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Caffeine Freak

SOLVED: Monsters not responding properly

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So, I'm delving into Classic Doom mapping for the first time with a map that I'm working on for a level design jam. Build time on this map so far is maybe a week and some change, so it's real short, rough and not much in the visual department. The problem is that I'm running into AI behavior I can't explain, specifically with 3 Revenants in the very first area of the map. They're easy enough to spot, but I've circled them in the screenshot here anyway: 








Problem is, these guys are not flagged as 'Deaf' and yet they don't respond until struck with gunfire, either from the player or other monsters. I've checked and re-checked the pedestals they're on and none of the linedefs are set to block sound as far as I can see. The weird thing is, this odd behavior didn't start occurring until I started adding some visual touch-ups to the starting area of the level, such as candles and those jaggedy rock formations on the ceiling. To top it off, the Revs don't seem to ever attack once they ARE alerted.


WAD is attached along with screencaps. If it matters, I've been using Doombuilder 2 to make the map. I've tested the current version of the map on GZDoom 4.12.2 and Crispy Doom 6.0, and get the same issue on both, so I know it's probably some newbie mistake I'm making. Uses doom2.wad. Replaces map 07, because it utilizes Tag 666. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


Edited by Caffeine Freak

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Looks like they don't have enough room to do a full movement. Enemies need to be able to move to attack, so you need to widen those platforms to allow them to do that.

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there's broken sectors




switch to "Make Sectors" mode and click on the six sectors involved, and that should fix it

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