made inside of the building drew a crowd that intended to ambush you upon exit. Tons of little things to appreciate: the well-fitting sprite replacements, the doomcute everything (and bathrooms, always appreciated), graffiti, clotheslines, boarded up doors and windows... it comes together with such a unified vision. Pulls the rug out from under you at just the right time, too. Awesome job.


vik-maribo.zip - Casual UV Playthrough for the version dated 01.04.24, -dsademo format and will only play back in v0.27.5

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I don't have anything complex to say, just amazing. Feels like something out of a more-advanced Doom engine.

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