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Baron of Hell Sculpt

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Just exposed muscle in general. The implementation of the idea was great. But it looks like it's been injured, which takes away from it's standing as a lord of hell. It needs to look sleek and unscathed, like it is the boss of it's domain. This looks like something that can be injured now. Does a "Baron of Hell" sound like something that can bleed easily?

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Haha I know what you mean man, I do see how the exposed muscle could leave you with the idea of a weaker Baron, so I'll probably drop the exposed muscle. I do agree the Baron unlike the many lesser demons should have that Hellish perfection quality about them.

However in my vision of the hierarchy of Hell, despite being Demon Handsome, I imagine the Barons have to prove their worth to the lesser Hell Knights, most often by face tanking and dominating other Barons, uppity Hell knights and Cacodemons, which scars and battle damage come with the territory.

Also are the new set of horns to your liking?

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Absolutely, the horns are great now.

I get what you're saying about proving themselves to the lesser hellspawn...but that sounds like rules of the wild. These are hell nobles. The equivalent of officers. Dissention in the ranks just to prove a point to some wimpy pinkies sounds beneath them. Perhaps some scars, but nothing quite as fresh as exposed muscle tissue.

Have you thought about just a wicked scar going across it's chest or face? Or numerous scars on it's hands and forearms?

How about an eye patch and a trench coat with a one way ticket to New York or L.A.?

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I think it would be interesting to mostly cut the ears off, have skellital holes for the ears, and in this picture where the bright spots on the ears are, I think it would be really cool the have some sinew that would look alot like that, do you know what I'm saying? Fantastic work btw, you're very skilled.

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Paging Maes. Maes, please report to this thread. Sweet, sweet demon parts, Maes.

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Hey guys, sorry again for the late update, took a break from the Baron and working on a couple other models at the moment, thought I'd give you guys a small update on the Barons face.

Also what is every one's opinion on the new Baron of Hell design that id software released? I have to say I'm quite pleased, probably more relieved that they went straight up demonic Demon with the horns and giant build.

Oh... And not a chance TraceofSpades, this ain't no Dante's inferno.

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Hell ya this looks great. As for the new baron I think the face looks pretty derpy, but it doesn't really bother me. Actually I like your barons face more. It's hard to compete with the original though (@ id). The original baron looked sinisterly pissed, the new one looks kinda goofy pissed with it's buck teeth. Over all I'm so happy a new doom is coming out that I don't care though. I wonder what it's insides look like. We'll find out soon =D.

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First of all, thanks for getting rid of the ears, they do not go well with the Baron.

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MrGlide - Thanks man I appreciate the kind words, at first, being the dyslexic person that I am, I read that you thought my Barons face was derpy, I was like wah... My, my child's face is derpy looking? But I do agree about the new Doom's Baron, he does kind of have this crossed eye I'm a brick shit house that runs through walls and he don't care look about him, not knocking the design, I think it's rather cool. Personally I always kind of viewed the Baron as possessing a cunning intelligence mixed with a I run through walls and don't care look.

TraceOfSpades - Come on man, you were grasping at straws there :) My plan for that region of the body is the wooly legs, plus a kind of loin cloth made of Imp skin, with one or two skulls from an imp and human strapped to it as war trophies, and don't fear, there will be a plain Baron and trophy Baron.

HavoX - Yeah as much as I didn't want to take his ears away, they were causing me too many issues for very little pay off, plus I figured a giant hell beast like this either evolved to not have ears, or all Barons at some point in their life have had them torn off.

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