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WRETCH (now uploaded to /idgames)

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Always down for an e2 replacement! By Obsidian nonetheless!

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Now why would I possibly be bumping this thread with seemingly no context?

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7 minutes ago, Obsidian said:

Now why would I possibly be bumping this thread with seemingly no context?

Because it's time?

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Just now, Chainie said:

Download link doesn't work


Just fixed it, for some reason the file I dragged and dropped just kinda disappeared. Stupid Doomworld, ruining the mystique of my mapset releases. XP

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Posted (edited)

Congrats dude! Wad looks awesome.


The little bit I saw you stream was enough to move this to the top of my priority list haha

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Some first impressions based on what I've played so far


This crate is cool





In map 3 there is barely enough ammo to get by, I was forced to item bump a shotgun then berserkless punch out the baron for the optional yellow key. At least place a berserk in the map!



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After a quick stream courtesy of @Bobby :D, I've updated the wad to fix some bugs and add some quality of life changes. The link is the same. 👍

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Potential bug report for E2M8:


Playing in dsda doom 27.5, -cl3. The ladder to the second tank lost soul fight is broken? I can't seem to climb up. I tried no clipping up to there anyway and continued as normal, but then the fight becomes funky. Specifically, after I blow up the tank the second time, the boss lost soul fluked somehow and didnt trigger the lost soul closet, so I spent 15 mins battling what seemed to be an impossible boss fight. Yet, when I reload the fight things went as normal, although I don't know how the player is supposed to know that the lost soul fight is unwinnable and you are supposed to skip to the next area? Things felt too buggy at that point so I'll stop for now and wait for some clarification :P

Really cool mapset btw. Will drop some more detailed thoughts after finishing m8. I was recording some videos for a full fda, but my screen recorder messed up and kept capturing the dsda doom console. Would've been helpful for troubleshooting.


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New update! Vile and Arsinkk were kind enough to play through Wretch on stream over the past couple of days and I've updated the maps accordingly.

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Posted (edited)

Hello, as a first comment I want to say that I don't know English. So I hope the translator does a good job.
Well I want to know how you make these invisible stairs, I loved them but I don't understand how they work. I don't know if you could explain me :D


By the way I played the first level and I liked it a lot, although I would have liked a berserk, like a secret maybe.
For some strange reason your maps remind me visually of mine... which I will upload someday :). :).




Greetings, hugs, kisses and everything ;)

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21 minutes ago, .ariK said:

Well I want to know how you make these invisible stairs, I loved them but I don't understand how they work. I don't know if you could explain me :D


I'd be more than happy to! If you're familiar with self-referencing sectors then this will sound familiar, but the gist of it is that each of those linedefs refers to a sector outside of the map that has different floor and ceiling heights to the sector the linedefs are actually in. You can change the sector index with the linedef tool pretty easily, as demonstrated by this shot of E2M1: as you may have guessed, sector 222 is the control sector outside of the map.





It can be a bit tricky to grasp initially and these sorts of tricks are prone to breaking if the surrounding architecture is altered in any way (which is what happened in the bug that Catpho reported earlier), but it's a cool effect and I'd be keen to see more people use it in their maps.

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21 hours ago, Obsidian said:


¡Estaría más que feliz de hacerlo! Si está familiarizado con los sectores de autorreferencia , esto le resultará familiar, pero la esencia es que cada uno de esos linedefs se refiere a un sector fuera del mapa que tiene alturas de piso y techo diferentes al sector en el que realmente se encuentran los linedefs. Puedes cambiar el índice del sector con la herramienta linedef con bastante facilidad, como lo demuestra esta toma de E2M1: como habrás adivinado, el sector 222 es el sector de control fuera del mapa.


  Revelar contenidos ocultos



Puede ser un poco complicado de entender inicialmente y este tipo de trucos son propensos a fallar si la arquitectura circundante se altera de alguna manera (que es lo que sucedió en el error que Catpho informó anteriormente), pero es un efecto genial y yo Estaré interesado en ver que más personas lo utilicen en sus mapas.


Thanks a lot my friend! I think I understand this and plan to replicate it on my maps. 


¡Gracias de nuevo!

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Started my playthrough. This is the weirdest e2 replacement I've ever played. A lot of really cool mapping trickery going on in every level, like sideways vine climbing.

Currently on e2m4 and have a few things to ask/report.


This closet is broken: https://prnt.sc/EmnArvwV_eFh


How do you access the secret exit? I found the secret alcove with the barons, pressed the switch. But when I try to walk up to the vent ladder on the way to the exit switch, there's something invisible blocking my path. Pls help.

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Hey @Firedust, what was the closet in question? Finally got around to fixing up Wretch after taking care of some other obligations and it looks like the screenshot you sent isn't loading.


Also cheers for reporting the secret exit error, seems the ladders were playing up again from when I did my last bugfix. XP

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8 hours ago, Obsidian said:

Hey @Firedust, what was the closet in question? Finally got around to fixing up Wretch after taking care of some other obligations and it looks like the screenshot you sent isn't loading.


Also cheers for reporting the secret exit error, seems the ladders were playing up again from when I did my last bugfix. XP

I believe it was the one with the four lost souls.

By the way, is the level skip intentional for continuous players who reach the secret exit?

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4 minutes ago, Firedust said:

By the way, is the level skip intentional for continuous players who reach the secret exit?


Eeyup! It makes sense once you've looked at both E2M5 and E2M9.

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Heh, the Lost Souls were set to Ambush by mistake. My bad. :P


Anyhoo, new update! I'll finally get this thing onto the archives at the end of next week.

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Looking forward to see this reach idgames! I guess I might as well wait a little bit :) but I'll certainly be playing it as soon as it hits. Looks great, congrats!

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