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What Non-Standard Command-Line Parameters do you use?

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Topic is as title suggests. I'm talking stuff like -nomonsters or -warp. I'm expecting a general roster for all of us including the aforementioned -record, -skill, and -warp - but there could be a few people that use specific commands for niche purposes.

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Posted (edited)

dsda-doom and PrBoom+ have the -geom (or -geometry) parameter to set the resolution and whether the game's fullscreen or windowed (e.g. -geom 1920x1200f for 1920x1200 fullscreen, -geom 640x480w for 640x480 window). I sometimes use it to run the game in a small window when grabbing a screenshot. There's also -fullscreen, -window, -width, and -height to set each of those individually. Another one I use is -vidmode (sw or gl) to set whether to use software or OpenGL rendering.


In my launcher I have separate entries for dsda-doom and dsda-doom with OpenGL rendering (this dates back to when PrBoom+ and GlBoom+ were separate programs, but I've kept it like that because I find it convenient). I used to have the GL one run a shell script that launches dsda-doom with a separate config, but by using -geom and -vidmode instead of -config, I've gotten rid of the need to maintain a separate OpenGL config file in sync with my main config; the OpenGL script just launches dsda-doom with the usual config and adds "-geom 1920x1200 -vidmode gl" to the parameters (the -geom is because I run software rendering at a lower resolution).


dsda-doom has the -assign parameter to temporarily change a setting without saving it to the config, which I find useful in a variety of situations (testing settings, changing settings while -viddumping a demo, switching to a different input profile that unbinds the restart level button while in an ironman run). I was also using it for my OpenGL script until just now because I only discovered the -vidmode parameter while writing this post (I was doing -assign videomode=OpenGL).


I also use -noautoload with dsda-doom when recording demos to avoid loading cosmetic WADs that I have in my autoload folder, which aren't allowed by DSDA rules. This parameter is also available in Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, Woof, and Nugget Doom, but with the latter two it also prevents loading the extended HUD, which I don't want to skip (I also never bothered putting anything in my autoload for those ports so I don't need to use -noautoload anyway).


dsda-doom writes stats to the dsda_doom_data directory, so when I don't want to track my stats (e.g. I'm just testing a WAD and don't intend to play through the whole thing) I use the -data parameter to redirect those stats to my /tmp directory (note that this is also where save files go, the -save parameter doesn't seem to work with the "organize my save files" feature).

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-fliplevels in Crispy Doom, for fun when playing iwad levels sometimes. even weirder with -flipweapons


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This parameter, as the name suggests; just enables the multiplayer-only things and despawns all the multiplayer-excluded things. so it's a great alternative to -solo-net for people who want a UV+ mode

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On 7/23/2024 at 11:09 PM, No-Man Baugh said:


This parameter, as the name suggests; just enables the multiplayer-only things and despawns all the multiplayer-excluded things. so it's a great alternative to -solo-net for people who want a UV+ mode


My map testing future self thanks you!


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13 minutes ago, prfunky said:

My map testing future self thanks you!

Likewise, thanks big G.


If I'm going to be honest I'm actually using this thread as a way to gauge what command-line parameters people use, but aren't added as proper "options" in most launchers (ex. ZDL) like -skill and -warp and -file are. This is for yet another attempt at programming Doom launcher - but this time I do it better, and with an actual niche to make it worth using.

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4 hours ago, prfunky said:

My map testing future self thanks you!

Important to note that -coop_spawns only exists on a few ports, so make sure your port supports it before testing.

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