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[McD] James

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13 hours ago, Panzermann11 said:




That second one there looks mighty suspect, chief.

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Taken this morning when looking for the comet. It started in roughly the right part of the sky.

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This showed up on my YouTube feed, it changed the way I see Hurt Me Plenty difficulty (In a bad way)

I miss the days when I thought two barons throwring fireballs at you in E1M8 was alot to handle.







Edited by vanilla_d00m

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Weird AI shit, astrophotography edition.



On the left is a starless image of Pickering's Triangle in the Cygnus Loop. On the right is one of Google Photos Magic Editor's Stylized versions of that image.



And here we have the same deal again, this time for the Horsehead Nebula in Orion.

Edited by Grazza

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I just tried to generate this art to AI image with prompt "Blue skinned girl with lapis hair, fox tail and fox ears cosplays Sailor Moon". And here's a results:




Edited by Taw Tu'lki : Two arts are closer to Sailor Moon characters

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2 hours ago, Face_man said:


That book of spells must have been written in the Dark Ages when all knowledge of cheesemaking was all but forgotten... 


Oh wait, writing was all but forgotten back then too.

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My go-to site for all matters witchcraft is the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft in Holmavik, and it confirms the magical power of cheese in this respect, although the right symbol needs to be carved into it:





"To win a girl: Carve this stave on bread or cheese and give it to her to eat."

Edited by Grazza

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