Title: 40 minuter
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/40minutr.zip
Size: 330.31 KB
Date: 12/14/21
Author: mxbobbie49
Description: This is a 14 map vanilla compatible wad where each map is made in about 40 minutes, Originally i was going to make a full 32, but the more maps i made the worse they were getting, i made about 17 maps until i stopped, so instead i put all the best maps into one wad. The maps are very short, and they are actually kinda made in about 45 or sometimes 50 minutes because after my 40 minute timer runs out i took another 5-10 minutes finishing and putting an exit to the map. In general the wad isnt very hard.

The episodes: Episode 1: Maps 1-7 are sorta episode 2 ish and techbase-ish Episode 2: Maps 8-14 are hell themed, note that map14 is supposed to be the "secret map", so its not really meant to be the real boss map or anything.
Credits: Id Software, Bobby Prince, Team TNT
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 40 minutes X 14
Editor(s) used: Ultimate doom builder, SLADE
Bugs: None
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