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any good WADs for someone that recently completed every IWAD?

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Ok so for some context: I've been playing the classic Doom games and i heard about the world of WADs, the only problem was that i felt like i wasn't ready, until now... I recently completed Final Doom on HMP and i feel like im finally ready to get into the world of WADs, so, do you guys have any good WADs?(Anything that isn't slaugther or extremely hard should work)

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Nostalgia 1 & 2, Doom 64 for Doom 2, and Machete are some of my personal recommendations. 

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Memento Mori, Memento Mori 2, Anomaly Report, Requiem and No Rest for the Living are my personal recommendations.


Alternatively, you could always browse through the different Cacowards to find something that interests you.

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Posted (edited)

Arrokoth hews pretty close to the the original game, but still feels modern. It's complicated.

Neither Scorn nor Violence are gonna bust your balls unless you shift up to UV, and they're both just gorgeous.

Pretty much anything by Squonker Team is comfy, again, if you're keeping at HMP.

And Ray Mohawk 2 is a partial conversion, so it has a lot of different stuff going on aesthetically and mechanically compared to what you already know. But it's so simultaneously amplified and chilled out that it might well be the perfect entry point into what is possible with Doom modding, without being totally overwhelming or having too high of a skill ceiling.

Edited by Daytime Waitress : spellink

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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, Lizardcommando said:

Memento Mori, Memento Mori 2, Anomaly Report, Requiem and No Rest for the Living are my personal recommendations.


Alternatively, you could always browse through the different Cacowards to find something that interests you.

Thanks for the recommendations! Im not sure about checking the cacowards since i saw some really hard wads(sunlust) on it but i'll see if there's something for me there.

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Posted (edited)

Some Cacoward winners or runners in the last 20 years are monuments of video game. But there are hundreds. Some are listed in previous answers to your question, but let me give you some others from my best picks

  • CONGESTION 1024 (2005)
  • VANGUARD (2011)
  • DOOM THE WAY ID DID (2012)
  • PUTREFIER (2013)
  • GOING DOWN (2014)
  • RESURGENCE (2014)
  • BREACH (2015)
  • SUNLUST (2015)
  • MIASMA (2016)
  • BRIGANDINE (2017)
  • DIABOLICUS Ex (DEx) (2018)
  • MAGNOLIA (2018)
  • SKEPLAND (2018)
  • EVITERNITY (2019)
  • SIGIL (2019)
  • INFRA WORLD (2021)
  • LULLABY (2021)
  • 2022 A DOOM ODYSSEY (2022)
  • CAPYBARA (2022)
  • ARRIVAL (2022)
  • PAGODIA (2022)
  • SIGIL 2 (2023)
  • TETANUS (2023)
Edited by B00m3rDoomer

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Scythe went well enough for me when I finished the IWADs for the first time. The last ten maps are a little harder than Plutonia, maybe maps 28 and 30 could be a problem.

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Hmm, depends what you liked about doom, did u like the challenge of Plutonia? Than i recommend:

Vanguard by Skillsaw, play on HMP with saves if map03 gives you trouble but i totally recommend conquering it in UV, last 3 levels are slaughter but soft, accesible slaughter.. or.. and my friends are gonna roll my eyes since this is a fruity lerlups cliche at this point..

Rush by Archi, if you wanna go down that slaughter route, Rush is accessible, with difficulty levels implemented, but has super thoughtful set piece fights you'll eventually find in hardcore slaughter stuff, its not hard, I truly recommend playing it UV with saves..

Do you want atmosphere? Then play

Icarus Alien Vanguard, i purely play this for atmosphere. frankly the combat is abysmall but its such a fun romp and super easy but has the occasional spicy fight.

Do you want the best of both worlds?

Valiant by Skillsaw, both has challenging maps and fantastic atmosphere! I cant say enough good about this wad, so ill just say, play on HMP if later on it gets too hard, Skillsaw is the definition of "soft slaughter" combat wise, but their emphasis on atmosphere and aesthetics will keep you going.

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I'm in the same situation than OP. I recently completed "No rest for the living" and really enjoyed it with its intricate maps full of secrets, quite in the spirit of the original campaign. Any other megawad in that vein ?

I also completed Sigil I and II, and Plutonia a long time ago.

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6 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Did you like Plutonia or TNT more?

I like Plutonia more, i know a lot of people love TNT but i just don't like the bad level design it has.

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Just now, VeryRandomMan said:

I like Plutonia more, i know a lot of people love TNT but i just don't like the bad level design it has.

You could try Plutonia 2, but it's pretty different and a lot harder on UV. The other -ilutions are better than TNT, though. I don't like most of TNT (or Plutonia, really) but maybe playing through those will give some feeling of continuity since some of the same tropes and design elements are being used/being paid tribute to.

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6 hours ago, B00m3rDoomer said:
  • GOING DOWN (2014)
  • SUNLUST (2015)

Hmmm, some of the wads on this list seem to be pretty hard.

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9 minutes ago, VeryRandomMan said:

Hmmm, some of the wads on this list seem to be pretty hard.


All these have difficulty settings. If there's a wad that piques your interest but you're worried about difficulty, you could just play them on an easier setting.

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Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, VeryRandomMan said:

Hmmm, some of the wads on this list seem to be pretty hard.

I would personally avoid sunlust for now if you are not confident with your playing abilities.
Just about anything that has won a cacoward in the last 10 years is really solid.

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Scythe is a FANTASTIC evolution of the iwad aesthetics and difficulty. Really great pick for someone who's fresh off the iwads.

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54 minutes ago, VeryRandomMan said:

Hmmm, some of the wads on this list seem to be pretty hard.


Yes, these three might be a bit harder than the others :) But on lowest difficulty level, it is manageable

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, VeryRandomMan said:

Ok so for some context: I've been playing the classic Doom games and i heard about the world of WADs, the only problem was that i felt like i wasn't ready, until now... I recently completed Final Doom on HMP and i feel like im finally ready to get into the world of WADs, so, do you guys have any good WADs?(Anything that isn't slaugther or extremely hard should work)



















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If you're into Ultimate Doom you can check out Snax's wad called Stickeny Installation or her Doom 2 wad called Abscission. Both are really worth playing and checking out.

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It's a one map wad, but for those who enjoyed NRFTL, Ed C's Smothered Hope struck a similar chord for me and iirc felt around the same level of difficulty. Can def recommend them as a mapper to look into.

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Fava Beans is a nice, vintage wad. It's an Episode 1 replacement and plays like the days of old in a good way.

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Japanese Community Project

It’s a small step up in difficulty, but I’m confident that anybody who cleared the iwads will also enjoy this wad as well.

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7 hours ago, Gifty said:

Scythe is a FANTASTIC evolution of the iwad aesthetics and difficulty. Really great pick for someone who's fresh off the iwads.


Maybe not the last episode, at least not on pistol starts or UV for a new player.

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On 7/14/2024 at 7:56 PM, Cruduxy Pegg said:


Maybe not the last episode, at least not on pistol starts or UV for a new player.

I normally play everything on HMP and pistol starts aren't my thing so i guess i'll be fine?

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Posted (edited)

i suggest playing the final 10 or so maps on hntr, as even on hmp some of them will probably kick your ass. they can be very nasty at times, especially seeing as how some of them are slaughtery

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7 minutes ago, roadworx said:

i suggest playing the final 10 or so maps on hntr, as even on hmp some of them will probably kick your ass. they can be very nasty at times, especially seeing as how some of them are slaughtery

I see... Thanks for the tip!


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Posted (edited)

You can try these ones 

You may try "TNT Revilution", if you enjoyed original TNT.

I would also recommend "Abscission", if you like dark atmosphere stuff.

Try "Machete" and "Nostalgia 1 & 2" wads, these are great on their own.


Edited by Async Unicorn

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