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(now on /idgames) NostraDM - A gothic DeathMatch WAD

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Nostradamus is a DeathMatch WAD that contains 11 levels, built in a classic style to mimic the nostalgia of GothicDM and to celebrate its 27th birthday two weeks ago! It supports both standard rules and AltDeath modes, and features Mark Klem and David Shaw's kickass music from the original wad. No written story is included: make one up about killing your fellow (or not-so-fellow) prisoners! Why not pretend that they are blood-thirsty killers who want nothing more than to blast you into pieces?


Huge thanks to @scwiba who gave me a good excuse to create my second project and "NaNoWADMo 2021" which dug said project out of its grave. A big warm appreciation to the original creators for creating GothicDM and its sequel, and setting a standard that has carried over into current modding.



Name: Nostradamus
Map Format: Vanilla Doom
Gameplay: DeathMatch play
IWAD: DOOM II: Hell on Earth

Build Time: Over a year mapping, part-time
Editors Used: Doom Builder X, Paint.NET 4.2.14, SLADE 3, etc.
Tested With: Chocolate Doom v3.0.0, Zandronum v3.0
Known Bugs: No known bugs. Let me know if any!






NostraDM has been uploaded to idgames - it is available to play now!


Download link: (/idgames)

Edited by cocytus

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NostraDM is now available to download from idgames and available to play now! The download link is just above this post - I hope you enjoy running wild and blasting your buddies into pieces!

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