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Sneezy McGlassFace

Crispy Chicken Speedmap [9 maps in MBF21] Now on IDGAMES

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Man, this was cool. We should do this again someday :D

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I don't speedmap that often; this was very spur of the moment, but I'm glad I did it! There's some really cute and/or clever maps in this set, please give it a try!

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tried it in nugget doom. love it!!!

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HNTR FDA-approved demo played in DSDA-Doom:



It ended up being aborted when I ended up stuck in the corner of MAP02 where the wall and a wood pillar intersected, with no way out.

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This was a fun surprise, fun ppl nice to see the comradery - I hope to give it a whirl when I have time


Kudos everyone, thanks for getting together and doing something fun and spontaneous :)

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It's incredible how i missed this considering that i'm on the funny crispy server. I hope there's more speedmap sessions in the future so i can join!

In the meantime, i will give this a shot, even if it kicks my ass real hard.

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Posted (edited)

For some reason I cannot join the server...

Was I banned?

Sorry if it's an inappropriate place to ask this question, just wanna know for sure.

Edited by Async Unicorn

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I'm sad to not have had the time to contribute to this, but at least I can look forward to playing it.

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A nice little piece of speedmapping, and it has the Crispy Chicken compilation classic of a major difficulty spike at MAP07 and lasting through the final third. It's all doable, but those last three actually required something resembling grinding. Here are demos of all the maps in the beta01 version (recorded on DSDA, UV difficulty): ccsm.zip


A little thought on each map:


MAP01: A humble opener that starts us off with a very classic feel, helped by the sleepy iwad midi.


MAP02: A cozy setting with a nice guy offering me drinks. I think we need more shotgun/chaingun vs archvile combat in general, so I liked seeing it here.


MAP03: A snappy little piece. Those monster closets were more ominous than actually threatening, but I think that's okay; being able to see the closets on the automap before they open actually adds to the tension.


MAP04: After seeing your RAMP map, I'm starting to get an idea of what a typical Doom Wads speedmap looks like. This was quick and had minimal resistance, but the gray was worn handsomely.


MAP05: Brown indeed. I think I cheesed the main attraction by leaving early and sniping everybody from above. Up to you whether that's intended. The giant screaming square in the floor at the end made it pretty clear that I would benefit from a little BFG pre-fire.


MAP06: Plenty of Shawn, Shotgun, and Shooting, though I'm not sure about Shack. Maybe that was the middle building? I'll admit the fights were low danger but still felt a little drug out, but I enjoyed handling the hitscan barrage at the start the most.


MAP07: Huh. I guess this isn't really a hard map, per se, given how quickly it can be finished, but I'll confess that it was not pleasant to play, combining the unavoidable starting archvile, the weird use of blocking lines, and frequent occurrences of the zombie doomguy bug. I wonder if the start would feel more pleasant if the BFG were the last weapon in the starting line rather than the chaingun, that way autoswitch gives me the BFG. Maybe the automap art is meant to be viewed while I'm dead, since it's far too hectic to look at otherwise.


MAP08: Very nice combat, though once the big health pickups run out, the rocket launcher makes the rest of the map really precarious, as you're always one face-rocket from death. The starting ambush was nice, though it felt perfunctory after the fourth time (easily avoided by use of save games).


MAP09: Brutal, but it at least seems to have a "correct" approach by visiting the red key building first. If possible, it would be nice for the player to get a pump shotgun right at the start just so I didn't have to deal with autoswitch later in the red key zone. I also had more trouble finding the red key than others, possibly due to something dying on top of the key. Thankfully I blundered into it eventually. The most frustrating part of this map was certainly the bit of cybertag at the very start; if the siege cows don't cooperate, you're in big trouble, so I ended having many many starts until I left with good health. Perhaps that frustration could be alleviated by providing more health before the blue key building, which is a death sentence if visited early.


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Hey guys, I literally just finished this - super hot off the presses - youtube's upload and processing to HD time is nuts, and so are these maps


I am so glad you guys got together for this spontaneous project was a lot of fun


also thanks for visiting this session @sandwedge @Dark Pulse @MAN_WITH_GUN & @LVENdead


lots of fun moments I enjoyed all of this, that last map gave me a go and took up most of the video lol, but fun seeing space ships, chicken coops and all kinds of wacky settings and scenarios


I hope to see ya all do it again next time, fried chicken friday for life!



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Posted (edited)

Some of these nuggets were spicier than anticipated, but it was still a nutritious and fulfilling Value Bucket.

@Axuris's resonated best with me, because I really enjoy little pocket-sized bases like that; and I was surprised at how much I dug @Sneezy McGlassFace's slaughter fiesta.

Hope this becomes a regular thing from our resident group of chicken husbandry experts.

Edited by Daytime Waitress

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Alright, I'm back from the dead and I finally have some time to play maps. Blasted through this in 1 session.


Actually, for a speedmap session at least on HNTR this feels really well structured - you have the easy stuff at the beginning and the hard stuff towards/at the end.


My favorites were the well-constructed 03 by Axuris, the TNT (to me) throwback on 06 by Numsoic, and Lvendead's 08 rocket party.


05's BFG should probably be removed on Easy difficulty. That's my only complaint. Solid stuff for speedmaps, did enjoy!

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Posted (edited)

Haha just got my account (re-)approved. Anyway, thanks to those who gave it a try and posted demos!

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