Title: Fortress
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/fortress2.zip
Size: 160.58 KB
Date: 04/21/24
Author: Redbuckshot5
Description: !!!This is my first released badass doom wad!!! This wad places you in front of a fortress loaded to the brim with weaponry! If you need to take cover you can hide in a watch tower and shoot at the enemies from there. Hope you like it!

!!!The custom sounds are from "KP3.WAD" by "Kevin Podszebka"!!!

!!!The custom graphics are by me (EXEPT THE GRAPHICS THAT ALREADY COME WITH THE GAME)!!!

!!!The custom midi by https:\www.bitmidi.com!!!

!!!If you have any issues with the wad please email me!!!
Credits: Credits to Kevin Podszebka for making KP3.Wad, credits to the creators of Ultimate Doom builder, credits to the creators of Slade, credits to https://bitmidi.com for the midi file and of course credits to the creators of Doom II (ID Software) for creating this amazing game.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 Week
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: !!!In Dos the switch texture is glitched!!!
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