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On 8/27/2024 at 1:00 PM, hipshot said:


One of the appearances made me go bananas, like when Chuck appeared in Expandables 2. 

There were 2 character reveales that I had to look up after returning home from the cinema.



The first one was Chris Evens who played The Human Torch, however - Deadpool thought that he was someone else in the film. Since I haven't seen any of the other MCU movies - I didn't realize that he thought that he was actually Captain America (Chris Evens has played both parts).


The other character being Gambit from the Xmen. Turns out that the deal with him is that there was going to be a standalone movie with him, but it never saw the light of day. He has a line in the film that alludes to this fact. I of course originally didn't know this at first.


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Unheard (2023)


A girl undergoes an operation to have her hearing restored and ah, there are some unexplained side effects.




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Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)

Watched it last year at the movies! As a fan of the franchise I think they did a great job for both making a good adaptation but also a good movie for people who haven't played the game due to how simple and self-contained FNaF 1's lore is, detached from the rest of the franchise's lore. Pretty good watch, would recommend!

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