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First wad, Digital Dreams, has arrived!

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gonna love this 1 i know it. def one of my personal most anticpated releases. congrats on finishing her up!

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Hot stuff man! Glad to have seen it come together. 

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Posted (edited)

That's some gorgeous texture work. I was wondering when we might see ZOONTEX get some more time in the sun.

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Posted (edited)

  Congrats on the release. I've actually been looking forward to this being released ever since I heard of it on fuGue_tv 's youtube channel. He was doing a play through of a wad of mine a couple of months ago and your name came up during the video at some point. Spotted your work and decided that this is a wad I need to give a play after checking out your webpage.  Now that it's here, I can say it was well worth the wait as this is some excellent mapping, especially for a first release.


I actually had some time to play through the wad and recorded some demos of each level. These are on UV, pistol start, no saves (due to demo rec.), and first time played through each. Now as you'll see, I didn't actually beat any of these maps yet, as they are rather difficult to try and beat in one go without saving. Also, I ran into some "unable to progress" problems in some of the maps, as well.   These demos are more for info purposes for you as I always found watching someone else play through my maps an extremely useful feedback tool. Once I get more time, I'll give this wad a proper playthough, but probably won't do any recording as it would be nice to save, haha.  The demos are bellow along with my feedback on the wad.     


To start off, the texture work, level design, and build quality in this wad is top notch. I don't recall seeing anything out of place, but if I did I usually point/shoot/shake at it with the pistol. I also liked how each map played differently from one another, rather than being the same standard affair throughout the whole wad. I don't have much else to say, but praise, in regards to build quality of the wad. This wad definitely shows your skills, effort, and hard work you put into it.


Now as far as combat goes, it was good for the most part, but I do have a few issues with some of it. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion, as this is a subjective subject, since everyone has different taste. Don't go making drastic changes on only my account. Some of the fights were a bit stacked against the player in a more aggravating rather than fun way. There were times when there just wasn't enough room to maneuver properly and getting hung up on the complex level geometry (Beautiful though) didn't help either.  Of course, this could be a skill issue as I'm not a big player of slaughter maps, but I am a fan of challenging hard maps as long as they are fun and not tedious. I was playing on UV, so I could also turn down the difficulty to see if that helps, too, I reckon.


The demos:




I'll give some brief opinion of each level demo and what I've encounter during the playthrough:



Map01: What a start! Running from a cyber into a room full of hellknights! I died more than I would have liked, but it was usually from an error on my part. The first part can be a bit of a pain depending on how things play out. I feel there is not enough ammo during this encounter, as sometimes infighting doesn't always produce preferable results. Plus the archvilles further amplify the problem if they are not taken care of quickly.  The second part was fine. my only beef was with the second set of shootable switches to lower the bars. For some reason it didn't activate the first time, and I eventually got it to work after checking what to do in the editor and then blasting it a few time with the ssg. Not sure what's going on as it seems to work fine most of the time.

The next couple of parts where fine from what I recall (not sure if these got included in the demo as I had to break at some point), but the fifth part is where I called it quits after falling into a instant death pit after hitting a switch. They way this is setup made me think that I was suppose to progress forward as the switch was being lowered and the sides being a wall beforehand. Turns out this is not the case, and my best run was cut short, aggravatingly so.


Map02: Not much to say with this one. As you can see in the demo, it was just easier for me to rush past the first part to a "safer" area. Not a fan of the first (or second?) teleport trap with the former humans and hellknights. Way too many hitscanners in a cramped area with no cover, while the player gets quickly swarmed. This makes the fight too unpredictable and unfun in my opinion.  I eventually called it quits after awhile with this map to a death from a teleporting trap cyber I believe?  Kind same I said before kinda applies to this battle as well, with things getting cramped much too quickly. The transparent walls also make it hard to see a cyber spawn in.


Map03: Go ol brawling map. I enjoyed what I played through and it was a nice change of pace. Died to a rather sticky encounter, mostly due to being unable to see anything after being hit hard. I will say it's not cool to be instantly punched in the back when teleporting in though...

Short demo cause I had some stuff come up, but this is a fun map.


Map04: Bit of a strange map. Like the corruption vibe. I pretty bad at platform jumping in doom and falling off stuff in general, so I'm surprised there weren't more deaths in that regards. The platforming was rather tame though, so thanks for that! It was rather confusing/hard to see in the invisible wall area, but I reckon that was the point. Hard to shake stray Revenant missiles though. I died to a cyber missile that I thought I dodged in the next area, but I have a feeling there was more than one cyber in there, so it was probably from that.


Map05: Pretty standard stuff at this point when it comes to this map. The transparent walls makes things hard to judge things  at times. Actually, that was my beef with the last area that I died in. Was hard to tell what was a footing and I ran off into a instant death pit. I figured that was more than likely to happen again so I decided to move on to the next map.


Map06: So I'm not sure if I was playing this map properly, but as you'll see in the demo, I just rushed past the beginning stuff as it seem to be the best course of action. Plus I don't think there is enough ammo to fight through all those enemies. Not a problem for me as I'm a "path of least resistance" type in regards to my doom game play. It also makes it fun to break the battles into a puzzle to solve. I was unable to progress past a certain part in this map, however, as seen in the demo. Not sure why the two platforms were not raising for me after shooting the switch multiple times. I could be doing something wrong I reckon, but I check the editor and even made sure my settings were correct and found no problems in that regard.


Map07: A runner style map (not sure what the genre is called). So, being that my track record is pretty poor in doom when it comes to platforming and falling from heights, one could conclude that this map would probably not be my cup of tea. That wasn't the case with this map, however, as I actually found it pretty fun the more I played it. Seems to be pretty robust too, as I tried "breaking" it a few times by holding the back key for my advantage, but it seems this was accounted for as it didn't help much and for certain would result in death the further one proceeds.  I eventually move on, though, as I was certain that I'm gonna need saves to finish this one.


Map08: The final map and I reckon to most slaughtery. Not much to say, as I feel I need a bit more playthrough with this one to give better input. Wanted to do a couple more playthoughs, but I ran out of time. I'm still uncertain, but I guess the first big battle was alright. As you can see my approach was not really the smartest, but it got the job done (sometimes). The battles on the right side of the map were fun and I didn't make it too far on the left side, but it seemed ok. Got smashed by a pack of archvilles teleporting in. Wasn't really a fan of that, since they were hidden behind horde of enemies, I had no cover, and really couldn't wait them out since that would have resulted in death as well. 



So yeah, I believe I rambled on enough already, but hopefully my feedback is of some use to you. Once again, it's a beautiful wad and a great work of art. I enjoyed playing through it and I'm definitely going to play it some more when I get the chance. I for sure will keep an eye out on anything you release in the future.




Edited by ByRntStarOEI : Grammer

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I'll absolutely be playing this. I've watched Lime mapping this on stream and its always been a real pleasure to watch come together. I'll be back with another post later on with demos and commentaries on each map.

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So cool you are releasing this! Seeing you work on this and your other maps over the years has been amazing. Always chill cozy vibes. Congrats!

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Full playthru posted below. My favorite map was 5, my least favorite was 2. I loved this set. It is challenging, but balanced.


it still needs:

level names

widescreen hud

intermission screen 

ending map without an exit for credits and/or just vibes to make it feel complete 


congrats bro. I’m proud of you




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That looks absolutely baller for a firstie. See folks, pay attention: For ever Origwad or Terrywad clone there is this once in a year golden nugget. That's this one.


Love the layouts, bar none. If anything, this could fit right into a DBP release, too. (That's a compliment, by the way, given how good certain iterations are).


@L!M3WaX508 Newcomer of the year? Well, i be hard pressed for a contender, but a contender you are.

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Posted (edited)

Hey @L!M3WaX508,


this is really great stuff - played through Map 1 and had a blast!


Have 1 potential Bug to report:


The Archie in Sector 3924 doesn't seem to teleport in like the others in the same Monster Closet - not sure if I missed anything but I was able to replicate the Bug a few times. Just to clarify, played on Complevel 21 on dsda-doom v0.25.6


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Very bold and extravagant use of color here! Even the compblue HUD looks neat.

Definitely going to enjoy this super unique mapset. I feel like a kid in candy store hehe ;) 

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