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[Ultimate Doom][Single] Phobos Resurrection - Prologue

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Hello everyone, here is my first WAD for Ultimate Doom! It consists of 3 levels (e1m1-e1m3) inspired by the original episode Knee-Deep in the Dead, but with a slightly more modern aesthetic. I started the first two levels a few years ago, I believe in 2020, then abandoned them. Recently, I came across them again and decided to complete them in my free time and release them. These are my first maps, so I am still uncertain about the balance. I hope your feedback will help me improve.




DownloadPhobos Resurrection - Prologue







  • Map format: Doom (limit-removing source port necessary)
  • IWAD: Ultimate Doom (doom.wad)
  • Maps: E1M1-E1M3


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i enjoy exploring it more than fights

fights arent very hard but you created a very goof balance of health and ammo to keep player alert on uv

you placed some monster in all 3 maps just to be killed without posing much threat which was fun too btw....

i finished all 3 maps pisto; start on uv without any deaths like the m3 most 

my prboom cl3 uv fdas popi9.zip


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this is hella cool n very well made, much better than whatever I tried to accomplish


sadly I suck at this game in general, but I really like the looks of yar map..

damn all the maps are good looking, even with details now n then

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Liked it a lot!


I was expecting all the maps to be medium-length at the most but while the first one is fairly compact, it feels larger than it is and I can't speak to the other two. They all seem well-made though! It kind of feels like we're back in the late oughts with people doing their absolute best to make relatively realistic reimaginings of the original Phobos Base. Fava Beans this is not!



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Fun little mapset. Sometimes I want to play a map with a chaingun near the start next to a crowd of hitscanners and this hits the spot. Visually, the levels are really good looking for using only stock textures. No area is too empty or too busy and they follow the Episode 1 style guide (I don't know what else to call it). Putting player starts outside a building entrance like Romero's maps in Doom and Quake is a nice touch. It gives the levels authenticity. 

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Posted (edited)

Very solid, very nicely done, good detailing, good layout and flow.


Three issues and a note, all for E1M3:


- I got soft-locked when I somehow got into one of the zombie shooting galleries in the hallway before the big toxin room. I must have crossed over a ledge with momentum. Make those lines impassible.

- Another soft-lock inside the secret in the flashing-lights room: the lift can't be opened from the inside. It needs a trigger.

- The secret past the yellow key door has nothing in it on UV skill.

- The note is that the normal exit to MAP 03 doesn't have an exit sign, I was surprised the level ended when I pressed it. Some indication there would be good.

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