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real slush59134

I become adult next year

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As someone who has been adulting for a while now, you will be fine. It's a challenge. It's supposed to be. But you can do it. 

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3 hours ago, real slush59134 said:

I'm afraid


Let go. Be afraid. You all taste so much better when you're afraid.



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Good for you! Personal Autonomy Legitimately rules and you're about to get fresh big bowl of it! Yummo!

Speaking of Personal Autonomy, I'd feel I should tell you that your title/avatar combo gives me similar vibes to this famous tweet:

Take this knowledge and act (or don't) as you see fit.

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Congrats! One piece of advice I'll give you is to never measure your current life progress against other peoples. Your journey is your own, and what people post on social media is rarely an accurate reflection of how their life is actually going. Your 20s are essentially an extended adolescence where you're learning how to be an adult - mistakes are how you learn and they'll make you a better person. 

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like others said. you'll be fine






ngl. this post makes me miss the year when I was 18 and graduated school. the days of staying up late playing halo 3 while drinking energy drinks. good times. 


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I really wonder what my adulthood would have been like if the Corona didn't take it away from me.

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Posted (edited)

Its okay to be scared, Im about to get my driver's license and a job too and right now in my view its so over, If someone tells you your fine and you dont feel fine its always okay to be not fine. Your never wrong for feeling how you feel. Toxic positivity is real and you can smell it in this thread. Due to survivorship bias getting advice here is almost useless since most people here are upper middle class and in their experience they see everything they have as something they've "grinded" for and they see the system as a meritocracy when they just haven't experienced it any other way.

Edited by Milkeno

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Everyone's saying it'll be okay. It won't. You're now becoming an independant adult in probably the worst time to do so in history. Next year, you will be expected to provide for yourself in an economy that requires about 50% to 80% of your pay to go to the basic cost of living - we talking rent, gas, electricity, and water. Those four things, which are now needed to operate within modern society, will cost you the majority of your money. You will need to figure out how to make the remaining 20% to 50% work to purchase your groceries, potential car related costs (including immediate costs such as buying a car, and consistent costs such as monthly car insurance), potential phone related costs (same deal as the costs of cars, high immediate purchases, modest long-term monthly costs, etc.). Never before in human history has such a strain been put on the average person. No more than 30 years ago, your basic cost of living would've taken at most a good 40% of your paycheque. We are right now being treated as slaves - our ownly calling upon this earth is to work like a dog and barely get by, according to those who look down upon us from their ivory towers.


Understand you're walking into a rigged game, unironically. Before you find yourself inevitably running like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find a job in this shithole of an economy, know first that it's all rigged. You don't have enough money to support yourself, your parents don't have enough to support you - neither do your friends. Your company doesn't have enough money to pay you well, and the government doesn't have enough spare change to throw at you. We're all on our own, suffering in this hell of our own creation. Know that first as the pretense to your adult life; at the very least, it will numb the pain.

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Welcome to Adulthood! Buy some booze (IF you're legally allowed) and enjoy it! Cause it's all downhill from here! :D

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1 hour ago, act said:

Everyone's saying it'll be okay. It won't. You're now becoming an independant adult in probably the worst time to do so in history. Next year, you will be expected to provide for yourself in an economy that requires about 50% to 80% of your pay to go to the basic cost of living - we talking rent, gas, electricity, and water. Those four things, which are now needed to operate within modern society, will cost you the majority of your money. You will need to figure out how to make the remaining 20% to 50% work to purchase your groceries, potential car related costs (including immediate costs such as buying a car, and consistent costs such as monthly car insurance), potential phone related costs (same deal as the costs of cars, high immediate purchases, modest long-term monthly costs, etc.). Never before in human history has such a strain been put on the average person. No more than 30 years ago, your basic cost of living would've taken at most a good 40% of your paycheque. We are right now being treated as slaves - our ownly calling upon this earth is to work like a dog and barely get by, according to those who look down upon us from their ivory towers.


Understand you're walking into a rigged game, unironically. Before you find yourself inevitably running like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find a job in this shithole of an economy, know first that it's all rigged. You don't have enough money to support yourself, your parents don't have enough to support you - neither do your friends. Your company doesn't have enough money to pay you well, and the government doesn't have enough spare change to throw at you. We're all on our own, suffering in this hell of our own creation. Know that first as the pretense to your adult life; at the very least, it will numb the pain.


Finally, the $15 per hour minimum wage economy that people said would fix everything

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If you aren't following healthy habits now is your best time to start following some of them. There is no way around it for most people, if you ignore your body's health it will betray your expectations next decade and fixing it is much harder than starting out on a good foundation.

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10 minutes ago, dasho said:


Finally, the $15 per hour minimum wage economy that people said would fix everything

I don't know what your position is on it, but this is a subject matter that is with every passing day edging closer into literal life and death territory; the simple reality is that we are objectively, factually, and undeniably getting not enough for our labour in the current market. We've all seen the outstanding evidence saying that the average person is working harder and making less. We should not be both working more than our forebearers, and yet finding ourselves with less at the end of the day. That is a sign that we are being stolen from. Even a $15 minimum wage is not enough. Salaries for everyone besides the already ultra-rich - from the working poor such as I, to tradesmen, middle-management and white-collar professionals alike - are all legitimately overdue for a salary increase of at least 200%. That's how much more we've been making, and how much wealth we've not seen a cut of. Unironically the quickest fix would be legislated caps on prices for goods, services, and rent, with the enactment of hefty taxes on properties owned by large companies such as Walmart or Amazon taxing the company itself, and using that tax money - plus some printed - to help smaller businesses foot the bill for this increase of pay. This would then immediately stimulate the economy, as now 90% of people can afford to spend as they should, which would increase growth in the economy. If the big businesses want to leave an entire nation's market, they can go right ahead. We will make something better than them in our area. Their loss, not ours.


Understand that there is not some "force of nature" coming in and vacuuming your money, your food, your water, and the clothes on your back. This is an active, planned, and intentional act of large-scale robbery by human beings like you and me. Equals to us, not superiors. What are we going to do about it? Begin asking that question daily.

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Oh when I remember when I turned 21, but since I'm double that now, doesn't quite matter to me now.


Happy birthday, by the way.

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Posted (edited)

Only thing I can say is be mindful of every decision you make (or choose not to make!) with regards to your future life trajectory, because: The period of time between 18 and 35 can go by as if you can do anything you want and nothing really bad will happen. But by around age 35, all your previous life decisions will hit you instantly, all at once. Health, education, finances, relationships, everything. You won't even have time to reconsider and course-correct, everything hits you within the span of 1-2 years in your 30s. It's the culmination of your young adulthood decisions and you won't get any advanced warnings about the potential consequences if you aren't thinking a decade ahead. This is where the "mid-life crisis" can happen, it's where life-long regrets form, and it makes or breaks people.

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My advice?


Never ask forums for games older than you for life advice, you're gonna get some strange answers.

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, act said:

You're now becoming an independant adult in probably the worst time to do so in history. 

Oh please, that's what they said during World War II and that shit was easy, 100-59 with a 3.75 k/d ratio.


17 hours ago, act said:

potential car related costs

Walk/get a bike/electric scooter/carpool/taxi.



potential phone related costs

Ryan Reynolds gives me phone service for about $11/month.


17 hours ago, act said:

We are right now being treated as slaves

-every young adult since recorded time.


17 hours ago, act said:

Everyone's saying it'll be okay. It won't.

Not with that attitude, so I'd advise OP to adopt a different one.



Know that first as the pretense to your adult life; at the very least, it will numb the pain.

You aren't even out of your -teens yet. You haven't started to even scrape the surface of "adult life" regardless of how experienced you think you are.



For the record I pay $550/week in rent for a hotel room, am on probation ($$$ + "we don't hire felons"), have no health insurance with a semi-crippled hand, and usually work 7 days a week. Things were much harder for my family and I during the recession. And even then, nobody I know adopted this attitude that they couldn't make it due to the world around me because it does jack shit any way you look at it. And even if I did have that attitude back then, I wouldn't go around telling people that their life is going to be miserable because all that does is spread around even more misery.


1 hour ago, mrthejoshmon said:

My advice?


Never ask forums for games older than you for life advice, you're gonna get some strange answers.

"I asked on Doomworld and they said I'm doomed"

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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5 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

For the record I pay $550/week in rent for a hotel room, am on probation ($$$ + "we don't hire felons"), have no health insurance with a semi-crippled hand, and usually work 7 days a week. Things were much harder for my family and I during the recession. And even then, nobody I know adopted this attitude that they couldn't make it due to the world around me because it does jack shit any way you look at it. And even if I did have that attitude back then, I wouldn't go around telling people that their life is going to be miserable because all that does is spread around even more misery.


"I asked on Doomworld and they said I'm doomed"

You are absolutely in a hideously fucked situation and the only reason why you should be in that situation is because you brutally murdered like 4 dudes and at least one woman or child and express little guilt over it.


Chances are? You're a dude who was unlucky. In a world where we've got a shitton of lucky people, and in a world where if you were given some of that luck yourself so you had two perfectly working hands instead of just one, you'd make more than what you'd make now, which is an objectively good thing - at least to economists. But you're not given even a slice of that luck, for some reason, and instead of asking why you fellate yourself on how hard you've been fucked over like it's some kind of good thing.


I'm saying the world is fucked and is absolute hell so we can stop lying to both ourselves and those who look down upon us and begin making changes so it doesn't have to be this shit.

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On 7/13/2024 at 4:06 AM, real slush59134 said:

I'm afraid

Don't worry, i'm 50 and still a child.

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On 7/12/2024 at 9:26 PM, Murdoch said:

As someone who has been adulting for a while now, you will be fine. It's a challenge. It's supposed to be. But you can do it. 


As someone who is also adulting, don't do it. My wife is starting to catch on to it and I am scared of the day when she finds out.

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