Title: Monument to Samael
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mts.zip
Size: 276.76 KB
Date: 07/21/24
Author: TheCaneOfTheTophat
Description: "A massive shrine stands atop a mountainous pile of dark ash. A gateway to the depths of Hell is somewhere within the monument."

A hefty, detailed, and dark Hell map for Vanilla Doom.

Ultra-Violence is leagues harder than Hurt Me Plenty. More than what one would expect. I'd recommend playing Hurt me Plenty first unless you're confident that you're very handy with the chainsaw, excellent at dodging Revenant projectiles, and quite possibly clairvoyant ).
Base: Completely from scratch
Build time: What does it matter to you, anyway? :P
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder X, SLADE
Bugs: - Do not try to save the game on DOS, lest you suffer the unholy wrath of the save buffer overflow error. - On the cliffside area, you can experience a vissprites overflow. It's not very noticeable, though.
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