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[V2 RELEASED] Maria's Hell (Maria no Jigoku / マリアの地獄)

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I've been looking forward to this mod since seeing some sprites on the sprite-sharing thread, can't wait to play it!

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On 6/18/2024 at 11:49 PM, Matt Eldrydge said:

I've been looking forward to this mod since seeing some sprites on the sprite-sharing thread, can't wait to play it!

Can't wait you to make a video about it when it released.

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3 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

Color me intrigued. Will this have new maps too or will remain just a gameplay mod?

Just a gameplay mod. As for maps... In the future but cannot clarify yet.

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Posted (edited)

Maria's arsenal so far, after an number of updates and additions to her arsenal and this sheet, I'm done for now.

(EDIT: Keep your eyes on this, because I'll update this due to new additions or redesigns.)




MND Weapons teaser V10.png

Edited by DoomerBlazkowicz : Taser/Pipebombs moved to slot 0 and addition of Chainsaw in slot 1.

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That's a nice looking arsenal. Will she also have a regular crossbow (like the one seen in one of the most recent chapters of the manga?)

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11 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

That's a nice looking arsenal. Will she also have a regular crossbow (like the one seen in one of the most recent chapters of the manga?)

Originally planned but that idea merged with Railgun, that's why it's called "Arbalest". Maybe I'll include it with planned extra weapons addon in the future but maybe with poisoned arrows since right now people claiming that Kinugawa (third bully) is hallucinating.

(BTW I'm very surprised that you mentioned her crossbow XD)

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New weapons; Ebony and Ivory


A dual SMG's with weak but fast fire rate and a more powerful projectile based altfire that can deal fire damage (try with BD enemies for more results), keep in mind that altfire can deplete your bullets fast


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Definitely looking forward to this. I recently read through the manga and really enjoyed it, plus I enjoy any Doom mod with a female protag.

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On 7/27/2024 at 1:13 AM, DoomerBlazkowicz said:




From being lazy to dealing with IRL stuff, here's the Great Communicator.

Angled frames by Revae.



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14 hours ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

Great news! I'll take it for a spin tomorrow, expect a showcase as well. :)

Can't wait, and I should work on a small update tonight.


BTW, try Valmet while you have berserk.

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This mod slaps, it's a ton of fun and fits most Doom 64-type maps perfectly!


 I haven't seen everything it has to offer just yet but I did take it through some Doom 64 maps (via Consolation Prize), Hell Ground and Doom 64 in Doom 2 and had a pleasant time with one minor point of feedback I'm not sure is worth looking into too hard but better safe than sorry.


So, D64inD2 uses some hackery to crush an explosive barrel to push a copy of the player actor through trigger lines. I'm assuming either the explosive barrel or player have changes which makes this not work correctly, so D64inD2 is essentially unplayable due to softlocks. Again, not super sure if it's worth looking into that hard but that's the one bit of feedback I have to offer. This is good stuff.


On another note, I've been preparing some spookier playthroughs for my channel for October and Maria's Hell will show up for sure. Until October comes, here's a short video of me getting through Hell Ground's first map with your mod to get it in people's radars!



I'll hold off on the showcase proper until I get a bit more familiar with the mod, which is just as well since you'll give it a small update. :)

Keep up the good work!

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First "small" update is here, here are changes;

  1. Shotgun's fire rate slightly increased (Thanks Lumenoth)

  2. Disposed the placeholder Rocket Launcher kicking frames and added new ones 

  3. Removed the screen tilting

  4. Slightly buffed Ebony and Ivory

  5. Made some fixes to Valmet projectile (Thanks Lumenoth once again)



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Hey, managed to get that showcase up!




With it, I have gotten some more feedback regarding the mod. Nothing that will be really massive, just minor changes that will certainly improve it.

  • The kick deals a flat 5 damage and isn't affected by berserk as far I was able to notice. Not necessary, but a bit of damage randomization could go a long way to make it a bit more useful past sending zombies flying.
  • Same goes to the knife. I did use it when I had berserk but I didn't notice anything different about it.
  • For some reason, the pipebombs have no safety catch but have the highest selection value in the arsenal - the moment ammo for your current weapon goes out, they're selected. I didn't know this, ran out of bullets while using the Ebony & Ivory and died on the spot.
  • The revolver's silencer seems to wiggle a bit oddly when firing.


Again, these are small things. Out of them I think you should focus on the pipebombs, they're very deadly and having one blow up in your face because you held mouse 1 for a split second too long isn't a fun time.


I appreciate the mix of regular health pickups as well as portable ones, it's a surprisingly nice touch!

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Some responses of your feedbacks;

  • Kicking was originally intended to deal less damage but serving as a pushover mechanic.
  • Knife is intended to be weaker but more faster counterpart of Crowbar, pickup berserk for activating "Vampire Drain".
  • Pipebombs? I'm aware of that one for a while, I'll deal with that.
  • I didn't get it, but I'll check.

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I quite enjoy the mod so far. Definitely is one to be paired with a gore mod though to really make it that extra bit satisfying.

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Posted (edited)
On 9/29/2024 at 3:23 PM, CasualScrub said:

I quite enjoy the mod so far. Definitely is one to be paired with a gore mod though to really make it that extra bit satisfying.

the starter revolver has a chance of gibbing zombieman in 2 shots with the right damage rolls and its absolutely hilarious in combination with a gore mod like that

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Sorry, I have an error when I load the mod in lzdoom which is with a line of code called ''got'' could you fix it please?

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