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What would be the scariest demon to face IRL?

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To "face" in this context could mean multiple things, but suppose you're assuming the role of an ordinary, unarmed civilian on earth after the demonic invasion.


I don't think there would be a single demon in Hell's roster that isn't scary, but I think the scariest one to encounter would probably be the Dread Knight.  

"...Epinephrine regulators modulate the Dread Knight with an unbroken flow of rage-addled adrenaline, while its endorphin receptors have been synchronized to respond with the use of its arm-mounted blades."

"...With each kill, the Dread Knight is injected with a flood of artificial dopamine. As a result of its augmentation, the Dread Knight is driven by a biochemically engineered state of pure, unbroken rage--"


Looks wise, this title would un-arguably go to Doom 3's Hell Knight.

"...It has no visible nose, and its deformed ears resemble those of a human, fused to the sides of its head. Its obscure eyes are very small and black, located on the sides of the head just above the mouth. Characterized by its low-pitch guttural breathing and growling, it is easily the tallest non-boss enemy in the game. Assuming the Marine is 6 feet tall, the Hell Knight stands about 10 feet tall."

If that isn't the epitome of horror I don't know what is. Even the most prepared, trained, and well-equipped marines would freeze in their presence.

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Explosive barrels. Toxic waste can have a catastrophic environmental impact, and I know for a fact I lack the impulse control to not blow them up on sight.

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the scariest i think would be the chaingunner because a) he will kill you on sight and 2) i dont like his facial hair personally
the least scary i think would be the cyber demon because he is friend shaped and dispenses happy missiles

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Icon of Sin would be pretty surreal to encounter. A giant grinning face that spits skull cubes that transform into other demons, with a screaming severed head on a spike inside of its brain.

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Cacodemon. It's the most freaky-looking monster in Doom - basically, a floating head that has little resemblance to Earth fauna, and the few recognizable elements that it has point to it being a dangerous predator. I have no idea why people find it cute.

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1 hour ago, Captain POLAND said:

Any former human, if they used to be someone you knew.

I second this but also the Pain Elemental, as it spawns Lost Souls endlessly. Real life ain't -complevel 2 so you'll be swarmed by screaming skulls very quickly.

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spectre when you're in a dark room. You can't see it, but you sure can hear it.

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Archvile. You face him and all the sudden AHHHH IM ON FIRE PLEASE HELP GET IT OFF OH MY GOD OH MY GOD

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I think it would be either be the guardian of hell or the arch-viles because the arch-viles would resurrect you and kill you constantly, while the guardian of hell is just a big boy and would crush me just by freaking poking me.

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3 hours ago, Captain POLAND said:

Any former human, if they used to be someone you knew.



The Doom novels do a pretty good job describing them and it really puts into perspective how horrifying they'd be. At least with other demons you have a high enough chance to survive by dodging their fire/plasma balls, but a walking corpse that knows how to operate a firearm is pants-pissing material. Of course (depending on the game) most of them don't seem to understand how to reload, but a stinky, deteriorating zombie who's half-rotten brain can only think "SHOOT" is very scary.

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The cacodemon is a giant skin mouth, with razor sharp teeth, with a green eyeball, that can float around at will. Unlike many of the other two-legged monsters, it has totally alien characteristics and it can always outrun or out-height you.


edit: oh yea, and it can shoot FIREBALLS

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I have to say that the spectre and arch-vile are the worst for me. A quick yet invisible beast which devours you alive, and a surreal humanoid demon who engulfs you in flames. 'nuff said.

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The Mother Demon/Resurrector. Yeah, the siege cow's loud and intimidating and all, but have you heard the Mother Demon screeching? Imagine hearing that thing's shouting amidst it burning everything to the ground faster than an Arch-Vile ever could, not to mention it canonically has resurrection/rejuvenation powers just like an Arch-Vile.

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Chaingunner zombie. Yes, there are tougher demons, but I don't stand a chance against any of them and would have to run away, except maybe a single Zombieman or Lost Soul. But most of them have slow attacks that I could dodge or run away from. Not the Chaingunner. His attack is a hitscan attack that hits so fast that I wouldn't have time to escape.

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Cyberdemon most likely because not only they can blow you into pieces, so will your house and belongings. Rockets are no laughing matter, unless you and your house have the dodging skills of a speedrunner.

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Really, in real life with even 1 bullet being severely damaging and easily fatal, the scariest must be the simple hitscanners.


I think we could find it in us to take a cyberdemon by wearing him down if we had weapons, and just having to be brave, hold our nerve and not lose our heads.

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The rotten version of Imp, Mancubus, Cacodemon and rotten Nobu are some of the scariest I faced on After Doom. They are just sick version of the originals and the place you encounter them is even worse. These would sure be scary as hell in IRL.


Other one is Flesh Wizard from Project Brutality is quite scary. It's scream is horrible. I found one chasing and attacking me on the last part of Doom2 map 06 where there were no other monsters left, and its sound was very unpleasant. Can't imagine one chasing me on a lonely place.

Edited by Yousuf Anik

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Spider Mastermind: a giant brain with arms and a face, armed with a rotary cannon, mounted on giant spider legs, and is highly intelligent. 


They likely are the ones behind all the traps, monster closets, unusual architecture, and most frightening, unthinkable tortures.

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Honestly, I used to be terrified of the Doom 3 pinkys when I was growing up. Seeing a huge blob of vicious flesh chasing after you would be terrifying, especially at high speeds.


Arch-viles would be a close second for me, but this also comes from me writing an attempt of a horror story involving one, so go figure

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