Title: Nostradamus
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/nostradm.zip
Size: 1.25 MB
Date: 09/14/24
Author: cocytus
Description: Nostradamus contains 11 vanilla DeathMatch maps built using a classic style akin to the GothicDM series. The WAD supports both standard rules and AltDeath modes with emphasis on absolute chaos. No written story is included: make one up about killing your not-so-fellow prisoners!
Credits: Ryath's NaNoWADMo2021 that dug the project out from its grave. Adelusion and others associated who created GothicDM. Jimmy for creating both the Gargoyle Wing and Apostasy fonts. Mark Klem and David Shaw for creating the kickass music!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Over a year mapping, part-time
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder X, Paint.NET 4.2.14, SLADE 3, etc.
Bugs: No known bugs. Let me know if any!
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