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7 hours ago, Arrowhead said:

Unnamed Small Otex1.1 Pack: MAP01: 'Soggy Showdown'


This map gives me some strong vibes of Frantik DM 3's map 11: Jungle Canopy. Looking forward to the level's release!

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This is a map for a new deathmatch pack I'm working on that includes Eon weapons.

Lair of the Sand Demon.











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On 6/13/2024 at 1:21 AM, DRON12261 said:

Made another weapon

New melee weapon for Eternity Engine 4.03 - Force Gauntlet with the mechanic of accumulating damage before a punch:
If you hold down the LMB, the player will begin to accumulate punch, the longer you hold it, the more damage you will end up taking during the punch.

During a berserk, the damage is doubled.

There are 4 stages of damage accumulation, the transition from one stage to another can be distinguished by a specific mechanical sound and visually by the changing sprite of the stretching arm.
Stage 1 - 100 (200 with berserker) damage, will work if you just press the LKM.
Stage 2 - 200 (400 with berserk) damage, changes the sprite of the outstretched arm.
Stage 3 - 350 (700 with berserk) damage, the sprite of the outstretched arm changes.
Stage 4 - 500 (1000 with berserk) damage, maxed out, at which point the player keeps his left arm maximally extended at the center of the screen, allowing for better aim before punching.


Noice, I love meleeing in Doom. More visual impact (some screen shaking, enemy being thrust away) would be appropriate, because this thing is OP!

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On 6/27/2024 at 12:06 PM, CravenCoyote said:

Wondering if anyone will recognise this little recreation I've been working on...




And it looks like a screenie from an AGA Amiga. Are you doing a full conversion of Alien Breed 3D2: The Killing Grounds to GZDoom? It would make a wonderful companion to Project Osiris from Arcturus. Color me psyched!

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1 minute ago, Steve D said:


And it looks like a screenie from an AGA Amiga. Are you doing a full conversion of Alien Breed 3D2: The Killing Grounds to GZDoom? It would make a wonderful companion to Project Osiris from Arcturus. Color me psyched!


Absolutely correct! Thread here

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28 minutes ago, CravenCoyote said:


Absolutely correct! Thread here


Wow, that is so totally beyond awesome. You made my year!!!!!

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Unnamed Small Otex1.1 Pack: MAP04: 'Stagnant Slaughter':





A new level for this currently unnamed little DM side-project I'm working on!


Aiming for 8 levels!


Onto MAP05!



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12 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

Unnamed Small Otex1.1 Pack: MAP04: 'Stagnant Slaughter':


Digging the gradation on the greens and browns, and the cute, contrasting pillboxes.

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So I looked at a post someone made about "can you add/make custom levels for DooM SNES?"

Answer? Absolutely! And honestly once you're set up it's actually fairly easy! Just keep in mind you can't recreate any Sunder or Sunlust map since, ya know, SNES be limited yo.


Here's a small compilation of a DooM project I released back in 2018 but I converted E1M1 and E1M2 into SNES versions! :D




The spawn room. Note: the pillars are grey for some reason. Guessing not all DooM 1 textures are in SNES DooM.



The next room over.



Another angle.



Near the exit.




The starting staircase.



The main hallway. FPS isn't that bad here considering.



A dead body. Also, that key sprite looks fucky-wucky. XD



Near the exit. I've noticed 256 AKA full-bright causes sectors to be rendered almost 100% black. Guess the SNES port dislikes full-bright sectors. Wonder if 255 or 254 would be better?



B e d s .


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