Title: WOOO 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/wooo2.zip
Size: 12.78 MB
Date: 09/01/14
Author: Various
Description: This is the highly anticipated sequel to WOOO! (The ZDoom orientated jokewad that nobody asked for)

This is a jokewad which is meant to be awful, silly and just plain weird.

This time we have more than 32 maps of pure unbridled crap! We have maps that will crush your soul, maps that will make you question the world as we know it, maps that will make you fear pizza, maps that will challenge you and maps that will make you think... For all the wrong reasons!

People responsible for this nightmare: mrthejoshmon, CorSair, scifista42, Walter confalonieri, Pcorf, Cell, Getsu Fune, Breezeep, Crasger, Darsycho, Scypek2, Tylerisepic1, xaser, KalebNoobMaster, aladinthepaladin, Joe-ilya, Death Egg, gobu garu maru, Obsidian, Pure Hellspawn, Jaxxoon R, Obake, sincity2100 and last but certainly not least xnv! (I hope I shamed you all!)
Credits: The people behind the comunity chest 4 texture pack that Breezeep used, some midi files from various un-named sources (gee, thanks for that guys, made my work harder) and those who gave their own artwork and midi files (already credited but hey). Also those guys who commented in the thread, they count too.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple months of procrastinating.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, SLADE 3 and XWE (I like to live dangerously).
Bugs: A lot of intentional bugs... You know, to fit the project goal?
Rating: (37 votes)
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