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how to stop decalcification as a femcel?

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Posted (edited)

I have bad hygiene especially when it comes to my teeth and my teeth have been hurting alot recently, I have alot of problems with my teeth that can mostly be fixed by brushing but there is one that isn't so clear to me, de-calcification. I've looked at alot of things online and it says dentists have their own like chems they put on the tooth and then do other weird stuff to stop it but I don't trust dentists because 1. there's literally fluoride in toothpaste and 2. capitalists will always prey on the people who are weak (you see this with children's media and the entire medical industrial complex). Does anyone know how to fix de-calcification as someone who does not want to see a doctor?

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Posted (edited)

Himalayan Sea Salt. Use it instead of regular salt, it has a diverse mineral profile and can help close any mineral gaps in your diet, including calcium.

Also try to eat more high quality dairy, like whole milk.


I also heard people recommend swishing himalayan salt with warm water to recalcify teeth, but never had an issue with this myself so the most I can say is ''look into it''.


Side note: Labeling yourself as a anything-cel will get you nowhere in life and keep you stuck there.

Edited by VICE

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6 hours ago, Baron T. Mueriach said:

There is no way I'm reading a dental health inquiry on the Doomworld forums.


Also it's no surprise to me that the person with God-awful hygiene is also the person who bitches about capitalism whilst they live and thrive in a capitalist society... lol. People will find anything to complain about. So in short, go to a dentist, take a shower, grow a social network, and log off for a while. That's genuine advice, I promise if you do this you'll start enjoying this life a lot more.



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11 hours ago, Milkeno said:

capitalists will always prey on the people who are weak (you see this with children's media and the entire medical industrial complex).

Which one is more worth it? Your hygiene or some random dude's conspiracy theory?

This doesn't even need to be said. Brush your teeth, have proper hygiene, and go to a dentist unless you want to be a people deflector.

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My dentist has noted decalcification in my teeth for quite a while now. He doesn't really make a big deal out of it other than the typical brushing and whatnot. So I don't think it's a big deal if you are still taking care of your teeth. But I know how hard it is to keep a consistent dental routine.

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Baron T. Mueriach said:

Also it's no surprise to me that the person with God-awful hygiene is also the person who bitches about capitalism whilst they live and thrive in a capitalist society... lol

This is the stupidest argument someone can make. An economic system exists by force, there's no choice here. Asking someone to not live in the capitalist system is the same as wishing him to die. And you don't have any right to ostracize anyone because of it.

That said, OP: take care of your health and hygiene. There's no contradiction in going to medical institutes, because that's what we have. You need to go because negating it will be A LOT worse for you. It's a matter of survival, put that in your head.

Edited by Noiser

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Yeah that's cool and all but you should really brush your teeth and stop making everything so complicated for yourself. You should shower too, if your self-proclaimed title of "femcel" at age 16 as any real weight to it.

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

"Good parasite hostess post image"

Jesus H Christ.




In all sincerity, get some help.

Genuinely you are portraying yourself as quite the medical disaster and with the incredibly low literacy and common sense rates in America I am inclined to believe you are genuine.

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Didn't think something as important as oral hygiene could be considered a political issue/conspiracy.


Then again, given OP's age I really hope that this is more of a poor attempt at getting attention or a troll post rather than a serious one.

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Sounds like you have severe depression and looks like you’ve got a few armchair therapist from DW at your disposal. That’s not going to do you much good though but to each their own. 

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Posted (edited)

I'm a little extremely fucking alarmed at how dismissive some of the responses here are. Potential TW if anyone needs it:



For some perspective: I was physically neglected and isolated growing up and spent a good deal of my own life in the foster care system. Many of the life skills that you all take for granted, because you had parents or a support system to teach you, are ones that I had to teach myself. That's all behind me and I'm a reasonably well adjusted adult now, but my point here is: if I was still young and nobody had intervened on my behalf I could easily see myself making a post similar to OP. Does this thread make you, the reader, uncomfortable? Tough shit princess, take a good, long look at it -- this is the reality that some people live in that we as a society have decided to conveniently sweep under the rug.


OP: I know the idea scares you but please, go see a dentist. The rest of you can afford to shut your goddamn mouths for just one single thread.

Edited by ⇛Marnetmar⇛

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nearly every time I go on "Everything Else" I immediately regret it. This entire thread is a perfect example why

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honestly, I'm not going to sit here and try to psychoanalyze you, but I'm going to be blunt and tell you that tooth infections can literally kill you, which infection is likely what's happening if your teeth are hurting. go see a dentist. even if it's just like, once, do something to take charge of your health (capitalism also wants you poor, uneducated and unhealthy to make you a weaker victim).

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2 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Get toothpaste without fluoride in it if you're that paranoid.

I can't quite tell if the OP is against flouride or just suggesting that flouride toothpaste should be enough, but if the former: seriously it may be time to question if the people spreading this paranoia are just as bad as the "capitalists."  Fun anecdote, so most dental insurance only covers flouride treatments during childhood, so of course come adulthood I stopped getting them.  A couple years later I started developing sensitivity to sweets and cold, and of course had antisensitivity toothpaste recommended to me.  Can't say it did much and after some time I thought I may as well try flouride rinse and see what happens.  Things started returning back to normal, and I then found out that flouride treatment at my dentist was like $20.  Been getting it done ever since and my sensitivity problem has gone away.  It could certainly be placebo, but it seems to be working well for me.

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36 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:


Can't stress this enough.


Bad teeth can lead to heart disease, too.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Milkeno said:

I have bad hygiene especially when it comes to my teeth and my teeth have been hurting alot recently, I have alot of problems with my teeth that can mostly be fixed by brushing but there is one that isn't so clear to me, de-calcification. I've looked at alot of things online and it says dentists have their own like chems they put on the tooth and then do other weird stuff to stop it but I don't trust dentists because 1. there's literally fluoride in toothpaste and 2. capitalists will always prey on the people who are weak (you see this with children's media and the entire medical industrial complex). Does anyone know how to fix de-calcification as someone who does not want to see a doctor?

just go to a doctor and pretend you are going to a friend so he can look at your teeth, just like you pretend that capitalism is evil or something.


also what in the heck is fem-cel? is that a military unit or something?

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We should probably have a blanket "None of us are qualified to give medical advice on the internet, we're just a bunch of nerds who hack a decades-old videogame. See a professional, dipshit" rule in stone, since this is apparently no longer something so wordlessly understood that it doesn't need to be said out loud.

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