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Some screenshots of my Second Mix map (A mix of Doom E3M4 and Doom 2 Map 28)




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Unnamed JimmyTex Deathmatch Pack: MAP01: Forbidden Research:






Made a quick deathmatch level w/ JimmyTex, as I hadn't used it for a while.


It's some kind of futuristic research base!


Might turn into a pack, might not - I'll have to see how things go.




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Unnamed JimmyTex Deathmatch Pack: MAP02: Ashes and Glory:






It was a two-map day. I might even start a third.


Anyway, this is some kind of molten basin w/ 2 large decrepit brick buildings that you can travel between easily.


I might as well start the next one. Got some ideas rattling around in my head.




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1 hour ago, Arrowhead said:

Anyway, this is some kind of molten basin w/ 2 large decrepit brick buildings that you can travel between easily.


Loving these giant kilns.

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7 hours ago, DoomGappy said:


tag the yellow key as mp only it'll be funny

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Unnamed JimmyTex Deathmatch Pack: MAP03: Decrepit Tech:






Third map is done!


Some kind of acid-drenched rotting techbase!


Gonna start the 4th level for this tomorrow! Already got some ideas for it!




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This is the last area in my mapset. You'll escape the island in that experimental fighter jet.


Now I'm racking my brain in trying to figure out how to have players actually climb aboard inside it from the top of the jet. Do I use portals here for this?

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