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nicolas monti

Form vs. Content (WIP megawad): E1 and E2 ready for testing!

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Nice! Getting strong Favillesco vibes from this! What's the reason behind the project name though?

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awesome news but if i may suggest itd be neat if you could record more video walkthroughs of your maps since some of them feature secrets that can be pretty tricky to figure out!

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11 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Nice! Getting strong Favillesco vibes from this! What's the reason behind the project name though?


thanks! There are 4 favillesco episodes but I guess people generally refer to the alpha ones.

I don't get very meaningful with names, I think of form vs. content as an analogy of layout vs. gameplay, I tend to focus on layout and then to make gameplay to work with that specific layout, some mappers plan it the opposite way.

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Oh, I know there are 4 Fav episodes, I replay those every year! Thanks for the explanation regarding the name, I never would've guessed.

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20 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Nice! Getting strong Favillesco vibes from this! What's the reason behind the project name though?


I may, I think this time there are some easier secrets though

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5 minutes ago, 97th Century Fox said:

Oh man I was just talking about you in another thread and you drop this soonafter! I'm eager to give this a spin once I get the time!


thanks man, I made the whole episode in 15 days, I'm kind of burned out, I'll take a little breath for E2

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34 minutes ago, TMMMS said:

ive never seen those imp sprites before are they from the id vault?


They're from a 1995 wad and they are also used in doom3 smiley head safari, I e-mailed the author to credit him but no response, it's been 29 years, who knows..

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Exitos como siempre Nico querido, estoy seguro que va a ser otro megawad exitoso 👍

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On 9/24/2024 at 1:07 AM, FEDEX said:

Exitos como siempre Nico querido, estoy seguro que va a ser otro megawad exitoso 👍


Gracias brother, es trabajo duro pero vale la pena cuando uno hace los mapas como a uno se le da la gana sin seguir trends XD

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14 hours ago, netcurse2000 said:

Are you using custom weapons in this megawad?


Not really, just the alpha sprite replacement for the weapons, lost souls, enemy fireballs and the cheap xeno-imp 1995 replacement!

Edited by nicolas monti

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Just played through episode 1. The atmosphere is great like always, with my favorite maps in that regard being monorail and paranoid. 

However, the gameplay got really difficult for me at times, mainly because of the abundance of shotgunners (I was playing on HNTR btw). It seems I have a harder time with your Doom 1 wads in general, as Solve et Coagula was also more of a grind for me. Either way, I'll leave episode 2 for another time, since I've gotten quite burned out. Can't lie though, those E2 screenshots do look really interesting. Anyways, good luck with making Episode 3!

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