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Peccatum Mihzamiz

[MBF21] PUSS XXXV: Summer Showdown - a Ray Mohawk 2 Adventure!

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I think I'll make at least one map for this as a warmup to preparation to finish my own personal wads that's LONG overdue to get finished...once I finish the Elden Ring DLC :P

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Oh boy, a new PUSS CP! After such a long hiatus (since December) this is a real treat. And with a custom MOD baked into the assets and animated skies, oh hell yeah!


I've actually already started my speed-map. After one session layout and texturing is nearly complete. I'm embracing the Ray Mohawk vibe for this one so I set the grid to 128, which I rarely do. It feels SPACIOUS, but hey crowds of baddies will need the room!

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Updated the resources to version 2. Included:
-Credits file
-three extra animated skies by @muumi
-Some additional textures. (texture PMQRCODE is off limits, let me know if you want a custom texture yourself)

@Death Bear has been the first to submit a map, woohoo! I've included version 2 of it in this wad in map slot 2 for people to playtest!

new skies:






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Posted (edited)

Map Name: Resort to Violence

Author: Poxel12

Music: Derived from Unconscious Mind by Varis Alpha (From Akeldama)


Format: MBF21

Difficulty Settings: Y

Extra co-op stuff: Y

Build Time: Around 12 hours

Comments: Ray decides to visit a small resort and clean it up. I added a poster of a polish band "Lady Pank". If there are bugs in the map or you want to suggest some changes, let me know via a DM or a comment and a screenshot or description of the bug/idea.


Download here!






Edited by Poxel12

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WAD file: PUSS - SS - EG01_v09B.rar

MIDI file: runescape-golden touch.rar

Map Name: Golden Touch
Author: Egregor
Music: Golden Touch from Runescape
Sky: SKGLO [animated, provided via sky-transfer]
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: none yet
Extra co-op stuff: none yet
Build Time: 9 evenings
Comments: Vaycay baybee!


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Map Name: Showdown Chambers
Author: muumi
Music: Havana Smooth by Lee Jackson
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Y
Extra co-op stuff: Y
Build Time: maybe around 10 hours
Comments: Ray goes into some manor chambers and all the hell reveals itself again..




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Posted (edited)

Map Name: Stone and Steel
Author: Monkey Shock
Music: Shadow By Psyrus
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Extra co-op stuff: Yes
Build Time: About 5 days (not counting breaks)
Comments: Ray storms a mysterious temple and uncovers the strange secrets within.




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Map Name: The library sitting on that distant shore
Author: Heich/DynamiteKaitorn
Music: Dragon Roost Island - TLOZ: Wind Waker
Sky: I just used that one blue sky with the glistening sun. :l
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Yes - some items are added on lower difficulties and some enemies are added for higher ones
Extra co-op stuff: Not a huge amount but there's a few extra goodies for Co-Op play. Also: the map has a teleporter to help Co-Op players not end up with a softlock.
Comments: Maybe I find myself reading on that distant shore... Maybe I'm not... aaaloooone...



The starting room






One side of the library



And the other side. :3



Spoopy cave. :o



Daaaaaaarkneeeeeeees.... D:



Ahh... a lovely warm fire to cosy up to. <3

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v0hp0wz6e7628ju/The_Library_sitting_on_that_distant_shore_v1.zip/file

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Posted (edited)

PUSS - SS - EG01_v11B.rar

Map Name: Golden Touch
Author: Egregor
Music: Golden Touch from Runescape
Sky: SKGLO [animated, provided via sky-transfer]
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: YES
Extra co-op stuff: YES
Build Time:11 evenings
Comments: This is an update to my map that includes difficulty settings, extra co-op stuff, a cleaned up automap, a few tweaks to the map to make it a slight bit easier on hard/UV, some lighting dynamics added from playtest feedback, I also put the MIDI INTO the level this time. I did have trouble getting my custom Mahavishnu Orchestra poster to work correctly. It showed up in UDB and Slade, but in DSDA I got error "sky3 is missing" and in GZDoom it just wouldn't appear. The poster is placed in the bottom right corner of sector 735. I don't get it... anyways here is a .png of the texture (palleted for Doom), maybe it'll work for you? Thanks!


Edited by Egregor

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Map Name: Volcano Zone (Unabridged title: "Volcano Zone, or What it Feels Like When the AC is Busted")

Author: Blexor

Music: "Hot-Head Bop" from Donkey Kong Country 2 (Original song by David Wise; MIDI arrangement by Jay Reichard)

Sky: SKY3 (A placeholder, originally. The first few animated skies didn't fit the map. Never got around to switching it.)

Format: MBF21

Difficulty Settings: Not yet set. Will fix this later.

Extra co-op stuff: Same as above, kinda. There were places where I felt I added too many enemies, but rather than delete them I set them to Multiplayer only. As with difficulty settings I will probably revamp this at some point.

Build Time: Don't ask me that question.

Comments: Ray takes a walk through a volcano. Because reasons. I went an embarrassingly long amount of time into building this level before remembering that vanilla Doom II (and by extension, Ray Mohawk) doesn't have a lavafall texture. Whoopsie. Anyway, I used another texture to simulate the effect. It's fine. It works.

The rules say that in spite of the unlimited design time, mappers shouldn't make levels that are too long, and since I'm bad at both reading comprehension and planning (see: the lavafall situation above) I didn't do that. It probably would have been a good idea if I had, but this map is yet another 15-20 minute job, and more if you get lost. Sorry about that.

I had a tough time (like always) gauging the difficulty for this map. Since it's Ray Mohawk, I knew going in that big groups of enemies was A-OK and in fact recommended, but I still wound up with situations where I felt it went above that "first Episode of Valiant" threshold (Although it's been a while since I played Valiant, so my memory might be unreliable. I recall it being pretty tough, though). I toned those encounters down, so it's better. Kind of. I mean, in either sense the combat isn't great, but to me, this seems better.

I suppose that I should mention the music poster I added. It's the album cover for "Out of the Blue" by Electric Light Orchestra. Not sure if they count as prog rock, but I'm also not sure if I know what constitutes prog rock in the first place (Wikipedia has only slightly illuminated me here). I chose it mainly because it's one of those formulative childhood things. I think my dad must have owned the album at some point. (I did try a few other album covers, but this one turned out the best, so in it goes.)






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Posted (edited)

Map Name: The Wolf with the Red Roses
Author: DeetOpianSky
Music: You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth by Meatloaf; Sequenced by: Steve Day
Sky: SUNSK 0
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Implemented
Extra co-op stuff: Yes
Build Time: Estimated 12 hours apart from testing.
Don't just sit back, you'll have to Tear
Oh yes, You'll have to Rip
Up and down your patrol boat bobbed
and nearly took a dip.

The weather started getting rough
Surrounded by souls lost
though Ray Mohawk, he perservered
his compass suffered loss, his compass suffered loss

The boat set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert land
now Ray Mohawk must slay demons at a pace to beat the band.

Drive Link (Most recent version 07/29/2024): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Lz9FXTxjJvVKFSMTexu2yc5o45ESlm0l?usp=sharing
(My upload space to DoomWorld is very limited at the moment)

I may add some additional visual stuff but all the game play is there and the map is completable.
Please add @ArchCynic playtesting credit. 
The BLUMAP included is from boomedit.wad by Jim Flynn

Edited by DeetOpianSky : Additional Credit info.

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Map Name: [ the headhunters of voodoo island: A Ray Mohawk party submarine clone colony adventure]

Author: [ Yagacaw ]

Music: [ Deadwing - 'Back to Jupiter' from Exomoon]

Sky: animated as per required

Format: [ MBF21 ]

Difficulty Settings: [ Some extra ammo for lower difficulties, eventually will half the monster count for easy mode]

Extra co-op stuff: [co-op starts, will add extra ammo and monsters in next version]

Build Time: [ 60-80 hours ]

Comments: This is a short island adventure key hunt that is meant to remind the player of playing ''Far Cry : Blood Dragon'' while inside on a summer days from the nostalgic past


This version has had some testing, but there might be some softlocks, also the node builder started to melt down towards the end,  so let me know if you can walk through walls where you should not be able to





gun fight at sunset

Doom cute sausage party

shrine in the dark woods

some light slaughter in the cybernetics lab

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About 36 hours remaining. It's not too late yet to join the project!

So far we have received 14 maps (including secret maps) for the project! With the intro and credits map that means we have reached megawad status, huzzah!

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Map Name: Mini Island Hopping Mayham
Author: Philnemba
Music: "Push on the Gas" by Sam Woodman (Metabolist)
Sky: blue sky
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Not implemented  (ran out of brain steam after too much testing)
Extra co-op stuff: no
Build Time: Roughly 5 to 6 hours
Comments: Ray goes through a series of small islands with rapid succession 
Screenshots: 275942922_Screenshot2024-07-30184851.png.b260ce4eddf7f13429776cfafe262048.png



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Insaneprophet said:

Well I for one am ready to see a beta...

Me too :p . I'm trying to get everything compiled and out the door tomorrow for a first beta. RC1 might be later in August: getting more testing done of the beta, compiling the secret maps with their own resources + I am on vacation myself.

Maps so far:
MAP01 - Intro map by Peccatum Mihzamiz

MAP02 - Death Bear - Sunburned Smackdown

MAP03 - CBM - Truck Investigations Search for the boat

MAP04 - Poxel12 - Resort to Violence

MAP05 - Egregor - Golden Touch

MAP06 - muumi - Showdown Chambers

MAP07 - ?????? - Secret map no. 1 out of 3

MAP08 - Monkey Shock - Stone and Steel

MAP09 - Heich/DynamiteKaitorn - The library sitting on that distant shore

MAP10 - Blexor - Volcano Zone

MAP11 - ?????? - Secret map no. 2 out of 3

MAP12 - Awall - Escalation: The Movie: The Game

MAP13 - DeetOpianSky - The Wolf with the Red Roses

MAP14 - ?????? - Secret map no. 3 out of 3

MAP15 - Yagacaw - the headhunters of voodoo island: A Ray Mohawk party submarine clone colony adventure

MAP16 - Philnemba - Mini Island Hopping Mayham


Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz

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Map Name: Dreams are coming 
Author: Beubeu
Music: "Day of Mourning" by Stuart Rynn
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Not yet
Extra co-op stuff: Nope
Build Time: 20-25 hours (I think)
Comments: A peacefull place under a perfect summer sunset we all likes, unfortunately full of demons. Clean up the all thing and find some peace 
Screenshots: 1897561756_BaseProfileScreenshot2024_07.30-21_07_07_31.png.0d4b412f94a1d039788e0f733eb1306d.png



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Map Name: Country Club of Doom
Author: ByrntStarOEI
Music: "Wood Carving Partita" by  Michiru Yamane
Sky: -
Format: MBF21
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Extra co-op stuff: A little
Build Time: Around 12 hours total
Comments: Challenged myself to speed map this over the last few nights to see if I could do it. Probably full of errors and what not as I ran out of time. Hopefully it'll make the time/cut. Will update more info later.





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Posted (edited)

And with that, submissions are closed for this project! 18 Maps submitted, woohoo! With an intro and a credits map that'll end up being 20 maps! A big thank you to everybody that submitted maps, and congratulations on having made such a cool set!


Posting beta 1 here. This contains 18 of the 20 maps (intro and credits map will be added for RC1). No secret exits added to maps yet: just go to MAP16 for the first secret map. We would love feedback on this, both big and small.


Order of the maps in this beta file (not final map order):

MAP01 - @muumi - Showdown Chambers
MAP02 - @Death Bear - Sunburned Smackdown
MAP03 - @CBM - Search for the boat
MAP04 - @Poxel12 - Resort to Violence
MAP05 - @Egregor - Golden Touch
MAP06 - @MonkeyShock - Stone and Steel
MAP07 - @DynamiteKaitorn - The library sitting on that distant shore
MAP08 - @Blexor - Volcano Zone
MAP09 - @Awall -  Escalation: The Movie: The Game
MAP10 - @DeetOpianSky - The Wolf with the Red Roses
MAP11 - @Yagacaw - the headhunters of voodoo island: A Ray Mohawk party submarine clone colony adventure. [note: progression telegraphing in this will be updated]
MAP12 - @Philnemba - Mini Island Hopping Mayham
MAP13 - @Beubeu - Dreams are coming
MAP14 - @HiMyNameIsChair - Pirate Cove
MAP15 - @ByRntStarOEI - Country Club of Doom
MAP16 - Yagacaw - An Exclusive retreat for Workaholics: A well earned Holiday from our last job that had the floor we do not talk about, while drinking your juicy cocktail in the Salt Grotto, or a dark and stormy retreat to the salt grotto for short (secret map 1, will not be in this order in RC1)
MAP17 - @Tiramisu - Frontier Base (secret map 2)
MAP18 - Blexor -  Operation: Run and Bun (secret map 3)

Important note: We strongly recommend skipping maps 17 and 18 in your playtesting right now. MAP17 needs to be loaded together with Doom I textures as well at the moment. This can probably be done in GZDoom but not in DSDA. Will be merged for RC1. The same with MAP18: it needs to be loaded separately with PUSS XXXIV resources as well at the moment. Will be merged for RC1. Apologies for the inconvenience. Not all maps in this set have been playtested yet. Intermission texts, menu art, more custom music etc. will be added for RC1.

Beta download link (read important note above first!): PUSS35beta1. Updated to beta 2 on the 5th of August.


Mappers: please check if you have already submitted a poster and if so: if it's been included correctly (you can see it when playing your map). If you haven't submitted a poster yet: please do so soon! Known bug: some custom posters have become a rock textures. I am baffled. No idea how they got a rock patch. Will fix for RC1.

Philnemba, just checking: do you want 'Mayham' spelled with an 'e' or an 'a'?


Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz : beta2

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I will be right on playtesting tonight.

...just NEED to figure out how to play Blexors map as well, his are always "must not misses"

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