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Paying to create a mod

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Hello there, first post here!


I would like to request a person to create mod, and I would of course pay for it. Do you know the best channel for it?


The mod I would like would create a new option in the "options menu", where the following customizations would be possible:

   - You can set health cap (different than 100%)

   - You can set armor cap

   - Toggle that enables: if you take more health from a medkit/stimpack that would add up to more than you current health cap, you add it above the cap (example: if you had 98% health, and you would take a medkit, you would have 98%+25% = 123% total health, even if cap 100%. You can't take more medkits when above cap though). This is possible manually in the console command "give health X"

   - Same toggle for armor

   - toggle to change "sv_unlimited_pickup" to 1 (to be automatically when loading new wad)

   - toggle to make automatically pistol start evey level when loaded



Do you know a person to make it possible? Thanks!

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55 minutes ago, Kovalsky267 said:

   - You can set health cap (different than 100%)

Ultimate Custom Doom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=64678

57 minutes ago, Kovalsky267 said:

   - toggle to change "sv_unlimited_pickup" to 1 (to be automatically when loading new wad)

Create an autoexec.cfg file and put "sv_unlimited_pickup 1" in it.

58 minutes ago, Kovalsky267 said:

   - toggle to make automatically pistol start evey level when loaded

Pistol Starter: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=71333

And in the latest version of GZDoom there's a pistol start option in the gameplay options menu (since it's a gameplay flag, if you want it on by default, put "sv_pistolstart 1" in autoexec.cfg).

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In theory there's nothing illegal or immoral in paying someone to make a mod, Doomworld administrators delete any posts related to that though. But as Shepardus pointed out this mod already exists.

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6 minutes ago, Metal_Slayer said:

In theory there's nothing illegal or immoral

I wouldn't say theres nothing immoral about it since morality is different for everyone, alot of people believe since files on computers are infinitely duplicable its immoral for there to be anything digital to be paid since its an economic system's job to peacefully resolve issues with scarcity. if not everyone can have something so the system will automatically choose someone like if there's only 1 house in town, it will be expensive so only the richest can get it but what do you do if something is infinite? theres no conflict it should be free but that's more a philosophical thing

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Posted (edited)

Doomworld regulars tend to be extremely skeptical of any sort of "hey, I'll pay you to make a mod" sort of post because the following are very common:

  1. The project pitch is something nonsensical and/or impossibly huge in scope
  2. The offer is insultingly low

The OP is not suffering from #1 at all (which is nice for a change), though #2 remains to be seen. The pitch is clear enough that someone could probably give you an estimate, though, which is a big leap above most such posts.


There are a few cases of commissioned work floating about, but that's generally artists or musicians who know how much they ought to charge for. I'm not sure offhand if there's really been many successful cases for coding, e.g. "paid to make a mod" type deals, 'cause of the two bullet points above, so this is somewhat uncharted territory as far as the community is concerned. That and most people's maps have the words "here be dragons" written over that spot. ;)

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1 hour ago, Xaser said:

Doomworld regulars tend to be extremely skeptical of any sort of "hey, I'll pay you to make a mod" sort of post because the following are very common:

I think it also rubs people the wrong way when this is someone's first (and in many past cases, only) interaction with the community, like this is Fiverr.

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Hello, thank you for the info. Since I don't know how to make wads/mods, I was looking for someone to do it, and I felt paying would be fair. But, if people are skeptical, then maybe it wasn't a good aproach.


I just needed a otion for:



 - Toggle that enables: if you take more health from a medkit/stimpack that would add up to more than you current health cap, you add it above the cap (example: if you had 98% health, and you would take a medkit, you would have 98%+25% = 123% total health, even if cap 100%. You can't take more medkits when above cap though). This is possible manually in the console command "give health X"

   - Same toggle for armor


do you know a mod of this sort?

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9 minutes ago, Kovalsky267 said:

Hello, thank you for the info. Since I don't know how to make wads/mods, I was looking for someone to do it, and I felt paying would be fair. But, if people are skeptical, then maybe it wasn't a good aproach.

Nobody here was born with knowledge of making Doom mods, they had to start somewhere. If you choose to dabble in it yourself I'm sure you'll find support here.

(For this sort of mod it does help to have a background in programming, though, since many of the concepts carry over even if the language itself is different.)


9 minutes ago, Kovalsky267 said:

I just needed a otion for:

do you know a mod of this sort?

I don't know any mod for that myself, but there's a mod called Intelligent Supplies that makes it so you leave behind the portion of health/armor/ammo that you couldn't carry instead of it being wasted (e.g. if you pick up a medikit at 98% health then you leave behind a partial medikit with 23 health). That may serve a role similar to what you're trying to achieve.

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Thanks for the infos on the mods, tehy are being quite helpful. Tahnk you very very much!


But, even so, do you know a person with whom I could try to ask for such a mod?

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