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what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

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Looking into making a multi map wad. Up to map 2 at the moment, thinking about doing 8 all up, seems like a decent number to finish at.

A pic from the first map.


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More Doom 3 monster, weapon, and item models. Figured out how to make muzzle flashes work!





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turns out when you combine my perfectionism with the goal of a map a day you get some really short maps


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Working on Woody World Episode 6...... 1 map down, 3 to go


Episodes 1-5 for your amusement can be found here:



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If all goes to plan, RC1 will be out next week. In the meantime, here's a trailer:


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Here, have a map that takes more than 3 minutes to uv-max, because you're epic.


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Posted (edited)

The last image(s) imprinted on the eyes of the only surviving Mark-9 Holothurn Synthetic human.


1571960258_EchoesOfADyingWorldThe.png.0abecb40066b343463488d23d8466312.png2054959730_Home.(2).png.bcd441e7cdcc520434b5c527c6f3396c.pngnote this was for a wad that will never be released, its just a work of fiction i've cooked up in my head.

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7 hours ago, Wo0p said:

Even Doomguy needs a vacation from time to time. And of course he goes hunting/fishing...




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didn't have time to map yesterday so I did MAP04 today


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3 hours ago, InTraining said:

Been working for a while now on a 6-level icy temple themed set, slowly, slowly chipping away...I think I first sketched out these maps like 18 months ago but am now finally starting on 5 of 6 with an end in sight, can't wait to release it! These are just shots from MAP01




Looks great :D I might just be partial to any icy/snowy Doom map but still, great aesthetics and architecture.

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10 hours ago, Wo0p said:


Looks great :D I might just be partial to any icy/snowy Doom map but still, great aesthetics and architecture.

Thanks! All my projects before this were vanilla, both in compatibility and art, so there was a big learning curve in using custom textures and have thousands and thousands of options all of sudden. Still feel like every time I scroll through the massive list (courtesy of the lovely AAtex set) I discover new material. 


Just started MAP05 in earnest this morning, hope by the time I wrap up the first five levels I think of some kind of ending for the finale...




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2 minutes ago, InTraining said:

Thanks! All my projects before this were vanilla, both in compatibility and art, so there was a big learning curve in using custom textures and have thousands and thousands of options all of sudden. Still feel like every time I scroll through the massive list (courtesy of the lovely AAtex set) I discover new material. 


Just started MAP05 in earnest this morning, hope by the time I wrap up the first five levels I think of some kind of ending for the finale...



Hehe yeah I know that struggle. My doom mapping started with me downloading every known and unknown texture pack from across the interwebs and attempting to navigate that ginormous pile in UDB. It takes some time to pick and choose the texture sets (and even individual textures!) that you want to use. Now I primarily use OTEX and bits and bobs from Duke Nukem, AVP and some custom tex lists provided by another mapper here on Doomworld :)

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I decided that episode enders for the WAD I'm working on won't be speedmaps, so instead of MAP05 today you get MAP06 feat. the most obvious Eviternity II MAP32 visual influence ever seen and inevitable self-rockets



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3 hours ago, AshtralFiend said:





Daaaang that looks awesome. Great work and great pick of textures :) I'm especially in love with those teal / cyan windows in the first image.

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