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It seems that the Dark Ages is gonna be more of Serious Sam type of game rather than doom.

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Wide open spaces, massive hoards of enemies, hardly any air combat. Did anyone else notice this?

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On 7/12/2024 at 8:55 PM, NoName667 said:

Wide open spaces, massive hoards of enemies, hardly any air combat. Did anyone else notice this?

Would argue a lack of air combat makes it feel more like classic Doom. From what I've seen the game looks to be taking cues from the more bullet hell approach the OGs had. But also, Serious Sam is arena based, and from what we know, this game will not be, focusing more on large levels with lots of backtracking.

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On 7/13/2024 at 2:55 AM, NoName667 said:

Wide open spaces, massive hoards of enemies, hardly any air combat. Did anyone else notice this?

You mean like Doom?

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Posted (edited)

We know next to nothing about this game.  We have had one trailer. I dread to think what the speculation will be like when we do get some actual facts about the game. 

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9 minutes ago, Eurisko said:

We know next to nothing about this game.  We have had one trailer. I dread to think what the speculation will be like when we do get some actual facts about the game. 

There have been multiple developer interviews.

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On 7/13/2024 at 5:55 AM, NoName667 said:

Wide open spaces, massive hoards of enemies, hardly any air combat. Did anyone else notice this?

The game will be very similar to OG-Doom and not Serious Sam, because the emphasis will be on moving a lot of large projectiles in terms of gameplay.  In addition, the approach to level design in the new Doom will be a mixture of standard linearity with metroidvania elements like backtracking.  This is all known from the words of the developers

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People did this with doom 2016 when the first trailers and screenshots came out “too slow blah blah blah no color boo hoo” and then the game came out and they simped hard for the game when most of that turned out to be untrue. This will likely be the case here too. 

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i really hope that the team at ID Software lock-in and know wtf they are doing. This is apparently the last doom game (for a while at least) in the new doom trilogy. Hopefully it goes out with a bang!

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Posted (edited)

Hopefully not as I find Serious Sam gameplay tedious. But oh well refunds exist for a reason.

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Looks more like one of them Call to Duties to me 'cause there's a lotta runnin' 'n shootin' and the places got enemies in 'em like it's a huntin' game er sumtin'. They got a shield in Wahrzone too, I thank so at least. 

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I hope Doom takes and copies stuff from other games (and even mods) to give the series a lot of features.

To be that's "expanding the Doom universe" and raising Doomguy's power level or that of the demons etc.

Specially when eve D3 RoE has a weapon copying the Gravity Gun.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/12/2024 at 7:55 PM, NoName667 said:

Wide open spaces, massive hoards of enemies, hardly any air combat. Did anyone else notice this? 

doom fan discovers modern doom is just serious sam nearly a decade too late

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20 hours ago, whatup876 said:

I hope Doom takes and copies stuff from other games (and even mods) to give the series a lot of features.

To be that's "expanding the Doom universe" and raising Doomguy's power level or that of the demons etc.

Specially when eve D3 RoE has a weapon copying the Gravity Gun.

Yeah, if doomguy would go super saiyan, that'd be dope

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On 7/13/2024 at 2:55 AM, NoName667 said:

Wide open spaces, massive hoards of enemies, hardly any air combat.


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2 hours ago, insanoflex312 said:

Yeah, if doomguy would go super saiyan, that'd be dope

I had an idea that was kinda like that: A version of the setting where Doomguy is still UAC related but the Doomslayer is a form of his.

Basically, you get enough weapons/inventory under the UAC theme which also had their own limits/weaknesses, but at certain times, you could magically turn into the Slayer form where your UAC gear turns into Sentinel gear and it all acts stronger.


Like the ultimate way to Doomguy both as a UAC guy and as the Doomslayer at the same time.


As usual, went more on detail on this blogpost.

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On 8/2/2024 at 10:02 PM, Obsidian Plague said:

doom fan discovers modern doom is just serious sam nearly a decade too late

is it? I thought the new doom games were their own thing. There was no other fps game like doom eternal before. At least in the way it played.

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I think is still to early to know. Yes, trailers (should) set the mood and expectations of the game it is presenting. The feeling I got was a more grounded version of DooM Eternal, even kind of like Quake 1 (if it makes any sense).


Now I dont know if it would be a good thing/take on that formula or not, but so far they havent dissapointed, so lets see how this turns out.

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