Title: Cabro's legacy
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/clegacy.zip
Size: 16.5 MB
Date: 04/15/16
Author: Various (List of maps at the end)
Description: Cabro's Legacy is a compilatory megawad, created in the year 2014 as an homage to the Cabro's mapping tournaments. It contains maps from the top three winners from each year. These tournaments started in the now extinct Cabro's website in the Y2K, and were later continued in the Arcades3D website until the year 2015. They were organized by Cabro in their first entries; and later continued by the Arcades3D users Mojon Man and Wraith, respectively. Rules has changed over the course of time, but these maps are mostly in classic format, with the main additions (and the only two allowed, in later editions) being the sky and music.

All 42 maps included here must be understood and played as individual entries, because they were originally conceived as independent maps. Upon opening this megawad, you'll start the game in a "Portal level", from where you can access to all maps available.
Credits: Eldraku: idea & project leader. VTM: portal map and WAD compilation. Charon: Titlepic. Wong and Zardoz found the older maps. Eye del Cul hosted the project in www.arcaded3d.net. Aluqah added MAP38 to MAP43 and updated the portal map.
Base: All maps from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: Missaligned textures, specially in older maps.
Rating: (49 votes)
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Un excelente wad. x
Forty-two maps trying to prove their existence, with many of them slipping and falling on their faces. Where did this go wrong? A better question is, "When did it go right?" Answer: rarely. Maps taking minutes to load didn't help, either. 2/5x
Getsu Fune
it would be better if the maps were numbered either in the textfile or the hub, so that the one's who like to play in order can do that. anyways, a compilation of maps, some are pretty nice and some are outright ridiculous.x
Eye del Cul
This is significant for the Spanish-speaking Doom community. There are some good maps unpublished here (example: the ones from Ventor Tormentor/Mojon Man).x
Awesome map setx
Pedro VC
better than BTSXx

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