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Games you almost quit (Because you hated it)

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Posted (edited)

Alisa (2020)


The game is soo much like Resident Evil, but I tried it because google says if you play RE you should try it.  The dress thing she wears later on almost made me turn off the game, the combat system felt really bad.  Changed my mind after fighting this boss.  Not to shabby...


This game felt harder then RE, way more scarce on healing items and ammo.  Also.. the puzzles in the game are EXTREMELY DIFFICULT!  





Edited by vanilla_d00m

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Come close to quitting Turbo overkill. A lot of fun but overly long and frequently dickish. I did however quit Doom 64 twice for irritating level design as well as Shadow Warrior 2013 because it was so tedious. 

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1 hour ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Can I put Half Life (plus both expansions), HL2 (plus both episodes) as well as Quake and it's 2 expansion packs? :3


Any game that you almost quit but didn't. 

1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

Come close to quitting Turbo overkill. A lot of fun but overly long and frequently dickish. I did however quit Doom 64 twice for irritating level design as well as Shadow Warrior 2013 because it was so tedious. 


DOOM 64 was hard for me too, I had to use a guide.  I memorized it now and can play through it on medium. 

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, vanilla_d00m said:


Any game that you almost quit but didn't. 


DOOM 64 was hard for me too, I had to use a guide.  I memorized it now and can play through it on medium. 


I didn't find it hard. It was badly designed. Too frequently was progression obscure and some time wasting too like hit a switch, hunt back across half the map to see what it opened only to immediately find another switch. There were some great moments but all too often i found my patience wearing thin.

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Personally, if I’m not having fun with a game, I won’t continue playing it. For me, games are for entertainment and relaxation. So I have a lot of games I’ve quit simply because I didn’t have fun with them, including:


- Serious Sam: The First Encounter (HD Version). Not a huge fan of the “run backwards” combat style and the level design is repetitive, monotonous, and sometimes outright mean.


- Destiny 2. The game has solid movement and gunplay, but there are so many things that turned me off with this game. First, it’s not friendly towards new players. The story goes largely unexplained (no, I’m not watching YouTube videos to get up to speed) and many mechanics are needlessly overcomplicated. Second, it’s “free” to play but you can’t get anywhere without spending money. So much content seems to be based on predatory microtransactions. Third, lots of grind. Some people don’t mind or even enjoy grinding, but I’m not one of them.


- Apex Legends. Its not terrible, but I don’t like battle royale games, and also Titanfall 2 exists and is way more fun.


- Wrath: Aeon of Ruin. It has potential, but the game overall is way too big. Big levels don’t mean much when there’s no variety in combat encounters.


- F.E.A.R. 2. You can’t dual wield pistols!! Dual pistols were a staple of FEAR 1. But nope, can’t have that. Gotta be like Call of Duty now. I quit this one like 10 minutes in once I realized you were only allowed one pistol (even thought you have two hands).


- Forgive Me Father. Game is mostly good, just amateurish in some parts, especially the boss fights, which are what made me quit.

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Duke Nukem Forever remains the only game I ever returned to the store before my 30 day return window expired, returned it, and bought something else. 

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Posted (edited)

Warhammer 40K: Fire Warrior.

  • Cheaply made, uses stock sounds for almost everything (sci-fi consoles making rotary telephone noises will never not be funny)
  • shoddily rushed together with no care and attention to small details, things such as corpses and small objects have frequently misaligned textures which create a bizarre feeling of surrealism (when it isn't actually trying to do that).
  • endlessly frustrating with such insanity as suddenly erecting a literal kill barrier before your very eyes in your face or spawning enemies with the capacity to insta-kill you simultaneously in your face and behind you (complete with full red screen flashbang).
  • Explosions that can kill you through level geometry, which is great when they had a reoccurring boss fight against an enemy that spams explosives, dying behind 3 walls in a different room from something you never saw.
  • It's actually a secret story about Ultramarines, again.
  • The gameplay is shit and doesn't make sense, the Tau are renowned for their accuracy and range yet ironically the Tau equipment can't hit shit and has artificial recoil in the form of the bullets just coming out fucking sideways, the enemies bull rush you or just stand there and eat shit (even funnier is when you both stand there missing each other because both of your gun barrels are apparently bent).
  • Maps are less labyrinths and are more just incredibly wide and long corridors that either lead to a button that opens something 7 miles back or a dead end.
  • All the spoken dialogue can be described as "intern mumbles gibberish into Nokia, radio filter added in post by deaf man".
  • The worst part is that there is no music for the entire game.

Almost gave up 3 times, toughed it out and boy my only reward was getting to talk shit.

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Red Faction and SiN are probably the games I've hated most, since they were either jank or weirdly designed (Who's idea it was to add a bomb defusal objective ENTIRELY dependent on RNG in Red Faction?).

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I would have to say Quake 2 remastered. I mean don't get me wrong the remastered was great.....but the game play was boring. I love the first Quake game but Quake 2 was kinda more of a slug then fun.


That and Bendy and the Ink Machine: I still think it's a fun game....but man the bugs in it and the lack of updates to fix the game made me legit quit playing it.

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Man that is a tough choice. Mine was Final Fantasy 9. That game had almost no redeeming factor to me except for the graphics and music. I hated almost all the game play and only beat it once just to give it a proper opinion. In my case it was a swift burial and I only praise the graphics and music still.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/21/2024 at 9:02 PM, SpartaKiss said:

Man that is a tough choice. Mine was Final Fantasy 9. That game had almost no redeeming factor to me except for the graphics and music. I hated almost all the game play and only beat it once just to give it a proper opinion. In my case it was a swift burial and I only praise the graphics and music still.

Did u play 7 or 8? I haven't played 9 but I've never heard anyone talk shit about it haha

Edited by tzen

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, tzen said:

Did u play 7 or 8? I haven't played 9 buy I've never heard anyone talk shit about it haha


I played ff1-ff10, and tactics and one of the gameboy ones but didnt beat it. And emued a lot of the other JRPgs that had translation patches and stuff. My RPG/JRPG count outweighs my other genres in hours by exponents. My rough final count on RPGs of most types clocks in at around 80-100 titles with most of those beat at least once.


FF7 isnt my top choice but definitely had a lot of hours clocked on it. FF8 has a soft spot for me because of the Squall personality type hit a home run on that for me and the other characters werent horrible by any stretch. FF8 probably had the most realistic cast, barring some of the rough spots on the story line like the adoption portion, and was probably why a lot of people couldnt relate that well to the characters because they were so normal oriented rather than Final Fantasy oriented :-). 


FF 10 was the last one i beat in that series even though I did touch Final Fantasy Type 0. I never did get into the Kingdom Hearts other than passively watching friends play them.


And as for FF9, it unfortunately just bored me to tears. I love the graphic style and music, but the story and combat was just not great to me. The nicest way I can put it without flame-bashing it into oblivion is that I was just not the intended audience for that game.

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11 hours ago, Murdoch said:

I didn't find it hard. It was badly designed. Too frequently was progression obscure and some time wasting too like hit a switch, hunt back across half the map to see what it opened only to immediately find another switch. There were some great moments but all too often i found my patience wearing thin.


Fair. I enjoy the atmosphere and slower pace compared to "regular" Doom (it's the only version I feel comfortable playing via controller), but on my latest playthrough, I noted how I blew through the first dozen or so levels with glee, then switched to only playing one or two maps per session so I wouldn't burnout or ragequit. I generally don't get on well with longer maps or obscure progression, but... I guess I've just played other stuff that was more obscurantist and got on my tits more? And so Doom 64 is at a kind of tolerable level for me - a comfortable level of grating on my patience. Maybe because the aesthetics are doing so much lifting.


Ready or Not

Initially enjoyed it, gave it the benefit of the doubt when it was in early access, and I think I could've lived with the primitive, wallbanging AI in something aiming to be a successor to the SWAT series; but the devs seeming to go out of their way to not address the issue just made me peace the heck out of the whole mess.



Each time I've attempted it (once more just this weekend), I've got like an hour in before I stopped caring. I want to explore the vast ocean. I just don't want to collect resources or faff around with crafting or bother with coming up for air every ten seconds. I do "get it": that's how progression is gated and there's a lot unlocked when you reach each platform, and that is both challenging and enjoyable for other folks. But I just can't with semi-abstracted resource gathering in games anymore - hitting random nodes to get drops is something that MMOs absolutely killed for me. Next time I boot it up, I'm going to go with full tourist mode and gawp in childlike wonder at all the underwater horrors.

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One day in November of 2022 I was sick at home and decided to waste my day off of school playing Duke Nukem Forever since it was in my Steam backlog. In a single nine hour long sitting, I had endured the entire campaign and then promptly left a negative review that reads, "I played this entire game in one sitting and can confidently say that cutting your face open with a piece of glass is a better Duke Nukem experience than this." By the time I got to the final boss, the only thing that kept me going was a sunk-cost fallacy because I was just muttering my regrets up until the credits rolled. I had only gotten that far because up until then it was a game that was so bad that you could have fun just riffing on it, but if I hadn't watched Civvie's video on it when that came out and didn't realize the Hoover dam was just about the end of the game then I would've had no idea how much longer I'd have to play and would've given up right there.


I will say though that probably my favorite part of the entire playthrough was one of these horrible "I'm going to quit this game right fucking now I swear to God" moments: there's a section where you're driving a monster truck and have to make a jump over a valley or something like that. After at least 20 attempts and it being seemingly impossible, I looked it up suspecting that it wasn't my fault and in a horrifying twist of "how the fuck does a glitch like this even happen," you need to turn off v-sync for whatever reason and that will magically give you more air, allowing you to easily make the jump. The utter shock and confusion I felt from that realization will never leave me so long as I live.

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Posted (edited)



Final DOOM TNT Evilution MAP31 Pharaoh.  I wen't EVERYWHERE and pressed the USE button on almost every spot on the map.  After quiting in frustration, the internet said you need to download a patch for the map so you can get the yellow key.  Then you can finally finish the map!


I had already completed Final DOOM but the Pharaoh map has good music and I wanted to finish it.  I used IDCLEV to get there.  I wasn't aware you get there via MAP15 secret exit (from google)

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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HL2 and its episodes, 100%


Too many puzzles, not enough gun go shoot, make my brain hurt

Damn good story tho, if a little morally flat. It's the only reason I stuck around really

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