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Exporting maps in Doom Builder 2

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I have been referring to the online doom builder manual while using Doom Builder 2, and for the most part, it has served me well, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to export my maps with DB2. I know that there is a specific menu option for exporting, but how can I do it in Doom Builder 2.

In case you are wondering, I'm using ZDOOM to run my wads.

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Why do you think you need to "export" your map? The map you saved can be played directly by the sourceport that it is made for.

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CodeImp said:

Why do you think you need to "export" your map? The map you saved can be played directly by the sourceport that it is made for.

Its made for Zdoom, and it's not running. It only works when I test it through DB2.

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vinnyslamgemi said:

Its made for Zdoom, and it's not running. It only works when I test it through DB2.

If your map makes use of custom monsters and/or other resources, you'll either have to include them in the command line when running ZDoom or use another editor to import them into your wad.

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vinnyslamgemi said:

Its made for Zdoom, and it's not running. It only works when I test it through DB2.

If the map runs without problem through Doombuilder2, then let me ask you this: What namespace did you specify at the start of editing your map.

If it was other than MAP01, then you have to run ZDoom and warp to whatever namespace the map was saved with.


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How are you attempting to run your wad with ZDoom? Command line, drag 'n' drop, an external launcher, or what? Also, is it crashing or giving you an error, or simply failing to load at all?

If it works when you run it from Doom Builder (with the ZDoom executable configured for testing), then that means it should work; what DB essentially does is pass your wad (and any added resources) to the specified engine, as you can do yourself from the command line.

From what you've described so far, I'm inclined to guess that you're simply trying to run your wad incorrectly, but it's tough to know without more information.

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vinnyslamgemi said:

I named it under the typical Doom 2 naming conventions...

What exactly do you mean by typical Doom 2 naming conventions

vinnyslamgemi said:

Could it just be a fluke?


Well, from all the answers by people trying to help you, you probably realize by now that we are not given the gift of mind reading.

Uploading your map would be best. Use http://www.mediafire.com/ . If you cannot or will not make your pwad available for perusal, then a screenshot, at the very least, of the MAPxx namespace would be helpful. Use http://imgur.com/ .
For example:

when opened with Slade3

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Ill upload a screenshot later, but my map is named MAP01 and ZDoom keeps on telling me that a the WAD cannot be found. I'm not using any extra textures or monsters, just the ones that are already from the DOOM2 original WAD.

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jdagenet said:

Has this error happen too you before or is this the first time it's happened?

This is the first time its happened to me. I run Ultimate Doom and Doom II perfectly on zdoom.

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vinnyslamgemi said:

This is the first time its happened to me. I run Ultimate Doom and Doom II perfectly on zdoom.

Have you made custom maps before?; Did you update Doom Builder between then and now?

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vinnyslamgemi said:

This is my first map I have tried making. And I'm pretty sure I'm using the most current version of DB2.

Could you try posting the error message here or, try to explain it. I'm not really sure why it's not working for you.

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Make sure your IWADs are in the GZDoom.exe directory when you go to play your map, thats the only thing I can think of that would work.

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vinnyslamgemi said:

They are all in the proper directory, but I just keep getting this same message every time.

Does it give you the error if you try to play it with ZDoom? Maybe you'll have to re-install GZDoom. I think I had this happen too me before and I think I just deleted GZDoom and downloaded it again but I don't fully remember.

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jdagenet said:

Does it give you the error if you try to play it with ZDoom? Maybe you'll have to re-install GZDoom. I think I had this happen too me before and I think I just deleted GZDoom and downloaded it again but I don't fully remember.

Yep, it's only when I try to launch it through ZDOOM. I even re-installed it, and tried both newer and older versions, but I kept getting the same message. I feel like I'm not meant to be able to play my WADS outside of the testing in DB2!

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vinnyslamgemi said:

Yep, it's only when I try to launch it through ZDOOM. I even re-installed it, and tried both newer and older versions, but I kept getting the same message. I feel like I'm not meant to be able to play my WADS outside of the testing in DB2!

Can you play other custom maps that other people made or does it give you the same message? I know what you mean, when other people get something to work but you, out of all people, can't. It's frustrating.

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phobosdeimos1 said:

Re download gzdoom, put the iwad you want into the gzdoom folder
drag and drop the LEVEL2.wad onto the gzdoom application

does this work?

Not with this specific map, but that method works with others I've downloaded. It's strange.

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vinnyslamgemi said:

Not with this specific map, but that method works with others I've downloaded. It's strange.

Uploading the map is essential, do it so we can look at it thoroughly

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