Title: AOD (Adapt or Die)
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/aod.zip
Size: 81.8 KB
Date: 02/19/97
Author: Vincent Lozupone
Description: You can complete this level without God Mode, just save it during the game. ***********************GAME DESCRIPTION*********************** I'm not really sure what the theme is; It's a fun level and I think most Doomers should enjoy playing it. Just enjoy the effects and scenery.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: "Deep" by Sensored Based Systems, Inc
Bugs: None.
Rating: (2 votes)
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This level was designed by a man whose surname is an anagram of Lupozone, which is a place where you might find rabbits. The map is decent but odd; there are a couple of large empty areas, including a big underground car park that goes nowhere and has nothing in it. The level feels like a simple castle map grafted onto a maze, but there's enough action. The burning green slime is a nice touch. I'm not sure if the spider mastermind is supposed to be trapped.x

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