Title: The Nights Cut
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nightscut.zip
Size: 318.83 KB
Date: 08/11/24
Author: NiGHTS108
Description: I made some maps for RAMP 2024. That project came out [at release of this wad] literally about an hour ago. Initially, going into the project I was fairly fond of the """joke""" of some of my (Most often a Vanilla/Boom/MBF21 mapper) maps permanently being both unplayable on any source port other than GZDoom, and attached to an over half a gigabyte large PK3 of all things. I then accidentally made a map that I liked too much to commit to the joke, so here's a version of all of my maps for RAMP 2024 you can not only play on any Boom-compatible source port, but also for a much smaller file size! Enjoy! (Also contains two map remixes!)
Credits: Just three textures from Hell Revealed and of course, a special thanks to DavidN for making RAMP 2024, and inadvertently, these maps a thing. :) Music: MAP01: "The Healer Stalks" by Bobby Prince from Doom II MAP02: "Main Theme Of Final Fantasy VII" from Final Fantasy VII by Nobuo Uematsu MAP03: "Sweaty Mancubus Armpits" by Metabolist from Hell Revealed II (Sweatier Remix) MAP31: "Holding My Thoughts In My Heart" from Final Fantasy VII by Nobuo Uematsu MAP32: Warsword by Jimmy Paddock
Base: New from scratch, but also seen in RAMP 2024.
Build time: 10 hours or so.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: None
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