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Speed of Doom - Megawad Project *FIXED RELEASED*

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Only the author can re-upload the file.

Because the file is corrupted by mediafire.com

Right. I keep forgetting people can just throw the zip on the exe in ZDoom ports, so assumed the above two people who said it downloaded fine also unzipped it. My bad. :)

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Oh no! Really really sorry people, I don't know how that happened. :-/

Okay I've reuploaded and it should work this time


Sorry about that :(

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This is some quality shit. I like hard maps but, I didn't care for the difficulty spike going all over the place. 9/10 positively :D

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So wait, is this some sort of preliminary test release? I thought I still had to send you something before the 28th.

Oh yeah, for those of you who now have the chance to play it: DO EET NAO. This a serious Cacoward contender, no questions asked. :P

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Played "all maps", I like it (played 1-5 straight, started dying at 5 so got bored of playing normally, IDCLEV'd each map and went at full speed until death, then IDCLEVing to next one). Very reminescent of Kama Sutra. So far, my favorite is Map28.

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Jimmy91 said:

So wait, is this some sort of preliminary test release? I thought I still had to send you something before the 28th.

Oh yeah, for those of you who now have the chance to play it: DO EET NAO. This a serious Cacoward contender, no questions asked. :P

Yeah, kinda like that ;-). The final version'll be released/uploaded to archives on the 28th.

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Is there a specified version of any particular source ports that this WAD has to be played in? (I'm obviously using zDooM 2.2.0)

Currently at Map 02 and, after killing the PE nabbing the Red Key and returning down the elevator, it stops on a floor with 2 Demons as well as two sections containing HOMs (behind the Demons as well as the opposite wall).

Just wondering if this was intentional by the author or an unavoidable aspect of the map.

I'll continue my searches throughout the day...

EDIT: After obtaining the Red Key and returning to the main start area several HOMs appeared in various locations (the upper area of the slime fall cavern for instance).

(Replaying Map 02 from the beginning now several HOMs have appeared and blocked my way to the Red Key this time around)...

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Sorry Joshy, I know I should have been testing it, but I've been really busy this week.

Edit: One thing I will say now though, is that the door opened by the red switch at the end of MAP01 should perhaps not have the LIGHTBLU textures around it, since they were around the blue key door, suggesting that this red key door can actually be opened by a blue key.

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While I also enjoyed Map28, I found that the sheer number of sectors were severely dragging down my pc's framerate when I turned to see the massive number of mountains. (And the pc I'm using is an AMD Athlon 64 with 512mb memory and a 200GB hard drive.)

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Decided I'd try going backwards with fdas, and was quite interested by map29. I only got past the bfg in the 15 minutes or so I had but it plays well so far. One try (think it was the first of 3 or 4) was kinda funny as I'd been using the RL and chaingun and when I ran out of bullets I automatically switched to the ssg and wondered 'when the heck did I pick that up?', and then I slaughtered some hell knights and barons. heh.

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About the rest of the maps in this megawad, I really didn't mind the difficulty curve going everywhere... but that's because I was used to beating Hell Revealed so many times, I'm practically used to such.

Edit: I apologize for the previous version of this post, because that was meant to go to the scoredoom thread.

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A bit late here, but Joshy wanted me to throw up a mirror for this release. Not sure if it's needed now, but I went ahead and did it anyway :)


By the way, I've already played through the entire megawad in an earlier test release, and I had a blast doing so. I'm normally not very good at maps of this sort of difficultly caliber, and I did have to do a fair amount of saving and restarting, but I loved the epic scale of the maps and how well the gameplay was executed. I knew I was trudging through some pretty good slaughterfests, but they didn't make me feel utterly helpless like some other, similar maps tend to do. Really good stuff, most definitely Cacoward material :D

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Thanks for the mirror Mech :-)

@Khaoscythe: The megawad is not restricted to particular ports, it should work just fine with zdoom (I pretty much tested with skulltag software mode and prboom+) and didn't see any of those HOMs and couldn't see anything wrong either hmm.. Could you be more specific as to which linedef it was exactly, or take some screenshots? Would appreciate it.

@Doomhero85: None of the slimepits in Map02 should damage at all.

@Stewboy: It's cool :-)

EDIT: Yeah, am aware of how much Map28 can lag, Prboom+ should work okay, even for a lower spec system.

Thanks for the comments so far.

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EDIT: Yeah, am aware of how much Map28 can lag, Prboom+ should work okay, even for a lower spec system.

I've experienced slowdowns with both PrBoom+ and GlBoom+ on my rig (C2D 2.4ghz, 8800GTX, 4go ram) when looking at the main area. Still playable, but I suspect if I'm getting slight slowdowns with that config, it might be bad for lower spec systems. Doom doesn't seem to like these extremely large and high open areas filled with monsters.

It gets better once a decent number of enemies are killed, so by taking the teleport leading to the imps/demons first, and clearing everything there before moving on to the main area, the slowdown isn't so bad. Once ~1500 enemies were killed, the map became smooth for me.

Still a fun BFG map, some would say too easy perhaps but that's how I like it.

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The height differences in the beginning of map5 are stupidly annoying. It's also a bitch to pistol start. Plus the nukage gap between hell knights that contains 2 cacos is rather wide ... I never got beyond opening the bars to the left of the start so you'll have to wait until I cool off (say, 3 days) and try it again.

maps1-4 I merely dislike as I hate hitscanners. I got fed up with 4 and just started trying to run through it so my fda sucks, and 3 I only got through cause I found the plasma gun, but like I said I hate hitscanners and avoid maps that feature them, so I suck at dealing with them beyond general poking in and out of cover.

I'll eventually post my fdas excepting the bigger slaughter maps. Speaking of which, I want to kill whoever made it. Those 2 arch-viles in the little rock formation are so cheap -.-

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Possibly serious sequence break possible on map6 regarding the 2 switches that lower for the red key. Or maybe it's a speedrunning 'feature', idk ;)

Fdas of maps 1-6 + some craptastic attempts of map29. I found a route for the beginning near the end of em but demons and arachnotrons love to hug me. Sorry I didn't get around to commenting on em but I thought this map06 thing worth bringing up.

@ doomhero; I'll look at it -E:snippity.

E2: forgot, I always record with prboom+ complevel 9 for boom compatible maps.

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I found that maps 26 - 30 were all super-insane. My fdas, had I recorded any, would have been horrible based on my first plays. I would however, love to see a UV-max of maps 26 and 28.

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armouredblood, could you please use other host than speedyshare? it's blocking my country's ip's and i'm interested in those demos.

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