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New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!

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Posted (edited)

Lol what is this? The "new weapon" and the CGI Baron looks shitty to me in different ways, and playing a custom level on the DOS version of the game is very dishonest on Art Data's part lol.


TBH, I'm more interested in the hardware specs of the DOS PC, as well as perhaps a recreation of the level itself.


Here's another question. Why does the Soulsphere also give 100 armor? What version of the game is this?

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I don't know a lot about the old mapping scene from the 90's, but my theory is that the level shown on that crusty ass footage was stolen. There is no way anyone involved in 3do doom knew how to make a map.

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Posted (edited)

Ah yes, the long lost and lamented "Green Splooge Gun".


Honestly, I see nothing in that footage that would argue against the idea is it's simply the original DOS version running a custom map. The framerate might be a little smoother though; it's been a long-ass time since I have spent any time of significance with the original executable so I am the wrong person to judge. Perhaps one of the more vanilla focused members can add their thoughts on the possibility that this is simply a bait and switch.


26 minutes ago, Wadmodder Shalton said:

Someone try to remake this lost map from the video please.


Why? There's very little to go on and it looks pretty much bog-standard mid 1990s user map quality - boxy rooms, nonsensical theming, basic lighting, the works. I could recreate it in no time and there's far better map makers around than I.

Edited by Murdoch

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2 hours ago, Revenant100 said:

While perusing the net, I stumbled across this trailer for the 3DO port of Doom:


(Original upload with presumably better quality)


Sourced from a sales tape meant for retailers, what we have here is early footage of the 3DO port (presumably mid '95, while the port itself released in '96) featuring an unseen new level and a look at the fabled long lost new weapon! Why even the performance looks perfectly stable at a full screen size, but I think we can all agree, however, that the most impressive aspect on display here is the huge uptick in graphical quality, almost looking like pre-rendered footage there at the end! Shame the final release wouldn't end up managing these upgrades.


That weapon at the end kinda looks like Doom 64's Chaingun lol-

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Another thing worth noting is that the musical version of I Sawed the Demons is different from the final 3DO soundtrack. I wish this version was available in better quality.

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It looks like early version of the 3DO Doom port, where the game itself was more like its PC parent version.

Here we don't even see the 3DO Doom HUD. CGI was a commercial trick indeed, I bet the gun is naturally the cursed version of ingame BFG9000 and the red devil easily resembles the Baron of Hell.

The only point of real interest here is the level. Where's it from?


By the way, how the hell the Soulsphere provides 199% HP from 100% (not to say it also provides 200% armor) LOL


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That's it?! That's just a cheap plastic looking thing and a guy dressed as a demon?!

No Spritework?! No coherence with the art style? Where it's the good stuff?!

Why the music it's FARTS! /S

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19 minutes ago, endoomer said:

It looks like early version of the 3DO Doom port, where the game itself was more like its PC parent version.

Here we don't even see the 3DO Doom HUD. CGI was a commercial trick indeed, I bet the gun is naturally the cursed version of ingame BFG9000 and the red devil easily resembles the Baron of Hell.

The only point of real interest here is the level. Where's it from?


By the way, how the hell the Soulsphere provides 199% HP from 100% (not to say it also provides 200% armor) LOL




Although I agree with Murdoch. Nothing in the first part of the video is convincing me this is anything more than the DOS version running a custom level.


The Soulsphere giving armor is an interesting thing. This is a hastily taken screenshot taken from the first public release of Doom, 1.0 Shareware.




The health increases to 199%, but the armor (which I collected earlier) is stuck at 100%. The only instance of the Soulsphere giving armor in the Doom wiki that I've noticed so far is the "A Visit to id Software" video showing an early build of the game.


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I call hax. That ammo counter didn't even drop when the 3Demon got paintballed.

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Looks like old Randy should've tried to fleece the box artists of D!ZONE for gun design. Because that just looks like a knock-off of D!Zone 3's Looooooong Rifle lmao

Also here's my 2 cents on the 3DO dev build vs DOS phony capture debate: on the bottom right corner you can see that little diskette flashing

Could just be a reuse of graphics for a debug, but to me that's just solidifies that this is just the vanilla DOS executable

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

Could just be a reuse of graphics for a debug, but to me that's just solidifies that this is just the vanilla DOS executable

I don't know why people think this is a beta 3DO version (before the obviously fake footage, anyway).

  • It's way higher rez.
  • It perfroms far better than the final release did, which is preposterous for a beta to go to WORSE performance for the final. Try running at that window size on 3DO. G'won.
  • The diskette, as you mentioned.
  • HUD layout is exactly like the original (keys on the right, the full ammo counter on the far right, etc.)
  • Art Data had no fucking clue how much work it'd take to add new types of content and even Burger Becky can't work miracles on ten-week turnarounds.

Use your noodles, people.

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While the ingame footage has a HUD that's identical to the PC version, this one has a number of odd features.

  • Doomguy's face is more squat, as if it's being displayed at a 1:1 pixel ratio.
  • It's blue tinged for some reason.
  • It's floating off the bottom of the image. Obviously it's been composited over the CG... but why not put it all the way at the bottom? Even with where they put it, it still doesn't line up with the HUD from the previous section.
  • It's been extended vertically with a bunch of empty space at the bottom. Was a port of Doom ever released that had a HUD like this?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Blast_Brothers said:


While the ingame footage has a HUD that's identical to the PC version, this one has a number of odd features.

  • Doomguy's face is more squat, as if it's being displayed at a 1:1 pixel ratio.
  • It's blue tinged for some reason.
  • It's floating off the bottom of the image. Obviously it's been composited over the CG... but why not put it all the way at the bottom? Even with where they put it, it still doesn't line up with the HUD from the previous section.
  • It's been extended vertically with a bunch of empty space at the bottom. Was a port of Doom ever released that had a HUD like this?


It's a kind of half-way point between the original DOS HUD and the final 3DO HUD.



Edited by Murdoch

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the map is indeed uninteresting when you create it in an editor.  but is a fun way to learn about mapping when the source is nonexistent.

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Posted (edited)

I don't know why there's any question about this being the original DOS version. The 3DO version is derived from the Jaguar version; it's impossible that a prototype version would have looked like this.


The soulsphere giving armor is interesting. At first I thought this might have been pre-release footage of DOS Doom (it almost looks like a cut IWAD level) but if you look closely it says "You got the mega armor", so I think it's just a reskinned mega armor.


The HUD at the pre-rendered sequence at the end is the most interesting part. I think this is from a pre-release version of Jaguar Doom, because it's vertically extended in the right ratio in order to accommodate for 320x240. There's a prototype of 32X Doom with a very similar looking HUD. No idea what it would be doing here though.

Edited by Individualised

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I assume the "new level" was just another user made map from then, rather than specifically made for 3DO port or this trailer. And the map is probably still sitting in the idgames archive or some random shovelware CDs. Maybe someone can directly find the original level without recreating it.

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Fucking CGI trailers, always bullshit. You get less than five seconds of actual gameplay and it's not even from the right game. Even an idiot would be able to tell that the Baron is from DOOM 3. That gun isn't even from any of the games, it's from the fucking movie (the shitty one with the girl, not the classic with Chris Rock). How stupid do they think people are?

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I have recreated a functionally and visually similar map from this short video.  It is a bit rough but then so was the map in the video.

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Well, at least that ending was corny. Oh wait, that's a good thing? Eh, it's just a little bit of 'flourish.'

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3 hours ago, Danfun64 said:

Another thing worth noting is that the musical version of I Sawed the Demons is different from the final 3DO soundtrack. I wish this version was available in better quality.

Noticed that instantly.  Sounds amazing. 

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The 3D models at the end of the trailer looks like a crappy unrendered CGI movie mess that was made in just two weeks or something.


This is so "No-Budget" and cursed.

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7 hours ago, Wadmodder Shalton said:

Someone try to remake this lost map from the video please.

Say no more my friend 

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