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What WAD are you playing now?

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I just finished Lost Civilization. What a Wad! Although I prefer the more traditional levels, I don't mind explorative maps/Wads every once in a while. I didn't really enjoy MAP20 very much though. I thought it overstayed its welcome.

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I decided to replay the BTSX series in case E3 drops unexpectedly, I'm ready to start playing E3 right away. Slim chance that one I know it's been a decade, but hey almost the same thing happened when I decided to go and replay Eviternity. The sequel seriously released as I was playing through the last 3 maps. Wild coincidence or premonition, you decide.


That being said, for some reason I don't remember BTSX having a 100% custom texture set and was pleasantly surprised when revisiting it. I got to say it looks mighty fine and I hope E3 comes out so that the rest of the community can start using the set in due time. I also forgot that there are "intermission" maps without monsters and got mad paranoid running through an empty level expecting the worst at any moment, lmao.

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Playing through plutonia for the first time, its kicking my ass but its a fun challenge


most of the time.

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How is this shit still going after 12 hours and 43 minutes??? There's still five maps left before the IoS! I can see why these were rejected from PL3, they're too damn long in addition to somehow being even less Plutonia authentic than PL2.

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Downloaded RAMP, snowave and DBP64 but only gotten partway through them. Enjoying though.

Also want to pick up Pirate Doom 2 since it seems like a hearty party of demon slaying delight.

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Playing Ultimate Doom for now then moving in for some Doom2 action.


Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards

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I've been chewing on Junkfood 3 and so compelling and sugary is it that I felt compelled to do a paragraph or two review on each map, and I'm about halfway through the whole buffet table compared to how I bounced off Junkfood 1 about ten maps in. Could just be the monosodium glutamate making me do that though.


To cleanse the palate, I've also been playing Pirate Doom 2 - which has been a joy to play through with its vibrant colours, light hearted tone and MBF21 trickery. Both of these wads are Cacoward material to me.

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MAP23 of Alien Vendetta, came back around for screenshots, going to be doing Sunlust afterwards for teh 1st time!!1

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Since I missed the release of Sigil II, I'm playing that right now. Just finished map 1 last night. 

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Hit MAP16 of Sunlust in a day of playing recently, it's shaping up to be one of my favorites.

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Kinda tryinjg to complete Triton II.

Very beautiful and atmospheric wad, like PSX Doom


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For a bit, I was trying to play the Heretic megawad Tenebrum for GZDoom but despite generally good design, doesn't seem to add too much new beyond the custom monsters and things get a little grindy, even though I was playing continuous. So today, I played a wad with the filename of jdagenet_novis made in early May of 2021 that wasn't too bad, and looked nice, though overly generous with rockets. After that, I started another random map called Reminisce Evil, which I must have downloaded....for some reason. Next up is a episode for E2 called ZOOM made by AustroDoomer and it ain't too bad. 

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I just finished Doom The Way Id Did, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfamiliar has proven too mazey for me, I spend most of my time lost and not playing the game so I switched off to Back to Saturn X and I've been very pleased with it so far!

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I recently finished replaying Memento Mori 2. It still holds up rather well and I still think this megawad has some of the best custom music.

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Posted (edited)

@Lizardcommando Yes, killer soundtrack! Any WAD that uses Mark Klem's music automatically goes up by a 1.5 in overall rating.

Reached MAP22 of Sunlust, such a good megawad, far exceeded my expectations having not had any going into it.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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MAP22!? MAP21 isn't even available yet...


Been trying out Corruption, good stuff so far.

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0mfg I fucked up so bad I meant Sunlust WHY DID I TYPE SUNDER.


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Final Fantasy IV emulated, as well as previous FFs (still emulated) and a couple of Dragon Quest (emulated again xD). Going into an jRPG phase right now, I guess.

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@Katamori Maybe you should rename the thread to What WAD are you playing now? so people don't get confused with the What Video Game Are You Currently Playing thread lol.

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On 4/30/2024 at 2:21 AM, Drago said:

Still trying to complete Doom 2 ;_;


I believe in you! It's worth it, don't give up!

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Phocas Island 2, that I guess won a Cacoward in 2006. It's gameplay is far from traditional Doom, probably sharing more similarities with Alone in the Dark, Quest for glory and other 90s adventure games with some incorporation of other genres. Extremely well-realized environments, some evidence of repetition but pretty cool no matter what it may feel like!

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I have been playing What lies Beneath and it's fantastic. Superb atmosphere and who doesn't love a mansion with secrets? (Resident Evil 1 Remake for the win).


Another wad that I am going through is Doom 2 in City Only but it's a really solid WAD that I am having great fun going through. A bit slaughter-ish but still great fun.


In Non-Doom I am playing Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria, a fantastic PS2 RPG, and after 30 hours, I am grinding my way through the Palace of the Venerated Dragon (which is kicking my ass). Fantastic RPG if you ask me.


I have also been playing a lot of Escape from Tarkov SPT which is just amazing. I love the atmosphere, guns and sound design. Their work is legit some of the best in the industry in terms of realism so it's brilliant. If you don't like multiplayer toxicity and cheating, take a look at SPT. Speaking of tactical realism, Call of Doom will release this month so I definitely will be downloading that.

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Posted (edited)

Currently in Batman Doom and remembered how great was its OST, espiecally that batcave tune I'm sure I heard it first in another megawad.


However I'd advise against playing it on DSDA. The elevator sound rendering is quite disturbing.

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Second playthru of Eviternity since three years ago, on episode 5, second to last hell level. I'm prepping for the sequel immediately after, as I'm hearing nothing but great things.

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Epic 2. First 5 maps are over with and none of them are big yet but once again I admire Eternal's thought and care that he applies to his craft.

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