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Your weirdest "Doom running on..." videos?

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Task manager. Every time I think I've seen the weirdest possible port, the internet proves me wrong:


I've seen it on the terminal, on a smart fridge, in Minecraft, on a potato powered 1st gen Pi... and of course Doomception... next up I suppose someone's going to figure out how to run it on a volumetric display or as an actual hologram... give it another 20 years and people will be running it as a tattoo using app controlled nano-ink or something who knows...

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Posted (edited)

There's a big difference between "Doom runs on x" versus "I played Doom using x as a display" and I think a lot of these are getting a bit disingenuous with that distinction...like setting aside the fact that this is almost certainly fake (see post above) Doom isn't running in Task Manager...like Task Manager isn't processing the Doom game logic, it's just being used to output the game.  Same with Notepad, same with a lot of these.  It can still be impressive when it isn't fake but it also kind of undoes the original point of "Doom can be ported to anything" when what you've really done is just come up with a way to make a program display something it wasn't meant to.  There's not actually any porting happening.  You could just as well run Dark Souls or ArcGIS or QuickBooks using the same method because the actual game processing is being done by the same old computer.

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Sweet another thread of Well akshullay... that doesn't get instantly locked like it should

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:42 AM, Zerofuchs said:

next up I suppose someone's going to figure out how to run it on a volumetric display or as an actual hologram... give it another 20 years and people will be running it as a tattoo using app controlled nano-ink or something who knows...


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