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forgettable pyromaniac

Change where custom things are in the editor.


I'm making a few custom replacements, notably a Grey Stalagmite that replaces the duplicate corpse in Decorations.

image.png.0a17c8ac80396879e32c7134d36829a7.png Here it is, in Decorations.

I wanted to see if its possible to move things around so they're next to eachother (assuming I renamed them "Stalagmite (Brown)" and "Stalagmite (Grey)", for instance)

image.png.46403bd210be6524fbabe55ded4c6f5a.pngWhere I'd want to put it (decorations)

IDK if it's like... Hard-coded IDs that put things in specific folders, or how that works, but-
UDB, Vanilla No-Limits (Crispy), Dehacked.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

I have never used DecoHack (I don't actually know what that is, as a matter of fact, need to look that up).

DECOHack is an editor like WhackEd that allows you to create and edit DeHackEd patches. The benefit over WhackEd is that you can control the state flow much better. This in turn allows faster iteration and doing small modifications without having to manually control how each state works (though vanilla requires you to do that from time to time due to hardcoded behavior).


Here's a post on how to set it up (follow the link provided, we're getting into Inception levels of referencing here). It talks about MBF21, but you can set it up for vanilla with minimal changes. For more examples, I'd look into 1000 Lines 3 project instead of Eviternity 2, since it's a vanilla set and also provides a DECOHack source file.


16 minutes ago, forgettable pyromaniac said:

I could do the configuration thing, though that is a little scary.

It's fairly simple, just look at the configurations files you find in the Configurations folder and see what they do. Editing a configuration is mostly about "find and replace": scrolling through the file, finding the stuff you want to be different and changing them or adding to them. Things like the config title, and the THING TYPES that you want included. For the thing definitions in the Include folder, just follow existing examples in the other include configs.


But yeah, if you're using WhackEd you kinda have to go the configurations route, because as far as I know, WhackEd does not provide a functionality for adding Editor keys. And adding the manually to the DeHackEd patch is tedious (and you'd also have to redo it each time you make modifications).

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It looks like it's in alphabetical order. What happens if you call it Stalagmite Grey?

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9 hours ago, Stabbey said:

It looks like it's in alphabetical order. What happens if you call it Stalagmite Grey?

It'll remain in the decorations tab, but be moved downward.

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How did you replace the name? Just in DEHACKED?

I wonder if UDB's DEHACKED parser handles some editor keys...

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Posted (edited)

There's two ways you can approach this:


1. If you're using DECOHack, you can use Editor keys. Not all of them are supported by DECOHack, but you can search for "thing editor keys" from "DECOHack help.txt" to see which ones are. Below is an example that sets the editor sprite and category for a thing. Note: Sprite is for UDB, EditorSprite is for SLADE, same for Category (UDB) and Group (SLADE). You can create your custom categories as well, or use existing ones like I did in the example.

	thing 81 BigLamp "Big Lamp"
		//$Sprite "LAMPA0"
		//$EditorSprite "LAMPA0"
		//$Category "Light sources"
		//$Group "Light sources"

		//rest of the definition

2. If your project is big/complex enough (or you're using WhackEd), you can set up a custom UDB configuration. If you navigate to your UDB installation folder and go to the Configurations folder, you can find all the different configs that UDB uses for different map formats and source ports. If you want to make your own, copy the base one that you're using, which is probably Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format), and modify the details inside to match your project (it should be relatively straightforward). Next, you need to create your own thing includes, which means you need to navigate to the Includes folder inside the Configurations folder and write your own config file (like MyCustomThings.cfg) and follow the same syntax as all the other files (you can use the Doom_things.cfg as a reference). Once you've created it, you can add it as an include in the actual editor configuration file you created before. If you made everything correctly, it should pop up as a configuration in UDB when you next run it. Remember to activate it from Tools -> Game Configurations!

EDIT: You can also combine these two approaches by adding the editor keys via DECOHack, and creating custom categories via the config. This way you don't need to define more than just the categories, since most of the useful editor keys are supported by DECOHack.

Edited by Aurelius

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24 minutes ago, Gez said:

How did you replace the name? Just in DEHACKED?

I wonder if UDB's DEHACKED parser handles some editor keys...

Yeah, I'm only using DEHACKED.


18 minutes ago, Aurelius said:

DecoHack + UDB Explanation...

I have never used DecoHack (I don't actually know what that is, as a matter of fact, need to look that up).
I could do the configuration thing, though that is a little scary.

I am using WhackEd4, though.

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So yes, I've checked and UDB does support editor keys in DEHACKED. I should have remembered it did, but it's been a while.


The difference is that since DEHACKED does not use // but # for its comments, editor keys start with #$ instead of //$.

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