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[DONE] RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, NenapoMinayuChtchiyasya said:

Where exactly?

Can you open the Item Properties window? It should be in there I think. (Ctrl+1)15643089_Screenshot2024-06-13013246.png.5def51cd2ec3f9d21983f55a7e099197.png

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52 minutes ago, NenapoMinayuChtchiyasya said:

In Other Properties there is a Secret, and you can even put a check mark/flag there, but it does not lead to anything.

That should be it, though.

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14 minutes ago, JaySmithen said:

Can you open the Item Properties window? It should be in there I think.

I tried to do as you showed. It changed to "1024: Unknown" and.. it worked! Yay!🎉🙌🥳
Thanks a lot! I would never have guessed!

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Okay, I submitted a WIP (basically a corridor...)...hopefully this will motivate me to finish something off before the deadline. No big UDMF stuff this time - a vanilla Doom 1 map (well...a Doom 2 map only using Doom 1 stuff). BTW, I watched 2001 recently...


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For those who might want a playthrough of map 5, here is a max demo (with saves) of the map, not the best in some places (archvile pillar room, that one is cooked as shit lol) but I think it's ok. Along that you will find the map (slot 1) and 32-in 24 15.tex to get the textures.
Load it with DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 with the boom complevel (cl-9)

Ramp05 max.zip

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, tonytheparrot said:

For those who might want a playthrough of map 5, here is a max demo (with saves) of the map, not the best in some places (archvile pillar room, that one is cooked as shit lol) but I think it's ok. Along that you will find the map (slot 1) and 32-in 24 15.tex to get the textures.
Load it with DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 with the boom complevel (cl-9)

Ramp05 max.zip

Thank you, I'm going to be so interested to watch this!


Update: Bloody hell D:

Edited by DavidN

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I made a video of me mapping for RAMP 2024. This is an idea I had for a detailing guide for another project I'll lead, but I'm documenting it to help people who are new to mapping make their maps look more interesting. Here is part 1, where I laid down the basics. I think it could be useful here, even though I don't go a lot into the details of what I'm doing. 


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Made more good progress wit my map, though at this rate I'm not sure I'll actually meet the deadline unless I focus entirely on it. I've already cut down some ideas I had, so it's boiled down to 2 big fights with some padding between, then a final fight.




More screenies:





Still shooting for Sunder-style fights, just a bit easier to enjoy for the average player (like me).




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Looking to submit an initial version of my map soon, here's a sneak peek:








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Finally managed to finish my contribution to this year's RAMP: MAP001 "Slipgate Adventure".

I have rated it very long and hard.

My map ended up being a chunky boi.

Base Profile Screenshot 2024.06.18 -

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6 hours ago, Mapping noob said:

Enjoy if i'm allowed to submit anything this late. It's a Claus1024 map with 13 monsters, none of them easy.



Map submissions are done on the RAMP website (in the op)

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On 6/16/2024 at 12:35 PM, DoomGappy said:

I made a video of me mapping for RAMP 2024. This is an idea I had for a detailing guide for another project I'll lead, but I'm documenting it to help people who are new to mapping make their maps look more interesting. Here is part 1, where I laid down the basics. I think it could be useful here, even though I don't go a lot into the details of what I'm doing. 

Part 2 is here!


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Posted (edited)

A bit long overdue, but here's a video of me playing through my submitted map.



After watching through the video a couple times and playtesting the map a bit more, I ended up updating the map once more. I added in some more minor details here and there throughout the level, updated the RAMPSHOT image and added an extra step in the control room so you can observe the gates opening up more easily when you hit the buttons.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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Hm well in an attempt to go back to my in-progress map pack and build a secret map, I went into a bit of a zone and made what seems a potentially entertaining RAMP submission, with another day or two to polish.


Short Tyson map, tried to consciously apply the Romero Rules, nothing fancy, but I think it's fun. Bit too minimal an aesthetic perhaps but you're not meant to stick around for long.

Hopefully it ports to GZDoom format smoothly, one or two generalised linedef actions...

All goes well, will submit by the weekend so there's a decent timeframe 'til deadline for refinement.

Also question, does a mid from Bitmidi of Eye of the Tiger count as too close to the copyright sun? I'm considering alternative tracks but it just fits so well...

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I have qustion as well (to David himself speciafilly)


I saw that you started doing playthroughs already and i have qustion about maps that are still WIP like mine. Let me quess first ready map go and those WIP will be at very end right? I ask not only i want videos of my maps asap but out of curiosity.



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ok, time for me to stop slacking off, I gotta finish my maps! 

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5 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

I just got this error while trying to play the latest RAMP snapshot build.




Try the latest GZdoom (4.12.2 I think). If not then give it a day or so and someone will probably fix it XD

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yay, I finally completed library of hell after all these months. 

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Are we allowed to submit a map that has been previously released as part of another wad?

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, NeilForshaw said:


Try the latest GZdoom (4.12.2 I think). If not then give it a day or so and someone will probably fix it XD


I did download the latest version of GZDoom after making that reply, but I still got that error.


It seems to be working now. I had to download the latest snapshot (Snapshot 784 as of this post).

Edited by Lizardcommando

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Woody101 said:

Are we allowed to submit a map that has been previously released as part of another wad?


From the Rules page on the RAMP website 🙂


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Posted (edited)

Thanks David and everyone for RAMP!


Just a little heads-up, Sygaeon Outpost is around 99% done with a few bits that I need to finalise done, baring any thing that I've unintentionally missed (and any issues with merging with the main project) The map is playable and completable, 'though buggy in places and needing polish not perfect. I'll upload the map after this post; any and all feedback is welcome and insight regarding the difficulty is greatly appreciated.



This is a little 'flushed out' 'cause I took the screen shot from my laptop (that has UDB unlike my desktops) and it's contrast is a little poor.


Adding a list of points that I need to do for the purpose of some transparency:

  • Polish off the half-baked door texture (and apply them to the remaining doors). -Done
  • Finalise some texture work (I'm embarrassed that I missed some of it to be fair). - Done
  • Fix some of the spot lighting (for some reason, static spot lights don’t seem to work, but dynamic ones do. If anyone knows why, please do share). - Done
  • Try to understand why the Cyberdemon can’t enter the final area... (Cybie is now just dying upon spawn.. at least on the easy difficulty (haven't tested normal just yet)) I managed to get Big and Beautiful's health to scale down a little for normal and easy, and also got said lug-nut to chase the player into the small 'temple complex'.  
  • Some difficulty balancing. - Hopefully done.. I'm terrible at Doom (gaming in general), so I'm not the best judge, but I have dampened the difficulty generally.
  • Some final sounds for a polyobject door and a conveyor-belt. - Done, I got them working via a sound thing rather than a sequence (and used said borked sequence(s) to stop another sound sequence (I'm idioting my way through this lol)).
  • I've also (hopefully) managed to fix the main/blue elevator from dropping through the map.

Also, I really need to count the monsters...

Thanks again.

Edited by CyberosLeopard : Update. Please excuse any speling/grematical errors; a _little_ drunk.. again..

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