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MAYhem 2024 - EXEMPLARY CADAVER (On IdGames!)

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Hey @Obsidian I'm gonna pull out of this. Life's been a real bitch lately and I don't think I'll have the motivation to map for a while, sorry.

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17 minutes ago, Razza said:

Hey @Obsidian I'm gonna pull out of this. Life's been a real bitch lately and I don't think I'll have the motivation to map for a while, sorry.


That's all good man, cheers for letting me know. :)

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Didn’t know this was happening, I’d like to give it a  shot if it ain’t too late

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Righto, last piece of the first map! Are you excited? I'm excited! Let's spin the wheel!




...okay @BluePineapple72, you're up! Details have been sent and the timer has been started!

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And with that...






The first map is complete!


A couple of notes:

  • Out of all the mappers, only one submitted any music alongside their piece: obviously I've chosen that one for the finished product, heh. Remember that you can add some music to your map piece when you submit it!
  • On a related note, I didn't get any additional suggestions for map names either. I chose the fairly simple name of Cold Open for my part of the submission, but if any of the other contributors want to have a different name up for consideration then they can send me a message. 👍
  • I did have to make some executive decisions in order to make all the map pieces accessible, particularly in the top row. I urge future contributors to make their map pieces as open and accessible as possible so this sort of thing has less of a chance to happen: as for me, I'll try and give more detailed descriptions of adjoining map pieces to help out that process.
  • The map geometry is about sorted, but the gameplay will still need to be balanced to account for how all nine pieces play with each other. Feedback is greatly appreciated and all contributors can tweak their map pieces and make suggestions for others as needed.

That's about all I have to say: considering this is the first map we've made using this process, I'm honestly quite happy with what's been produced. I'll announce the starting mappers for MAP02 and MAP03 after I've had some lunch.

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Posted (edited)

Can't wait to play through it (also glad my music selection made it through :P)!


Edit: I'd be happy to contribute another portion once everyone else has had a go :)

Edited by TheV1perK1ller

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Time for Round 2! We'll be doing two maps this time around, so lemme pick 2 names outta this metaphorical hat...


...alright, we've got @JJBoren and @DankMetal! Details have been sent your way and your 48 hours starts now!

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Okay, some thoughts:


  • I really feel like I came under-prepared for this...I looked at the screenshots that other people posted of their sections, and it seemed like people were just going for mostly low-level enemies, so I also tried to keep the enemy intensity low. As it turns out, this level actually gets extremely hard.
  • This area should not be a secret. It is plainly accessible from the ground floor. Maybe have a bit of a ledge to put the backpack on and make that the secret:


  • This honestly seems a bit too insane of a secret, especially considering how finicky it is to trigger it (also, the texture doesn't animate):


  • I'm not exactly sure there is any good 'fix' for it, but it seems like the middle right segment is just completely optional?
  • The mancubus/cyberdemon that's supposed to teleport in just gets stuck wandering around in its little dummy sector.
  • I'm assuming the door at the start should probably be lower unpegged.
  • Overall, I think this has turned out great - a lot better than I was expecting. And, at least while playing it, the boundaries of the 3x3 grid is barely noticeable. Also, yeah, good pick for the music :)

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Whilst I hadn't played this in its entirety (I died in the north-western part), this looks amazing. For sure, there are some improvements to be made as expected, but overall this was neat. My 'teleport pad' arrow that leads to the yellow key will need to be updated, as an aside.

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15 hours ago, Obsidian said:

The first map is complete!


Hah, sick! I haven't played through it yet, though I did flip through the whole thing on UDB, sorry if I might've misinterpreted the direction the map was going in for my chunk lmao, seems to have come out well! I quite like how coincidentally there seems to be a stream of water running just about perfectly through the middle of the overall map

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I love how MAP01 turned out! One small thing though - in the upper-left section



the Cyberdemon can be cheesed by shooting over the snowy chunk of rock in the middle of the room:



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Pleased to report that DankMetal's map piece is also done! Here's a screenie:





Now, time to announce the next wave of mappers!

Your corresponding map details have been sent via DM and your 48 hours starts...now! Good luck!

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Oh yeah, and don't forget that you can add your own map name and music! 👍

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The yellow key door in my part feels a little weird saying you must have it already to reach it.

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1 hour ago, Raith138 said:

The yellow key door in my part feels a little weird saying you must have it already to reach it.


Yeah, it is admittedly a bit odd. I'm open to suggestions as to what can be done to replace it.

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17 minutes ago, Obsidian said:


Yeah, it is admittedly a bit odd. I'm open to suggestions as to what can be done to replace it.

I think replacing it with a blue key will work just fine.

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Made something dark and kinda spicy

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Alright, I've got three of the four pieces in, but I just got word from roadworx that they won't be able to submit their piece on time and that means that I'll need to select a new mapper.


Gives the ol' wheel a spin.


... @Gothic, you're up! Details have been sent and your 48 hours commenceth!

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While I remember, a couple of notes for mappers:

  • Try not to have your mapping go too close to the 1024x1024 limits, specifically where one map piece connects to the other: there's a good chance that the single-sided linedef you've cozied your map up to becomes a double-sided one because the next mapper did the exact same thing as you, which isn't a good look. Give people a bit o' breathing room. 👍
  • You don't gotta think about placing a map exit, I'll be delegating that task to the 9th mapper for any given map: considering I can give them comprehensive information as to what the rest of the map contains, it makes more sense if they're the one that adds that finishing touch.

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Posted (edited)

I would like to participate


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I'm currently visiting family out of town, so the deadline for the current map pieces will be a bit more distant. The next wave of mappers should be selected before the end of today though. 👍

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Alright, we've had someone unable to submit a map piece, so the wheel must be spun anew! Let's see what we get...




Alright @plomoknite, you're up! Details have been sent and your 48 hours starts now!

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All the pieces are in! I'll announce the next wave of mappers tomorrow, I'm still out of town and my time is limited.

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