Title: Mortal Soul: Into the Deep
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/msthedeep.zip
Size: 634.38 KB
Date: 04/07/24
Author: Stupid Bunny
Description: A large, subterranean map, set deep enough under the planet's surface to house a bottomless cavern where natural light cannot penetrate. Atmosphere was the main focus of this map, along with scale and a slow ramping of challenge. Formerly occupied the MAP12 (penultimate) slot of Mortal Soul as conceived in its final form.

This was made from 2010 to 2011, sporadically over a year, and has gone through a few rounds of edits and improvements. Some of what I think are my better maps emerge as they go from the chosen music and I think this is one of those; it uses a midi adaptation of the Catacombs music from Turok: Dinosaur Hunter.

=== MORTAL SOUL === Mortal Soul was not so much a project as an amalgamation of maps I was made between 2010 and 2021 that were loosely strung together into a narrative that was never intended at the outset. By all rights they probably ought to have been released as separate maps to begin with--they have no thematic consistency, despite my efforts to try and foist one on them, and many of the are quite large so they probably become more tedious as part of a set anyway. Given that I've sat on them for so long, and that I no longer feel they really need to be a set, or are worthy of the time they've been waiting for release, I'm finally comfortable releasing them one-by-one now. If I ever find the motivation to finish the remaining few maps, and the talent to draw the boss animations I've envisioned, then maybe one day it'll be re- released as a single WAD.


The portal led to another planet, untold millions of light-years from Earth, orbiting a rogue star on the far fringes of another galaxy. The planet was serene, unspoiled, a ready place for human habitation. But humanity had by this time learned a lesson or two about leaving portals open. After a thorough sweep of the planet found no threats, the first few ten thousand colonists came through, saying goodbyes to loved ones they knew they would never see again, and the portal was collapsed, forever isolating the colonists from the distant Earth. For good measure, a massive military space ark, COSMOS, was orbited over the planet, self-sufficient and staffed with its own elite military should something below on the surface go wrong.

Generations pass. The memory of Earth, for the colonists and their offspring, fades into history. The Space Army keeps a distant watch from its orbital keep, but no portals have opened. No evil has emerged to terrorize humanity's new and by now thriving abode, safe around its lonely star.

A distress call comes over the dusty emergency line, transmitted from a mining facility deep in the planet. You are sent down on a factfinding mission to a remote island military outpost on the surface, hoping to get some much-needed answers there...
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 year, intermittently
Editor(s) used: DB2
Bugs: None, tell me if you find any
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