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What are your collecting hobbies?

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Posted (edited)

What do you guys like to collect?

Personally, Im a fan of collecting action figures and having them on display. Its a very small amount right now but Im planning on starting to grow it some more, soon figures

of Homelander and Duke Nukem will arrive and really excited about displaying those guys on my shelf. I've also got a lot of Mortal Kombat figures on the shelf below the one pictured.




UPDATE : Homelander finally arrived! cant wait for Duke Nukem.





Edited by The BMFG

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Posted (edited)
  • Action figures (e.g., DOOM, Duke Nukem, Terminator)
  • Military and sci-fi model kits (mainly 1/72 and 1/144 scale)
  • Die-cast models (e.g., Star Trek)
  • Physical games
  • Preserved insects and spiders

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i have like ten thousand magic: the gathering cards and I'm starting to wonder why \o/ also cards from other games like On the Edge, Rage etc

it's kind of an addiction and this number should really start going down. and it wasn't like it was a conscious investment, most of the cards aren't desirable to anyone

have also got a good collection going of shadowrun rpg books, modules etc.

would swap it all in an instant for a collection of old furry zines and comics though, I'm really starting to vibe with that self-published style even if it's 30-40 years out of date. frankly so am I lol. i wanna be surrounded by hundreds of taral wayne drawings/whatever

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I once "collected" vintage racing bicycles from the 70s and 80s, but it became quite expensive, so I ended up selling most of them.


I frequently buy and "collect" metal music vinyls, but I don't have much to be honest, maybe around 500-550. I will stop buying when I reach 666, seems like a fitting and reasonable amount.

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1. Textures and sprites from games

2. Rare songs from 70-80-90-00s-10s (lostwave)

3. Some artworks from Deviantart and Furaffinity (sometimes from JoyReactor)

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You know those little road reflector things that get dislodged sometimes? I collected those for a while


Fun fact the white ones have red reflectors on the backsides so you see red reflected back if you’re driving the wrong way

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i started a dvd collection of my favorite films two years ago, it's already been pretty much done for a while, i'm just missing 5 or 6 and am too lazy to take 30 minutes of my time to go ahead and buy them





also hard drives of course

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^ the exterminating angel is so good i think about that film all the time

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that dialogue early on in the living room when all the ladies talk about the death of whatever prince is hilariously unhinged, love all the late bunuel stuff

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I haven't picked any up for quite a while now, but I've collected loads of vinyl records in my life and I have a nice soundsystem to play them back on, a mixture of 70s/80s/90s vintage equipment. My record collection spans a multitude of genres, from extreme metal to 60s and 80s pop, goth, prog rock, jazz, ambient and techno.

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These days its mostly games and Doom Wads+ Mods. Used to be MTG cards, but stopped that around 2017 due to liquidating my collection.

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9 minutes ago, Amaruψ said:



I'm a very boring person, I know.


A fellow book collector, I see. Mine are cook/bake books, SF and politics and pyhsics textbooks.

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1 minute ago, Pechudin said:


A fellow book collector, I see. Mine are cook/bake books, SF and politics and pyhsics textbooks.


Mine range from novels, novellas, short stories, biographies, philosophy and politics.



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20 minutes ago, Amaruψ said:



I'm a very boring person, I know.


Nothing boring about books. Books rule. Knowledge and adventure wrapped up in a neat little package.

I collect books myself, and a minor G1 Transformer collection after a fluke reunited me with the surviving members of my original childhood collection.

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I collect music. And musical gear when I can afford it.

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Posted (edited)

Never collected anything in a while since I noticed I was just hording those things.  What I genuinely collected and wasn't hording was Pokemon cards, the old ones.  They go for a whole lot now especially if its "MINT" condition.




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Posted (edited)

Transformers, i love transformers.

My dad used to collect them a lot, so he also gave me some of his figures and now i have around 300+ transformers, from g1 to Legacy which is the most recent toyline

Edited by DankMetal

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3 hours ago, DankMetal said:

Teansformers, i love transformers.

My dad used to collect them a lot, so he also gave me some of his figures and now i have around 300+ transformers, from g1 to Legacy which is the most recent toyline


I don't own any of the modern figures but may pick a couple up at some point. I find them fascinating from an engineering perspective.

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If my living situation wasn't so unstable, I'd be collecting old PCs.

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1 hour ago, Plerb said:

If my living situation wasn't so unstable, I'd be collecting old PCs.


Oh i got a few of those too heh.

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Safety razors; I started by just wanting to find a better way to shave (modern cartridges are both overpriced and trash), but they ended up being pretty easy and cheap to find around town so now I have a few.


Unless they are actually damaged, usually some CLR and mineral oil are enough to get them in good working order.

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metal, spinning tops.  I find them relaxing and they have a nice finish.  feel good in the hand, with a solid amount of weight.  like as shotgun slug. 

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Right now I'm collecting every Lego sonic and Lego animal crossing set. It has not been kind to my wallet 

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I'm collecting metal bottle caps for to be a Christmas gift to my brother-in-law;

he's a big Fallout player...

I guess it's to be the currency of the post apocolyptic future.


Personally? I'm collecting Doomworld quotations:



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Posted (edited)

My collecting hobby is physical video games.


I've got about 8000 now.





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Posted (edited)

I have a collection of old metal 80's/90's Warhammer 40k Eldar and Fantasy Battle High Elves, they just fascinate me.





That's not even half the pile, occasionally when I'm not at work (so literally never) I even paint them too



Never said I paint them well, mind you. I just like the old designs more, especially the Elf Mages/Eldar Warlocks/Farseers.


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