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Lazy zoomer doesnt want to work TW: light mention of Sui

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Posted (edited)

Why I can't work (the neurodivergent trvth nvke)
I can't imagine myself buying a house or renting. For me working is death, for neurotypicals working is just a chore, I can't imagine myself using 7 hours of my day doing something (that doesn't benefit me other than the gaining of capital) that will drain all my creative juices of the things I actually want to do.  neurotypicals which I will shorten down to Nt for the rest of this post think of hobbies as just a quirky thing to do but for me its my life pretty much. nt's can cope in a cpaitalist system bc of that they're content in wagieing. I remember some streamer maybe it was hellbent saying something along the lines of "if I have my weed and my junk food I wouldn't sui" and it reminds me of how nt's can just live shit lives if they have bread and circuses it's brutal for neurodivergent's like me who can't cope like that. the system isn't made for me I'm a bit like that monkey(travis the chimp I think) who was feeling existential dread about not being human.

I know as girl I have the option of onlyfans but I don't think its possible for me to do that in the future, because 1. No one would find my account in a sea of porn there already is on that site 2. That would never be enough money to rent a place 3. If I ever got found out I would most likely get kicked out by my parents, And as an artist I always have the option of commission grifting but I don't think that will ever be enough money to buy a trailer in a trailer park somewhere and I dont think that I could live like that, having to do constant projects that I've no interest in.

If I'm homeless I can't do projects because I physically cannot, If I'm working I would be too mentally drained to do projects there is no third option for me because it's over anti capitalism is basically impossible because nt's are too normie to do anything about it and there aren't enough divergent's to change the system either. it's so fvcking brutal.

How do you live your life?
are you renting? are you living in a bought house? am I over reacting to the problem?


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I'm not NT, but I am gifted with a high IQ, so my neurodivergence is an advantage in most workplaces.

I found working with normies very annoying and psychologically draining, even though most of them seem to like me.


I work and rent my own place, but I don't do a standard 9-5 job;

I work security. Found an emplyer that will assign me shifts in different places every week so I don't get bored, and usually on nights, so I can manage my own environment and time as I see fit... As long as I do the rest of the job as required.

NGL, de facto I get paid to meditate, read books and research whatever the fck interests me a big portion of the time.

The only requirement is that I need to be attentive to my surroundings, and when I'm patroling or dealing with people I raise my seriousness up to 400% and strive to solve issues with outmost professionalism. I deal with any issue I see relentlessly, and then I can go back to doing whatever I want with a clean concience.


I'm technically a wagie with benefits, but it doesn't feel like it 99% of the time. I'm essentially the guy that shows up to solve problems, works as a free agent within a larger company and is exempt from the burden of social workplace dynamics unless he actually wants to participate on a case-by-case basis.


My point is, finding your niche is essential. Keep in mind that you may have to work a few different jobs in more than one industry before you figure out what that is.

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@VICE As an account manager over a security contract (one I worked as security guard prior to the promotion) it’s nice to see someone else here who’s in this field with similar experience.

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13 minutes ago, DNSKILL5 said:

@VICE As an account manager over a security contract (one I worked as security guard prior to the promotion) it’s nice to see someone else here who’s in this field with similar experience.

That's cool.


My own plans involve becoming a firing instructor and doubling as an onsite security officer. I enjoy the fieldwork.

I was actually a mechanic and an engineering technician prior to working in security, and I was definitely making more money in that industry, but the hidden cost of my wellbeing wasn't worth it to me, even though I enjoyed the work itself.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, VICE said:

My point is, finding your niche is essential. Keep in mind that you may have to work a few different jobs in more than one industry before you figure out what that is.

That will probably take years and years of gaining experience and learning what compromise I will settle for, right now I'm working on getting my g.e.d and the score I got on my math test is way below college level (I got a 149 college level is like 170) and I dont think college would even help that much i've heard of college students being unemployed for 5 years bc employers have so many applications they just start arbitrarily making deal breakers so you can have 100 applications of basically the same people with the same personality and skills, but still have some system to rule most of them out, rather than just leaving it to chance. theres really nothing for someone starting in 2024 compared to someone who started in the 90s/2000s

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Just now, Milkeno said:

That will probably take years and years of gaining experience and learning what compromise I will settle for



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2 hours ago, dasho said:



seems like a waste of life being a mc-cuck

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1 minute ago, Milkeno said:

seems like a waste of life being a mc-cuck


No matter what economic system you live in, generally either you have to provide for yourself or someone else has to provide for you. What happens if the latter is no longer an option? Better to try to give yourself the luxury of (more) choices before circumstances force you to do whatever it takes to get by.

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Milkeno said:

That will probably take years and years of gaining experience and learning what compromise I will settle for, right now I'm working on getting my g.e.d and the score I got on my math test is way below college level (I got a 149 college level is like 170) and I dont think college would even help that much i've heard of college students being unemployed for 5 years bc employers have so many applications they just start arbitrarily making deal breakers so you can have 100 applications of basically the same people with the same personality and skills, but still have some system to rule most of them out, rather than just leaving it to chance. theres really nothing for someone starting in 2024 compared to someone who started in the 90s/2000s

It is what it is. I know in the end ''Trial and error'' and ''This could take some time'' is the most cliche advice, but it's cliche because it's true. Capitalism is a shitty and unfair system for anyone that isn't born into money. (And no better alternatives exist, unfortunately.)
Btw, I started working in 2016 with the most basic-ass 2 year associate's degree in mechanical engineering from a tech college, and most job applications I sent were never so much as even acknowledged. I just kept switching workplaces and never settling until I found a position I'm satisfied with. The number of job interviews I've been in is unreal, to the point that I just stopped giving a fuck at some point and treated them as ''just another meeting where strangers ask me questions''.

Edited by VICE

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2 hours ago, VICE said:

It is what it is. I know in the end ''Trial and error'' and ''This could take some time'' is the most cliche advice, but it's cliche because it's true. Capitalism is a shitty and unfair system for anyone that isn't born into money.
Btw, I started working in 2016 with the most basic-ass 2 year associate's degree in mechanical engineering from a tech college, and most job applications I sent were never so much as even acknowledged. I just kept switching workplaces and never settling until I found a position I'm satisfied with.


2 hours ago, dasho said:


No matter what economic system you live in, generally either you have to provide for yourself or someone else has to provide for you. What happens if the latter is no longer an option? Better to try to give yourself the luxury of (more) choices before circumstances force you to do whatever it takes to get by.

Well there lies the issue of the thread I can't live like that, I guess this is sort of evolution one less me and one more jermey meeks ig

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5 minutes ago, Milkeno said:


Well there lies the issue of the thread I can't live like that, I guess this is sort of evolution one less me and one more jermey meeks ig


Sounds like you have deeper issues than being lazy, which is pretty normal for anyone who is young. Where are your parents in all this? This whole thread sounds like you've been raised by the Internet.

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Posted (edited)

I'm neurodivergent, I don't really talk about it much on here but it was a reason why I was absent from the forums for a few years. Just starting to get my life back in order attending community college this fall. Honestly CC is a really great resource, if you're low enough income you can have your entire tuition paid with grants, tons of resources to help you out and depending on the school just make sure to pick a field you resonate with and you know you can get comfortably into. If you are genuinely at the point where you believe you physically cannot work, that is just depression my friend. To that end I'd suggest (if you live in the states) getting on Medicaid or a state program and seeing a psychiatrist, getting on SSRIs or whatever it takes - yoga, meditation, breathwork - learn along the way and you'll eventually get there. I liken mental struggle to being in a field of tall grass and whereas NTs are tall enough to see above the grass and see the sunlight and horizon, us NDs are down in the thick of it and the only way we can get out and not just see endless thickets is by growing via practice.


If you read all of that and you're still doomposting, I don't know what to tell you other than this is life, welcome to it. It's cruel as shit but you have to carve your own path. If I could make it out the trenches pretty much anyone could, and I know I'll get my ass knocked down at least a couple more times yet here but I'll keep getting up.


EDIT: if you can't work due to a literal debilitating condition then I'd understand - wanted to clarify

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I'm currently unemployed thanks to running out of leave for my mental health problems. Still living at home. Autism sucks ass.

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Screw houses, no millennial let alone zoomer is living in a house these days unless they got lucky, just get an apartment. I had a house once and lost it (not my fault however), been in apartments ever since. Working is something I don't want to do either, but eventually I'll have to get off my ass and do something, being a shut-in all the time gets less fun the older you get, then you just end up lamenting time wasted from having done the same things over and over again. Use your lame ass job to get yourself to where you'd ideally want to be, otherwise just put food on your table and pay your bills and occasionally buy yourself something nice, and with your free time do the things you were going to do anyway, including passion projects. A job isn't going to handcuff you from that, unless it's a Western video game company, or some other corporate crap.

Honestly though, it would be nice if they implemented UBI (universal basic income) because if you didn't want to work but wanted to, y'know, not starve, and not be on the street, but want to give back to society in other ways still (I mean, you're also spending the money on goods and services) via your projects and what not, then that would be the ticket for us neets. People can judge you all they want for it, they already judge you for everything else you do, say, think, like or hate, so it's very whatever if god forbid you're not slaving away for a system that has no right being this complicated for simply being able to just live your damn life. But the powers that be will most likely fight it at every turn they get. SSI has been getting raised, and it helps me out sure, but it's still running on 1970s logic, I just don't get enough money to realistically get by, oh sure it pays my bills, but I don't live very comfortably.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, dasho said:


Sounds like you have deeper issues than being lazy, which is pretty normal for anyone who is young. Where are your parents in all this? This whole thread sounds like you've been raised by the Internet.

I guess I might be over-reacting my view of work is a factory where your forced to lift 200+ lbs of bags, can't give up before you try I suppose
I wish those people who advocated women to work saw the problems we have now, fighting against sexism was good but my god they just expanded the brutal systems in place and made ceo's twice as rich by having twice as many workers as before. I think pre 1900s the "evil" of capitalism wasn't corporations it was banks which is reflected in alot of political works then (its one of the factors of revolutionary war iirc) and that osmosis of the banks being the main problem since literally no one had the platform to spread product in corporation style made it so there was no hindsight to the problems we have now.

Edited by Milkeno

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22 minutes ago, Milkeno said:

seems like a waste of life being a mc-cuck

So maybe don't go to a mc-corporation for an entry level job. Or a managerial one either, really.


You seem to have a very strong opinion of what working life looks like despite having apparantly no work experience, so it looks like you really did get this doomed impression from the internet or from peers, from people who worked these types of jobs and got frustrated.


If you know that what you're doing is meaningful, and doesn't require you to surrender yourself to a corporate entity, working feels pretty good actually.

It only becomes crushing if it's purely transactional, and you end up doing something you wouldn't voluntarily choose to do if you had money.

If you work as a deadass burger-flipper / paperwork-pusher / cuntstumer-service punching bag, you will get frustrated eventually, no matter what they pay you or how much fancy shit you can afford. This is true even for neurotypicals, but I'll concede that they'll take longer to realise that they aren't really happy before they do something about it, and a lot of them will just settle and then vent their bitterness on the internet.


Think outside the box. Entry level work could be something like working in an animal shelter or a zoo, which is actually amazing because working with animals tends to improve most people's wellbeing rather than drain it, even though the work isn't easy and doesn't even pay that well at first.

As a woman you will probably find extra meaning in something like that since it's aligned with nurture rather than profit for profit's sake, and the work environment is anything but corporate. That's just one example though.


I think you should ditch your preconvienced ideas of what working is like, they're probably aren't your own ideas to begin with. They're not even genZ ideas, it's just something young people new to working tend to think because their life up to that point was relatively sheltered.

Consider you own interests and what you naturally enjoy doing and find meaningful first, then find something that aligns with that.


What sort of art do you do?

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2 hours ago, VICE said:

I think you should ditch your preconvienced ideas of what working is like, they're probably aren't your own ideas to begin with. They're not even genZ ideas, it's just something young people new to working tend to think because their life up to that point was relatively sheltered.

Consider you own interests and what you naturally enjoy doing and find meaningful first, then find something that aligns with that.


What sort of art do you do? 

mostly 3d playermodel art for gmod and l4d2 with the assistance of vroid for some of the more stylized ones right now I'm trying to do stuff with zdoom because making a full on mod with all art assets that still has a good story is overwhelming and I don't want to be stuck doing player models. I'm definitely too disorganized to do commission work (I'm usually against commissions and alot of artists because things made digitally don't have to have value and it's arbitrarily placed by people who want money but that might have been close minded) Other than my art I like cleaning things I suspect I have ocd or something similar or maybe not but I don't think maid work is enough to move out either. I still have some years left before I actually have to get a job.

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Posted (edited)

3d modeling is a skill that's probably going to stay relevant in the next few decades.
You could build up a portfolio in the meantime and use it to find work in game deveopment or VR later on.

Show up to an interview in a few years and go like ''I made all of these in my spare time. I can make more if you pay me. Give me a job MF.''


I kid you not, I once mentioned that I made a Doom mod in an interview for a position as an integrator, and the interviewer was impressed and asked me if I was willing to learn some archaic internal scripting language for one of their components that none of their full-fledged programmers were willing to touch because it was spooky and they're scared of anything that isn't C++.

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You could go live on a farm and work for your room and board. Or volunteer to build houses for impoverished communities. Or take care of the sick and dying. The whole world is not covered in 9-5 cashier jobs. And something tells me that you have the affluence to find those other parts of the world....

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Eh, you're young, my advice is not to worry about it too much. Also, don't get too hung up on ideas about the kind of person you are and what you can or can't do - don't put yourself in a box. The older you get the better you'll understand what you have in your toolkit and how best to use it. Trust yourself.

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I thought this thread was closed. It certainly feels that way.



I can't be arsed what OP tries to say because it reads like ''I am young still yet i find the concept of working a chore when i could do better things with my mental ideas''. And yes, don't we all, OP. I certainly could use whatever time i have left get more invested in Doom or whatever.


But life isn't always about that. If i want to fulfill Desire X, i have to do Chore Y.


OP read's like she has a very strong opinion on the working class and the concept of working by itself but hasn't dabbled with said concept herself yet. So, if i am going to blunt, it reads like teenage angst, a hypothetical uncertainty of what if in a world where work is required to get anywhere somewhere.


To answer OP: I rent, i have enough fuck you money to do nice things with my money without going broke, and i live my life socializing as much as i can, accumulating nice memories in the process.


2 hours ago, Milkeno said:

seems like a waste of life being a mc-cuck

If that's how you are going to approach adult life then yes, you will be a slave of the system and you won't find fun, because you have to cuck your way to jeopardy.*


*Or, in the midst of this, you can enjoy Doom and thus un-cuck yourself from the beingness that is you being a cuck.


2 hours ago, Milkeno said:

Well there lies the issue of the thread I can't live like that, I guess this is sort of evolution one less me and one more jermey meeks ig

Pardon my phrasing but shit like this feels very entitled. YOU can't live like that? You are - literally - in a position where you can create such an angsty thread on the internet, being protected by the family safety that is your parents.


There are dozens of people from your age who:

  • Don't have parents
  • Can't work, even if they want to
  • Have parents that can't work, so they become caretakers

Yet here you are proclaiming you can't live like that when you have never lived that life before. Its like saying the hamburger you are about to eat will taste like ass, when you neither have eaten that hamburger nor have eaten ass. So you don't know, yet you think you have a great impression on it so that you feel like you know.


Especially when you talk about sexism and the work space. That especially is a tough nut to act high and mighty of, because you literally aren't part of the problem. After all, you don't work.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

Especially when you talk about sexism and the work space. That especially is a tough nut to act high and mighty of, because you literally aren't part of the problem. After all, you don't work. 

lol did you even read what I said? its like you skimmed over what I posted and saw the word sexism. Alot of your post ignores the neurodivergence aspect of my post too. Also funny you mention it's a "chore" when I already used that word to describe how nt's view work. I hope your "fuck you money" goes to my welfare.


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Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, Milkeno said:

lol did you even read what I said?


its like you skimmed over what I posted and saw the word sexism. Alot of your post ignores the neurodivergence aspect of my post too. Also funny you mention it's a "chore" when I already used that word to describe how nt's view work. I hope your "fuck you money" goes to my welfare.


To answer the question: Yeah i did. Its called making a summary. In this case of your underlying points. I know that's not what you want to hear (As your response clearly shows) but the fact is that you have very strong opinions on things you haven't yet been a part of for various reasons.


Don't come in here with this neurodivergence angle. Along with having friends that have various aspects falling into this class, i personally don't believe having any of the varities that fall under this (autism, adhd, tourette) are limitations to what one can achieve. Frankly, one of my best friends has mentioned the chore like nature of work, of repetition, prior. Mentioning that such repetition does nothing to her own mental state of mind.


And yet the concept of work and its many social aspects is an essential one. Because, if you don't know how work works for you, you don't know what strain it has on what you call a neurotypical. Instead of proclaiming you don't want to take part into that system, i rather challenge you to stop viewing your limitations as limitations and challenge yourself to that concept you now reject.


Your last line highlights to me that you aren't thinking this through. In reality, i actually do contributie my money to other's people's welfare and help for neurodivergents, for the simple reason that i work. Indirectly i am paying the mental health care of my best friend, as does every Dutch citizen that works.


Maybe i should make a thread about that? About how neurodivergents have it so easy in my country because of this and many other social security nets? Yeah, i don't think so.


So no, it doesn't go to your welfare because i don't work in your country.


EDIT: Bonus points for blatantly ignoring the comparison points made in favor of telling me that what i am saying is flawed. Again, you are literally in a position of entitlement where you can make this thread and yet you still have a roof over your head, parents that love you, an education you can follow. For many people your age, this isn't a given.


So spare me the accusations when i am well aware of my position in society when you seem ill-aware of yours.


NINJA: And before you get on that fuck you money bit once more: Fuck you money is basically having enough money to have a nice living and buy the occassional thing you want to have, yet  have enough in the bank to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, like a broken washing machine. Things that take up a sizeable junk of your savings. In essence: The ability to afford the nice things in life. I have used that fuck you money directly for the Doom Community in the past and won't hesitate to do so again.

Edited by Redneckerz

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38 minutes ago, Milkeno said:

I hope your "fuck you money" goes to my welfare.


"Anti-capitalists" in one sentence.

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Okay honestly, you seem to need actual help, like a therapist or something. I also recall you posted something about your teeth before, about how they've started hurting and how you don't trust the dentist. So uh, jesus christ go visit the damn dentist before your teeth fucking rot and it's too late, everyone else has already told you that in that thread and it's clearly still relevant. That thread was what finally pushed me over the edge and made me go to the dentist for my own teeth IMMEDIATELY, which I had planned to do eventually but ended up doing ASAP because it made me paranoid that my teeth might already be fucked, thankfully mine were just really yellowed. You should go to a dentist too before it's too late for you. Also, ask a moderator to delete that fucking post you made on the selfie thread you are a 16 year old FFS, that thread is a already a horrendous idea as is. And again, please see a goddamn therapist.

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The only advice I can give you is that the longer you wait to try to get a job, the less likely you are to get a well-paying job that you enjoy, and the scarier it's going to be. I'm not a psychiatrist, but like I said in your previous thread, it seems to me that your biggest problem is likely depression. I think you should seek help in whatever way is available to you. I can tell you that having a purpose in life has prevented me from committing suicide. It doesn't even have to be a purpose with a paycheck, just one that contributes something to somebody and puts a roof over your head.

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Girl, you really need to learn the term "Oversharing" 😔

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7 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

The only advice I can give you is that the longer you wait to try to get a job, the less likely you are to get a well-paying job that you enjoy, and the scarier it's going to be. I'm not a psychiatrist, but like I said in your previous thread, it seems to me that your biggest problem is likely depression. I think you should seek help in whatever way is available to you. I can tell you that having a purpose in life has prevented me from committing suicide. It doesn't even have to be a purpose with a paycheck, just one that contributes something to somebody and puts a roof over your head.


I think a purpose that both isn't a purpose with a paycheck but also puts a roof over your head are pretty mutually exclusive.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, inkoalawetrust said:

I think a purpose that both isn't a purpose with a paycheck but also puts a roof over your head are pretty mutually exclusive.

Most of the time, but plenty of places, including everywhere I have worked (at both apartments and hotels), have mainly offered a dwelling instead of outright payment. Sometimes these jobs might offer getting paid under the table, which is illegal and not beneficial for your future to be clear, but I think it's still an improvement over having nothing and potentially being homeless.

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