Title: You Have 1 HP (version 2.1)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/youhave1hp.zip
Size: 982.04 KB
Date: 04/08/23
Author: BeachThunder
Description: A 32-level megawad full of bite-sized combat puzzles & challenges (and GZDoom gimmicks). As the title suggests, you have 1 HP. Kill all enemies to progress.

This is version 2.1. There are a LOT of differences between this version and the original 1.0 release. An extensive list of changes can be found in YouHave1HP-changelog.txt
Credits: *Music:*

-Mephisto's Lament by MFG38
-Superman by Goldfinger.
MIDI conversion via https://www.angelfire.com/ia/maro/midis.html


-Map arrows by m8f (mmaulwurff@gmail.com)
-Doom Text Generator by eevee (https://c.eev.ee/doom-text-generator)

*Testing & playthroughs:*

-Ian Knowles


-32 in 64kb by Luleta
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Many hundreds of hours over 4 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, Whacked4
Bugs: *Using the reset key will also reset the total play time counter. *I have tried to address a lot of the wonkiness of ? (MAP06), but it can still sometimes be a tiny bit wonky. But I guess that's just the nature of portals... *Flooded Courtyard (MAP18) can very occasionally cause some cosmetic oddities when dying, due to the way the level's coded. *I've done what I can to address this, but lost souls that should spawn after the pain elemental dies in The Floor is Lava (MAP28) occasionally don't spawn.
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