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I need help.


I need a tutor to teach me how to properly edit modern GZDooM.


Most of my knowledge is out of date, and I have learning disabilities that make it very difficult for me to learn the new standards and formats.  My projects are a mismatched muddle of frequently contradictory formats.  They are a real mess. 


Please don't tell me to look at the wiki.  I have been doing that for years and it hasn't done squat for me.


I am looking for someone willing to tutor me and help me learn how to fix everything that is fouled up right now.


I am not looking for someone to fix everything for me.  I am seeking someone to help me learn to do the work myself.


The patience of Job is an absolute must-have requirement.  I have ADD and the memory of a goldfish with Alzheimer's.  Be prepared to hear seemingly dumb questions and be prepared to hear the same questions repeatedly as I forget things over and over. 


How forgetful am I?  A few months ago I found a really nifty article on vanilla DooM editing tricks on one of my flash drives.  I was really excited reading this article, figuring I could learn some new tricks from it, until I reached the halfway point and realized the article was written BY ME. 


I also have a habit of working on projects in short bursts.  It is common for me to work intensely on one of them for a week or two and then not touch it at all for weeks or months. Be prepared for questions to arrive in a similar manner.


If you are willing to help and willing put up with me, please message me.  You will get an invite to my Discord server and we can take it from there.


Many thanks in advance.


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Ask away.

I'm sure that more than one person will be willing to help.


For myself, I do not use Discord, but either the forum or PM would be ok.

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Posted (edited)

I continue to wander around blindly.


Are there any good tutorials on GZDooM that I can consult?


I don't mean basic editing tutorials.  I have been editing since 1995.  (I already know the little tick mark on a linedef indicates the right side of a line.)


How do I properly set up an IWAD IPK3?


How do I use ZSCRIPT? (I continue using fragglescript because that is what I learned for DooM Legacy)


My DECORATE lumps have a mix of different formats, mostly due to the fact the format standard was changed while I was learning it. I was so confused at the time that I quit trying to edit DECORATE for over a year before trying again.  I eventually copied from varying sources until I got something that worked.


Please don't tell me to look at the wiki or paste text from the wiki here.  I have been scratching my head looking at the wiki for years. It does not help.  If I was able to figure it all out from the wiki I would not be asking for help.


I am tired of looking blankly at the wiki.  I am tired of looking through other people's files trying to reverse-engineer what they have done.  I am tired of having to figure everything out without clues.

Edited by Boingo

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